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A question for those who have had success with meds

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    A question for those who have had success with meds

    I was just wondering, do you ever stop wishing you could drink like a "normal" person, or does that go away as the meds kick in and the cravings reduce?

    A question for those who have had success with meds


    I found that with my Baclofen dosage high enough- that silly feeling of always "wishing I were a normal person" just faded away. I simply did not care if I ever drank again. It truly was an amazing feeling.


      A question for those who have had success with meds

      Amazing! So with Baclofen are you on it forever or do you eventually go off it? And if you have to go off it do you know if that feeling lasts?


        A question for those who have had success with meds

        Bminor;1134354 wrote: that silly feeling of always "wishing I were a normal person" just faded away.
        Its so incredible that you can now see it as a "silly feeling" ... For me it consumes every thought and feeling i have.


          A question for those who have had success with meds

          The desire to drink is gone, so the question itself sort of fades away. Strange but true.


            A question for those who have had success with meds

            Bminor;1134354 wrote: Hello,

            I found that with my Baclofen dosage high enough- that silly feeling of always "wishing I were a normal person" just faded away. I simply did not care if I ever drank again. It truly was an amazing feeling.

            That pretty much nails it for me, with a major caveat: I do
            drink like a normal person.

            The guys at work are always trying to get me to go to the corner bar with them after work. They all know my story and know that I can pretty much take it or leave it. But I'm almost always trying to behave just because I'm on various phases of my bodybuilding diet. So nowadays they just kind of ask jokingly and shake their heads in amazement. Every once in a while I go with them and have a drink or two. I totally wouldn't mind even going out with them one night and getting plastered like they do every night. But I never, ever drink more than a drink or two and drive, so I've told them, if they wanna see me drunk, they actually have to "remind" me to drink and it'll probably take like 5 shots because there's no way I'll finish 5 drinks and 1) They're buying and 2) I'd need a couch to sleep on.

            I now have standing offers from everyone to do this, including my boss, the owner of the restaurant, who is a severe alcoholic. In fact, I used to work with him (my boss) back when I was a severe alcoholic and drug addict in a different restaurant 8 years ago, and he remembers what I used to be like. He thinks it's pretty cool, amazing and all that jazz but he's not there yet (highly functioning still).

            Anyway, on Saturday they all rolled in late from an off-site catering while I was finishing up the dining room and they wanted me to swing by the bar for a drink so I did. The big boss was going to be there and just a couple of the guys and it sounded nice. I got there ordered a Shocktop (wheat beer) and left $10 on the bar (completely forgetting that my buddy had offered to pay). I looked back 5 minutes later and the $10 bill was still there (so was my beer btw :H). So I chugged half my beer and left the $10. I have to chug the beer, because if it gets warm these days I'll never finish it. And I like to.

            5 minutes later I look back and there's my receipt and a $10 + $5 + $1 bill and two quarters on it. So I ask my boss "What's his name?" pointing to the bartender.


            "BJ! I gave you a $10 bill."

            "Nope, you gave me a $20."

            I looked him straight in the eyes and said: "Are you sure?"

            "Yup." But then he turned around to the cash register and pulled out the $10 bill that I gave him. With a bit of a shocked look on his face he said: "Whoa bro! Thank you!!" And took his extra $10 off the bar.

            It might be a relic from my alcoholic days or it might just be how you're supposed to tip out here in Cali if you know what's good for you but I always double up the tip on the first drink of the night to let him/her know that you're serious. And it always works, they're yours for the night. First in line, every time. This is subconscious behavior for me now, never mind the fact that I wasn't planning to have even one more beer. So I reached into my pocket and pulled out another $1 bill. I took my $5 and two quarters back and left him $2 for a beer that cost $3.50.

            I guess that was the kicker. "Now I have to buy you a shot!" he said "Both of you!" looking at me and my boss.

            "No man I've got to drive, thanks though!"

            "Aww c'mon Ev, " said my boss, "just take one and we'll go back to my house and play a couple rounds of pool before you drive home."

