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What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

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    What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

    What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

    Hey everyone.. 1st post here.. hoping to get some experienced help.

    I?ve been struggling with social anxiety since I was a kid (I'm 25 now) And for the majority of those years (14-25) I've been using alcohol to try cover up those feelings in social situations. But this past year it?s been getting a lot worse.. My anxiety is growing.. and so is my dependence on alcohol. It?s pretty bad now, I'm looking for a way out.. I don't want to do this to myself..I have to stop this shit now before I do irreparable damage.

    I tried Prozac when I was 16 but it didn?t help at all, when I was in any kind of interaction I still felt like I had a million army ants trying to eat their way through my chest alien style. So needless to say, that experience didn?t leave me with much confidence in ?pharmaceuticals?... i went back to alcohol.

    Anyway.. Like I said my situation is getting pretty bad now and I?m ready to try pharma again.. I just found out about Baclofen and would like to get my doctor to prescribe this to me. (I?m in Canada by the way) I would like to know if there are any case studies or anything in particular I should mention to help convince a doctor to prescribe this to me.

    Also.. one last question. I haven?t done much research into any pharmaceutical anti-anxiety drugs. When it comes to anti-anxiety, does anyone know of anything more effective Baclofen?

    What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

    Hi Wayout!!

    Hopefully someone else will be along shortly who can offer you more advice than I can.
    Just wanted to say :welcome:

    Do you have a doctor in mind that you were thinking of asking. Most GPs will not prescribe Baclofen. Others on here have been successful in persuading their doctors to prescribe a small amount of baclofen and then they supplement the rest with overseas orders.

    If you do approach a doctor in attempts to get Baclofen prescribed. There are a number of excellent articles posted in this link:

    If you are not able to get a doctor to prescribe you Baclofen, there is always Dr. L who is located in Chicago, Illinois. If you are in the states, he is your best bet. You can reach him by phone and he can call in the prescription to your local pharmacy. Let me know if you would like his phone number and I can send it to you by PM.


      What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

      hi, i 'm from the netherlands and baclofen helps me alot for my anxietyproblems. for me it's a miracle for me have ad too but they don't hellp me as this i was drinking for the same reasons...


        What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?



          What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

          Hi WayOut,

          There is a way out, you've found it, which for me was the hardest part of the whole exercise. The next most difficult thing is, unfortunately, finding a doctor who will prescribe, and who will then prescribe in sufficient doses to make it worthwhile. You'll be very, very lucky to do so, and frankly, I wouldn't bother trying. Do what 90% of the people here have done, and self-medicate.

          There are online pharmacies that will deliver baclofen without a prescription, so go that route. Information can be found here, and I believe it is still current:

          Baclofen has definite anxiolytic properties, but whether it will be sufficient I am not qualified to say. I suppose you would have to try it and see. They only kick in around the 100mg mark for most people.

          Best of luck!


            What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

            Hey, WayOut and welcome :welcome:

            There are number of antidepresants that also have anxiolytic properties, but not to the same degree as baclofen. You could look at benzos like Valium or Xanax. The latter has been prescribed alongside baclofen by Dr. Levin (based in Chicago, the best-known prescribing doctor mentioned on these boards). I haven't tried that combination since baclofen worked well enough for me on it's own. Send a PM (private message) to Lo0p - I know he takes the two in combination.

            I believe Canada's laws are quite strict regarding the importation of medication, so have a look at the various online ordering options and double-check to see what their policies are on deliveries to Canada. As Bleep pointed out, the vast majority of us have had to go the online ordering route, because most doctors won't prescribe above a certain dosage. I managed to get a prescription for a measly 70mg a day but am only using it as backup in case my online orders go astray or are delayed.

            If you do decide to approach a doctor, print out the various scientific studies that have been done on baclofen, as well as a few of the newspaper and magazine articles that have appeared - most of them are linked on the thread Evey gave you a link to.

            Good luck!
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

              Hey everyone.

              Just wanted to say thanks for the advice and the words of encouragement.

              I'm going to make an appointment with my Doc toady.. I'll let you all know how it goes.


                What Can I Do To Convince A Doctor Baclofen Is Right For Me?

                Hey NoWayOut - wish I had something more useful to say regarding Baclofen and the doctor. Just wanted to say I understand where you're coming from with the social anxiety and alcohol. Pretty much in the exact same position as me (25, been drinking since teens due to anxiety) and its getting a bit out of hand. I'm going down the Baclofen route myself. Good luck, will be keeping an eye on how you get on!

