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(Ex-doctor) Phillip Thomas

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    I want to add something about Phill Thomas.

    Of course, my rant above is largely just me venting my frustration at the medical treatment, or lack of it, afforded to alcoholics and there are many good and well trained doctors in the UK.

    I will say about Phill Thomas, that I drove to his village and met with him in his local pub a few years ago. He was not what I expected. He looked nothing like his Youtube videos. He looks like a middle aged respectable doctor. He was completely straight with us, there was no joking about or nonsense. I was quite surprised because he actually seems very conservative and ordinary. We had a pleasant chat with him for an hour or so. I had thought he was going to be a bit odd or loopy but, in fact, he comes across as very genuine, intelligent and concerned about patient welfare.

    On the other hand, I have been in hospitals and doctors practices in connection with this illness, alcoholism, and effectively been told to leave, that no medication would be given, or treatment...

    I would like people to think about what they are posting here. It's all very well to go on and on about PT and what you think might be some kind of con on people. The UK does, however, have consumer protection legislation, police, courts, etc etc who deal with these kinds of issues and it's very unlikely that someone could get away with duping people out of money, giving "medical advice" under the pretense of being something they are not and get away with it. Any one of the people who he has helped will have redress against improper activities they feel he is engaging in.

    What there is not, is any redress for the vast majority of people whose doctors can't and won't engage in alcoholism treatment of any kind, whether it is baclofen, nalmafene or anything else, until it is supported by big pharma and licensed.

    Who are the real villains in this? I think we are again missing the message by posting very inflammatory remarks made by a regulatory body who were, rightly, annoyed, that PT didn't bother to answer their letters and explain what was going on. I am sure they did know he had an alcohol problem, but then, hey, it goes with the territory that they were not going to give him any breaks over that, for all the reasons we all know too well about.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Originally posted by Otter View Post
      I'm not sure why this topic has been resurrected.
      Because there are reports that Phill continues to scam people for thousands of pounds/dollars without rendering *any* services (not to mention that his grasp of Baclofen therapy is dubious at best):

      July 9, 2016:


      I too was conned by 'Dr' Phillip Thomas. He wanted me to send him 750 pounds for his 12 week programme. I told him the most I could afford was ??100 (this was true). I transfered the money into his account by wire transfer. Up to this his communication has been frequent. When he received my money it went dark. Few replies to emails etc. No answer to calls. When I finally caught up with him after some weeks he claimed he had been in hospital for an eye operation. He actually made me feel guilty for losing the rag. At this point I was getting desperate. My drinking was really spiralling out of control. He knew this. He also knew I have six children and yet was still happy to con me from my money. After another round of no contact, I gave up on him. Last week he had the nerve to send me a linked in request to join my network. This is an indvidual with no morals who preys on the desperate. In any case I proceeded with the baclofen on my own with good/mixed results. I have a way to go.
      May 22, 2016:

      I wanted to alert anyone seeking a Baclofen prescribing doctor that I recently communicated with Dr. Philip E. Thomas in the UK who runs a Baclofen website where he states that he prescribes to his many hundreds of patients including patients in the USA. He contracted with me for his 12 week program. I sent him a wire transfer for $2000 USD for his "12 week program". He was friendly, concerned, responded to my emails until he received the money. I never heard from him again. He will not respond to my emails. My bank has confirmed with his bank that he received the money. My bank recalled the wire transfer but Dr. Thomas did not return the money. He provided no services for the money. I saw another posting by someone on another Baclofen forum that said Dr. Philip Thomas was a fraud, don't send him any money. This person said Dr. Thomas took his money and then could not be reached by email or phone. I have filed fraud charges against this doctor. Don't want anyone else to have this happen to them. Don't send Dr. Phillip E. Thomas in the UK any money. He uses many alias to post on Baclofen forums and is still active in his postings, pushing his prescribing handbook and more.
      November 11, 2015:

      Originally posted by Mentium View Post
      I contacted 'Doctor' Phillip Thomas several months ago and foolishly forwarded him some money as a deposit because I had a trip coming up and I wanted to wait until after the trip to start on his 'programme'. I knew next to nothing about baclofen at the time, except having read the Ameisen book and done a few google searches, which is how I found his site. He had a 'special offer' at the time - half the normal price. This should have set off alarm bells, but I was feeling desperate at the time and baclofen looked like a 'way out'. I feel really dumb about all this and can only say I was vulnerable and he took advantage of me.

