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Prozac and AD's

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    Prozac and AD's

    I am new so apologies if starting a new thread in this section is not the right thing to do :new:

    Just wondering if anyone else is on prozac and how it affects their drinking. I am now on 80mg a day to help with depression, anxiety and mild OCD, and i don't know where i would be without it, BUT, looking back i think from the day i started my ability to consume alcohol has gone through the roof! For example before i would have maybe 12-14 units and go to sleep (pass out) where now i seem to be able to get through 25-30 no problem and have become used to watching the sunrise.

    Really what i want to know is whether this is just a progression of my disease or if anyone else has notice this on Prozac or other SSRI's?

    Again apologies if this is not the correct place for this post.

    Prozac and AD's

    Hi, Jo. This is the right place to post and I'm glad you did.

    I don't have the answers and I'm headed to bed, but if no one picks it up in the next 6 hours or so I'll see what I can find. You can try the search engine up there ^^ but it's not always effective.

    Use advanced search and keep it very s.i.m.p.l.e so as not to confuse the old bitty.

    25+ was really dreadful for me. Hang in there, Jo.


      Prozac and AD's

      oh! and :welcome: !


        Prozac and AD's

        the only thing i can say that i take ad's too and from that moment i begun to drink more ...and more you need more to get that feeling.... your feelings are less strong and you need to drink through it.... my boundiries where gone....i've read it before that people became for me yes i had the same for many others too

        many people have anxiety here so you are on the right place...but there i very litle known about it...

        welcome :welcome:


          Prozac and AD's

          Nothing to add on the AD front, just the posting front. Post away, and if it's wrong, someone will politely tell you, or your thread will just sink away unanswered. No harm in asking.


            Prozac and AD's

            Interesting question Jo. I drank for various reasons: boredom, unwilling to deal with such a crap world etc, but depression was one of the big ones. Prozac worked for me almost instantly (it stopped working after a while and now does nothing at all for me, but that's another story) and it actually allowed me to control the booze to a certain extent.

            When I started on baclofen, I drank more than before. I think that was because I subconsciously believed that my problem was being dealt with and I no longer had to bother consciously trying to do so. I wonder if that is the effect you are getting from prozac.

            :welcome: BTW

            The unexamined life is not worth living

