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I sold my xbox for drugs

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    I sold my xbox for drugs

    Yeah.. well, it's kinda still on eBay. But I'm selling it purely so I can put every penny towards buying some Baclofen. I'd like to titrate at a subdued Murphyx level. I know there's no real science to the tritation as of yet, but I'd still like a bit of help getting my head around it! I've read the main topics about Baclofen, but now I'd like to know if theres anyone within my weight / height / age etc. that has successfully titrated so I don't overdo it?

    I'll give you an embarrasing physical profile right now:

    Gender: male
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 13 stone 11 / 88 kg
    Age: 25 years young!
    Alcohol Intake: 600 - 800ml vodka / day
    Girth: 0.5 inc.. errr, relevance??

    So utilising these informative and ultimately scientific measurements, can anybody advise me how best to titrate with Bac?

    Btw, my introductory post (with my own personal moaning story) is here :new:

    Thanks loads

    I sold my xbox for drugs

    Hi Joe,

    I'm similar to you in most respects, but none of it really matters, except maybe age, and I think the younger the better, so you're looking good there.

    I titrated like a loon, but the best way seems to be start of slow - 10mg's per day for a couple of days, then add 20 mg's every 4 or 5 days thereafter, depending on how you go. You can go slower or faster than this, but that's pretty much accepted as the "usual" titration, I think. There's still a bit of controversy, so it'll surprise me if someone doesn't say do something else.

    You mention anxiety in your other post - baclofen helps a lot of people with that, so good luck there. For me the anxiolytic effects kicked in around the 120/140mg mark, others a bit earlier.

    It saved my life, without question. Hopefully it can do something similar to you.

    Best of luck.


      I sold my xbox for drugs

      The anxiety aspect of Bac really attracted me towards it.. anxietys blighted me pretty much aslong as I remember - and especially with the social anxiety which had a big helping hand in triggering the excessive alcohol consumption in the first place. Thanks for replying - I've seen lots of your posts and appreciate you posting here. I ordered 100 x 10mg from unitedpharmacy, but when I've sold the Xbox (for hopefully around ?120) I'm going to order 300 x 25mg from and work it out from there.



        I sold my xbox for drugs

        Oh, btw. I never really liked the xbox. I've always been more of a PC gamer, but I sold my desktop to make space in the living room for baby things and bought a console. Regretted it since! (gimme my bloody mouse to shoot that guy!!!)


          I sold my xbox for drugs

          For sure, PC games are much better. Those joysticks are too hard to control properly unless you are 12 years old. Gone off the lot in the last few years though.

          You'll be amazed how quickly you start to get through baclofen once you are in the higher doses. You don't actually realise what 300mg's a day does to your supplies. With a bit of luck, you won't have to go that high though. We aren't anywhere close to working out what the markers are for who will have to go high though.

          Have a word with Murphy - I believe he has the ordering in the UK down to the finest art possible regarding taxes and the like, which will help with costs.


            I sold my xbox for drugs

            hrrmm so seeing as you're reading this, did I potentially piss off a few users by making that topic in General Discussion? It wasn't my aim but I've lurked an seen quite a few of your posts so I guess you'd know better than anyone :-/

            Gargh it will end! One day Worst thing is, I ordered that 100 x 10mg and promptly started drinking more to make up for the assumed time lost drinking in the future when it arrives.. always been like that, when I set a date to quit / cut down - I end up drinking more :-/


              I sold my xbox for drugs

              AverageJoe;1132030 wrote: The anxiety aspect of Bac really attracted me towards it.. anxietys blighted me pretty much aslong as I remember - and especially with the social anxiety which had a big helping hand in triggering the excessive alcohol consumption in the first place. Thanks for replying - I've seen lots of your posts and appreciate you posting here. I ordered 100 x 10mg from unitedpharmacy, but when I've sold the Xbox (for hopefully around ?120) I'm going to order 300 x 25mg from and work it out from there.

              So, the usual disclaimer that this is not medical advice, but taking bac in conjunction with Xanax REALLY rocks for this. As another poster (bleep?) mentioned, for those of us who never realised we even /had/ anxiety problems, this is a particular bonus!

              Good luck,



                I sold my xbox for drugs

                Everyone goes on about Xanax, but it's not available in the UK, well not from the NHS anyway. Which pisses me off no end.

                Craig :welcome: btw.
                You're ordering from the right place, that's who I use. Always make sure you have enough in reserve 'cos normal delivery from 4RX can take up to a month to get here. It's a pricey old business buying bac, but so's getting pissed...unless you drink Skol Super or some other Tramp Juice, like I was doing towards the end of my drunken times.

                Oddly gaming holds absolutely no interest for me now I'm sober. Well it's not that odd I suppose, it's just another way of numbing the mind really isn't it.

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  I sold my xbox for drugs

                  Hi to All,

                  bleep;1132039 wrote: We aren't anywhere close to working out what the markers are for who will have to go high though.
                  I know that not much data has been collected yet, but I was wondering if you guys think if it has more relationship with the length of the time someone has spent with heavy alcohol consumption, rather than the body mass. I have seen studies and several places I have seen the 3 Baclofen mg / body Kg figure. Several people also has reached indifference at that level on MWO.
                  But then again some people reaches it at 70 mg, and I do not think that many of them would be only 23 Kg .
                  So who knows at this point. It would be interesting to know how many people on MWO claims that they have reached indifference.
                  Any idea?




