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    Hello All,
    This is my first post. I am 48, and have been a drinker of beer since age 16. I like to drink beer, but of course, I have a serious problem. I have been through an out patient rehab program, but I did not quit after. My drinking typically begins in the morning and goes through the evening...18-24 beers, depending on the day. In the last few years I cut it back to only drinking on Friday night-Monday, so I could work during the week and not feel horrible. I am not, nor do I think I will ever be, an AA person. I have tried numerous times, but it just is not for me. So I started taking Naltrexone recently. I am about 30 days into it. I am reading Roy Eskapa's book, about 1/2 way through it, and I am well aware of TSM. But since I have been taking the Naltrexone, I tend to drink every day. With Naltrexone, I can drink all day and not really get drunk, can function much better, I don't black out at night or cause arguments with my wife, and I do not have substantial hangovers. So, it seems like so far Naltrexone is allowing me to continue to drink heavily without the bad consequences (aside from what I am doing to my liver). I know I have to make an effort to not drink. I think my craving has gone down, but I am so used to drinking beer, that it is a habit. I still get a buzz while on Naltrexone, although not an out-of-control buzz. I just wanted to introduce myself, tell you where I am at. It is about 10:00 am Sunday morning, and I am already on my 4th beer. How will I beat this? Naltrexone is my hope, but so far... :new:


    Hi Budman and welcome

    I have enjoyed great success with Naltrexone using the Sinclair Method, I now no longer have terrible cravings and do not go on extreme binges. One of the major things Naltrexone users do report is that although their consumption may not decrease for some time, they no longer have the nasty effects from drinking. They are a whole lot pleasanter, stop arguing and generally have more control over their behaviour when drunk.

    There isn't a lot of experience here with Nal or TSM, most prefer Baclofen. Have you taken a look at the Sinclair Method forum? • Index page

    You may find it useful since a lot of people report similar experiences, I'm just an annoying anomaly who took to Nal almost immediately without having to carry on drinking at the levels I had been doing.



      Thanks for info on Naltrexone...

      Hey, I really appreciate your response. Like I said, I am only half-way through Roy Eskapa's "The Cure for Alcoholism" which describes The Sinclair Method. I was not aware that my experience of spiked consumption was a common initial effect of Nal usage w/in TSM. Thanks to Timber Tim for his input, too. You guys give me inspiration...