      In the end I decided to see Dr Chick and go the 'legitimate' route. So I emailed 'Doctor' Phill- and again..and again..and again. Half a dozen times, asking for a return of the deposit. In fact I was willing to forgo it but when I did not so much as receive a response or a note to the effect that deposits were not refundable I realised I had been conned good and proper.
      Here is evidence that Phill has used multiple accounts on MWO to promote himself, often pretending to be "successful clients" of his, and sometimes responding abusively to anyone that calls him out on his motives:

      Originally posted by Report Bot
      George Bailey tripped AE detector
      George Bailey seems to have multiple personalities using B4A and Saturns Rings and Phillip Pirrip and B 4 a and Raphael and George Bailey sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!
      Originally posted by Report Bot
      Phillip Pirrip tripped AE detector

      Phillip Pirrip seems to have multiple personalities using popsicle and cambodia and Phillip Pirrip sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!
      Originally posted by Report Bot
      IpswichTown tripped AE detector

      IpswichTown seems to have multiple personalities using ArizonaMan and IpswichTown sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!
      Phill posing as "Rapael":

      Originally posted by Raphael View Post
      I'm sure that any sane person would be thrilled if Dr OA was still able to practice. Who cares bout phil?

      You said "I find it impossible to believe that any real doctor would be moved to action after reading this vague, unscientific text upon learning that it was self-published by a *de-licensed* doctor"

      Isn't that exactly what dr emesien asked us to do. Yes, or no?

      What's your point?

      Please tell us, 'cos I know that for one, I would love to know.

      The reason I ask?? My doctor prescribed me Baclofen because I sent him to the B4a site. I haven't read the book.

      Just read properly what you wrote. I bet that your turkey dinner is a bit shitty. Glad I'm not coming.
      Otter- by continuing to defend Phill, you are helping to enable this fraud.

      TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


        Without Prejudice

        And a good evening Otter, from a sunny UK

        Just a couple of observations, if I may:

        Originally posted by Otter View Post

        I've not seen any evidence that he was accused of malpractice or did a bad job on this particular patient mentioned. I have read the GMC reports and it only relates to failing to provide photos as provided in the contract with this patient.
        Oh - So thats alright then - Ask your self why he is required him to take photos? - I can assure it is not for the vanity of the patient

        In addition to this breach of medical guidelines, I find it amazing you failed to read

        Originally posted by GMC Fitness to Practice Panel 10 – 12 October 2007

        Mrs I was dissatisfied with the results of her treatment and attempted to contact you on numerous occasions between November 2005 and July 2006; Found Proved
        You did not respond to Mrs I’s repeated attempts to contact you between November 2005 and July 2006; Found Proved

        Between November 2005 and July 2006

        a. you did not arrange for any form of follow up treatment for Mrs I following her second treatment session undertaken on 26 May 2005, Found Proved

        b. you did not make yourself available and accessible to Mrs I for the purposes of her Isolagen Treatment; Found Proved

        By failing to attend to any aftercare, by failing to respond to requests from the GMC to defend his case and by not appearing in court at all - The GMC found

        Originally posted by GMC Fitness to Practice Panel 10 – 12 October 2007

        The fact that you did not respond or provide information in the manner identified in paragraphs 12 and 13 b to c was

        a. unprofessional, and Found Proved


        Originally posted by GMC Fitness to Practice Panel 10 – 12 October 2007

        The fact that you did not respond or provide information in the manner identified in paragraphs 12 and 13 b to c was

        b. contrary to the principles of Good Medical Practice; Found Proved

        One question that bugs me from the report - Why is he referred to as Mr Phillip THOMAS - Not Doctor - Odd that one? - Ah, I hear you ask - It is because he was a Surgeon, an FRCS, a pillar of the medical community? - Sorry, he was not - I checked

        Whilst on the subject of dodgy claims:

        Originally posted by Linkedin
        Medical Director & Head of Medicolegal Department
        Transform Cosmetic Surgery
        January 1994 – April 1999 (5 years 4 months)
        I was the senior liposculpture surgeon for the Group across the whole of the UK and Ireland. I personally performed over 2,000 High-Volume Superficial Syringe Liposculpture procedures, along with some 500 Breast Augmentations. I once did 10 sets of breast implants in one day! It was the day of Princess Diana's funeral. I remember it well.

        Being the only Consultant Surgeon
        in the UK who is also qualified in Law (with expertise in Medical Negligence), I was responsible for all the Group's litigation and risk-management. This included handling all patient complaints across the Group, and writing and designing all the Group's patient literature / consent forms etc
        Errr NO....