                    I sold my xbox for drugs

                    Good luck with the Baclofen. I too got into this due to my extreme anxiety and the fact that I have to have anxiety relief to stay some what sober. I get where you are coming from for sure.

                    Also I like that you are a PC gamer as well I feel the same and sold my xbox and games for another medication but that didn't work out. I really think us anxiety sufferers will do best on Bac compared to the others. Also it's so cheap that it's worth trying! Only a few days in myself but already noticing a decrease in anxiety and a decrease in alcohol consumption...

                    So Good luck and welcome!
                    Check out my Baclofen journey at


                      I sold my xbox for drugs

                      Joe, it's unlikely that you pissed anyone off, so don't lose any sleep over it. People tend to stick to the parts of the forum that interest them. I did exactly that as well, especially once I had started baclofen - drank even more. It's the final kicks of a dying beast, enjoy it.

                      Brian, one thing that has been discovered is that weight has absolutely nothing to do with it, as does hair colour, or even hair existence. That's about all we know though regarding this. Time will be, I'm sure, when they have a better idea, but for now it's enough to know that it works if you go to a high enough dose. That will hold true even when they know what the dose is beforehand, so it's irrelevant really anyway.


                        I sold my xbox for drugs

                        AverageJoe;1132042 wrote: hrrmm so seeing as you're reading this, did I potentially piss off a few users by making that topic in General Discussion? It wasn't my aim but I've lurked an seen quite a few of your posts so I guess you'd know better than anyone :-/

                        Gargh it will end! One day Worst thing is, I ordered that 100 x 10mg and promptly started drinking more to make up for the assumed time lost drinking in the future when it arrives.. always been like that, when I set a date to quit / cut down - I end up drinking more :-/
                        Hi Joe

                        Glad you have found your way down here. Your post got some backs up because you basically said "Let's all share what we are drinking here". It gave the impression you were wanting to encourage drinking. Your post wasn't clear which med or method you were looking for, not that you have to be but it appeared to be a potential 'lets all get pissed together it's ok' topic!

                        You've obviously made it clear down here what you are looking for and you'll find lots of support and guidance with meds here as a result.


                          I sold my xbox for drugs

                          Hiya Joe / Craig!

                          Don't worry about offending anyone - you most likely didn't. Even if you did, things move on at a clip. Most people in the "Just Starting Out" section are new themselves.

                          As Bleep mentioned, your "vital stats" have nothing to do with how much bac you'll end up having to take.

                          I started out on a very conservative titration plan myself (basically going on what Dr. Ameisen had done). I tapered my alcohol intake at the same time, the logic being that I would be able to gauge the effect baclofen was having on me better. I had very few if any side-effects at low doses and ended up titrating fairly aggressively until I reached 280mg, when the daytime somnolence and nighttime insomnia hit me between the eyes. From there, I titrated up more slowly, adding 20 mg per week until I reached 270mg and indifference.

                          The long and short of it is that you need to listen to your body and make decisions as you go along.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            I sold my xbox for drugs

                            Ukblonde;1132265 wrote: Hi Joe

                            Glad you have found your way down here. Your post got some backs up because you basically said "Let's all share what we are drinking here". It gave the impression you were wanting to encourage drinking. Your post wasn't clear which med or method you were looking for, not that you have to be but it appeared to be a potential 'lets all get pissed together it's ok' topic!

                            You've obviously made it clear down here what you are looking for and you'll find lots of support and guidance with meds here as a result.
                            Oh! I saw the title of that thread, but didn't even bother reading it - my answer would have been exceptionally boring - tea or Sprite Zero :H:H:H
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              I sold my xbox for drugs

                              Hiya, xbox.
                              Love the title. Makes me titter.

                              The thread you started in the other section made me snigger. (It was in General Discussion, right?) Unlike Tip, that was the only one I read over there. If I hadn't already noticed you here, I would've definitely reached out over there!

                              Yes, being irreverent about alcohol and the disease is not particularly encouraged in abstinence based programs. And it's not funny. But it is, too. Better to laugh at it (while it's whipping us to smithereens) than give into the ****** and give up. In my alwayshumble opinion.

                              Glad you're on your way. Messing with a schedule could be a sure way to mess with success. Maybe not. Better to be safe than sorry. That is actually simply my humble opinion.

                              We don't know WHY it takes some people longer, they have to take more/less, they have SEs or don't. We have some educated guesses as to some of it. I'm going to step out on a fragile limb and offer this:
                              • --What Bleep said. Weight has as much to do with this as hair color/amount of hair. (I'm 60kg, took 340mg to find indifference.)
                              • --It doesn't seem to be related to length/amount of abuse, either.
                              • --Drinking exacerbates SEs
                              • --It could be genetic, though I'm not so sure I'm buying into that anymore.--Youth could be a positive.--Focusing on the goal is definitely a make or break.--Underlying anxiety/issues may influence the process. Not sure.--It could be the alignment of Jupiter and Pluto. Pluto being much maligned these days, it's angry and vengeful. That's a joke, Joe. Though I'm quite sure that there is someone somewhere with a suggestion that this could in fact be true.

                              Hope it's a good day for you! Glad you're here.