        Originally posted by Royal College of Surgeons (Email 18/07/2016)

        I can confirm that Phillip Edward Thomas is not a Member or Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. We do not hold record of a surgeon by this name or GMC number on our database past or present.
        Oh yes, who can forget:

        Originally posted by Linkedin -

        MedicoLegal Consultant / Trainee Solicitor
        Alexander Harris LLC
        June 1992 – June 1994 (2 years 1 month)

        Alexander Harris was then the only UK law firm totally dedicated to medical negligence and drug-related class actions. It is now part of Irwin Mitchell LLC. My particular areas of expertise were in surgical negligence and £1m brain-damaged baby cases resulting from obstetric trauma and negligence. All of this was plaintiff work. I was also heavily involved in the cases of Dr Harold Shipman, Nurse Beverley Allott*, the Birmingham Bone Cancer scandal; and the Myodil class action.

        * - Cannot even spell the name of the person he was "heavily involved" in

        Harold Shipman was not discovered until 1998, Harold Shipman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - indeed on his employers website, she claims involvement from 2000, Law << Ann Alexander

        There is no evidence of him being involved in any of the other cases

        The problem is Otter, that he has mislead the less informed - By using the title Doctor he has by implication (which is not illegal) put himself out there as a "Doctor" as we know the word to imply. A Doctor of Medicine, not a Doctor of Law, not a Doctor of Literature, not even the Doctor in Dr and the Medics - Sure his qualification cannot be taken away from him, however to imply being a "Doctor" since being struck off is at best misleading, in reality it is fraud

        Maybe as you appear to be more familiar with him than most you might be able to shed some light on the more recent claims tk has mentioned

        People - this is the tip of the proverbial iceberg as far as Dr Thomas is concerned - There is a dossier of information already in place cataloging amongst other things:

        Fraud, Plagiarism, Identity Theft, Hyperbole, Professional Disgrace et al - The list is quite damming

        There is currently a Consideration to Action against <s>Philip</s> Phillip Edward Thomas - If you have any experience of Phillip Thomas or have given him money for less than expected return please either, PM me, here on the forum or contact Peter Smith at


        Last edited by Baclofenman; July 21, 2016, 05:22 PM.
        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


          Hi Bacman,

          The lady was "dissatisfied" and she wanted to see photos, which he failed to provide. I had a haircut which I was dissatisfied with. If I could have and was of that mindset, I would have complained. That's not medical negligence. He was struck off because he failed to communicate with her through alcoholism and then failed to deal with the GMC, through alcoholism. I expect all of the things you mention about his grandiose and untrue claims about himself are of the same nature as he was, by his own admission, drinking from early in the day, when working in a hospital, prior even to his working in law. There is no doubt that by the time he was doing what you describe, he was under the influence of alcohol throughout the day.

          I can't and won't defend him against what you are saying. It all looks horrible. I just think a lot of it is related to his condition and one has to take that into account. There wasn't a cure, he was ill, no one could do anything about it, the general view is that everything he did was his own choice, not the product of an illness.

          Blaming him for a lot of this may be a case of trying to suck and blow at the same time. I find it hard to accept that we are here being asked to vilify a man who was suffering from the disease we know makes people do these sorts of things and just accepting that he got what he deserved from a medical profession which to this day will continue to treat alcoholics as though they don't have an illness and can't be treated.

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"



            This vile man takes hard-earned money from suffering alcoholics and then disappears. He has done this time and time again. He is a crook and a fraud and there is no excusing him. He needs to be vilified. Quite frankly, he needs to be put in jail. I don't know how you can continue to defend him at all when he has done this to the most vulerable people.


              Even I was almost duped by his advertising, luckily folk on here put me straight.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                I can confirm that he is a fraud. I too sent him money ( about 700 dollar) and then he stopped responding to my emails. When I realized I might have been tricked, I started sending emails threatining with the police, he then immediately responded that he had been in the hospital for an eye operation. Sounds familiar? Yes:

                "I too was conned by 'Dr' Phillip Thomas. He wanted me to send him 750 pounds for his 12 week programme. I told him the most I could afford was £100 (this was true). I transfered the money into his account by wire transfer. Up to this his communication has been frequent. When he received my money it went dark. Few replies to emails etc. No answer to calls. When I finally caught up with him after some weeks he claimed he had been in hospital for an eye operation. He actually made me feel guilty for losing the rag. At this point I was getting desperate. My drinking was really spiralling out of control. He knew this. He also knew I have six children and yet was still happy to con me from my money. After another round of no contact, I gave up on him. Last week he had the nerve to send me a linked in request to join my network. This is an indvidual with no morals who preys on the desperate. In any case I proceeded with the baclofen on my own with good/mixed results. I have a way to go."

                This could not be the same hospital-visit either, as he was gone 1 week from when I got a hold of him, and the person above stating several weeks. And, he also sent me a request to join his "professional network". This is not an innocent man that deserves us to still keep an open mind towards him, all the reports on him being a conman (even testimonials on his own website!) points to a heartless crook taking money from people already in deep desperation. I hope people start reporting him to the police, if several people do it, they will investigate him and put an end to this.


                  Originally posted by _serenity_ View Post

                  This vile man takes hard-earned money from suffering alcoholics and then disappears. He has done this time and time again. He is a crook and a fraud and there is no excusing him. He needs to be vilified. Quite frankly, he needs to be put in jail. I don't know how you can continue to defend him at all when he has done this to the most vulerable people.

                  He was, to me and my wife, a god send, an angel, who comforted my wife at the bottom a black pit.

                  As far as I am concerned, I don't give a fig about anything anyone says about him, he saved us and I will be thankful to him for his compasion and care and remember him til the day I die. He helped me when no one, no one, no one else would or could. What do you expect me to do, shit on a recovering alcoholic, a caring human being and a friend?

                  Whereas, my wife's "real" doctors, who everyone here thinks are beyond reproach for chucking my wife onto the street are just fine. These doctors took more than my hard earned cash. They abused me and my wife and I can't think about them without getting angry.

                  Do as you please. You haven't met him. He was an alcoholic so go along with what people say about him. It won't change my own view of him which I formed over a period of years, dealing with him day in day out, with no charge from him and boundless support and kindness.



                  Olivier Ameisen

                  In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                    Originally posted by Otter View Post
                    He was, to me and my wife, a god send, an angel, who comforted my wife at the bottom a black pit.

                    As far as I am concerned, I don't give a fig about anything anyone says about him, he saved us and I will be thankful to him for his compasion and care and remember him til the day I die. He helped me when no one, no one, no one else would or could. What do you expect me to do, shit on a recovering alcoholic, a caring human being and a friend?

                    Whereas, my wife's "real" doctors, who everyone here thinks are beyond reproach for chucking my wife onto the street are just fine. These doctors took more than my hard earned cash. They abused me and my wife and I can't think about them without getting angry.

                    Do as you please. You haven't met him. He was an alcoholic so go along with what people say about him. It won't change my own view of him which I formed over a period of years, dealing with him day in day out, with no charge from him and boundless support and kindness.
                    Hi Otter

                    You just do not get it do you - So if an alcoholic mowed down a bus queue, when pissed, that would be ok - Because they are an alcoholic?

                    You seem also to have forgotten that some on the notifications of fraudulant activity are, post the period he was disfunctioning - Or maybe fraud is a trait of personality rather than alcohol induced?

                    Originally posted by Otter View Post
                    and a friend?
                    Might want to rephrase that one?


                    Last edited by Baclofenman; July 24, 2016, 05:37 PM.
                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.



                      I've represented people who have mowed people down while drunk. No, they get long prison sentences. Had they been given treatment that might not have happened. There was none. When Phill came on the scene, there was no one in the UK providing any services of his sort at all. Had he been around, and had baclofen been around...

                      But, you raise an interesting point. The law has not made any allowance for alcoholism, nor have professional bodies, or anyone, for alcoholism. Are you suggesting that this is right?

                      I said I can't comment on the individual instances which you mention but if people have a complaint about him they can go to the GMC, the police or local Trading Standards offices. I have only heard of this one case and had he responded to the GMC, which he didn't because he was in a ditch someplace, drunk, he would only have been given a warning. Whatever you say, this was not a case of medical malpractice.

                      The fact that this resulted in his being reported to the GMC shows it was not malpractice, because the GMC does not deal with negligence, only ethical issues. Medical negligence is dealt with in courts and compensation is paid. I am not aware that this lady ever sued Phill or asked for compensation. She was annoyed he didn't take photos, cuz he was too drunk to work.

                      Yes, I consider him a friend. I don't crap on friends and I don't judge people until I have all the facts and have heard both sides.



                      Olivier Ameisen

                      In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                        Originally posted by Otter View Post

                        But, you raise an interesting point. The law has not made any allowance for alcoholism, nor have professional bodies, or anyone, for alcoholism. Are you suggesting that this is right?
                        Yes, it is a very interesting, if dangerous area

                        I will give it some thought


                        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