            "Alright, alright," it sounded like a feasible plan, "but go easy on me. Don't give me one of his shots!" I said, talking to BJ and pointing at my boss, who gets triples when he orders singles (for free).

            So he poured us both doubles and we go to toast (I'm looking at mine cringing) and my boss says "you can pour some of that into mine, I don't want you getting into trouble on your way home." He meant it.

            I said "Thank you!" And did just that. I chugged 1/4 of my beer as a chaser leaving 1/4 of it on the bar and ordered a soda water. It went down so fast and so clean. It tasted so pure, so fucking delicious. I slammed it down on the bar and nodded for a refill. Which I got promptly before BJ ever even had a chance to turn away.

            He got his triple and I got my single and we went back to his house and we all played a couple of rounds. We all had to work early the next morning for the busiest shift of the week (Sunday brunch) so the question of: Is tonight the night that we get to see Evan plastered?...never came up.

            He popped everybody open some beers and said, "Whaddya want? A big glass of ice water?"

            Boom! He fuckin' nailed it! "I would love a big glass of ice water!"

            I had a blast hangin' out at the bar and shooting pool that night with the guys. That was three nights ago, and this is my life now.

            Two years ago (June 24th, '09) was the day (in retrospect) I think I decided the only way out of my hell was to die.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              A question for those who have had success with meds


              Just reading threads today. I am so very glad you took the time to write that. It means so much to many of us on here. If you are an alcoholic or addict, I believe we must eventually choose between the two - live or die.
              If you "live" and continue the spiral you will never know life.

              Much appreciation,

              Keep going Jo!

              Oh! And now I know who the pool guy is
              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                A question for those who have had success with meds

                LadyLush;1134594 wrote: Oh! And now I know who the pool guy is
                Shhhhh...! I don't think he knows yet...


                  A question for those who have had success with meds

                  great story, loOp!

                  my lameish contribution is: so sorry you have to work brunch. in 11 yrs of waitressing, that was always the most painful shift. it's grueling, labor-intensive, and the tips are never proportional to the amount of work you do. endless coffee refills, ramikins of this and that. cheapish meals, lowish tips. argh. you have my deep empathy.

                  ...but i thought you lived in fla...?


                    A question for those who have had success with meds

                    great luck, jo. stay the course, i hear it's worth it. you ask some of my own burning questions.


                      A question for those who have had success with meds

                      RudyB;1134622 wrote: great story, loOp!

                      my lameish contribution is: so sorry you have to work brunch. in 11 yrs of waitressing, that was always the most painful shift. it's grueling, labor-intensive, and the tips are never proportional to the amount of work you do. endless coffee refills, ramikins of this and that. cheapish meals, lowish tips. argh. you have my deep empathy.

                      ...but i thought you lived in fla...?
                      Oh no, not this brunch shift! $$$$$ It is our most coveted shift. Bizarre though, working for a chef who just one our areas most coveted "Iron Chef" type prize with a Sirloin topped with a smokey Kahlua espresso demiglace. He's an award winning chef (many, MANY times over).

                      The rest of my shifts are for dinner, but Sunday brunch is our busiest. He makes a chicken fried steak out of an expensive choice NY. We've got the most varied benedict menu in the city: a filet mignon benny, a benny made on a corn cake topped with a pasilla chile, poached egg (of course) and a chipotle hollandaise, a tiger prawn benny...all kinds of good shit.

                      Our clientele is good to us. Tips on Sunday brunch aren't as generous as dinner but the sheer volume makes up for it. Plus we serve endless mimosas for $9, that helps!
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        A question for those who have had success with meds

                        Thanks so much for your story Loop, i find it absolutely incredible and it gives me hope.

                        I hope you don't mind if I ask a couple of questions because i am new around here and i don't completely know your story. I was just wondering how long since you started the bac and do you still take it now? Do you know if it is something you have to take for life or do you stop when you are "cured"?

                        I don't quite know how to put this but are you happy with the way it is now? Do you miss going for a drink each night after work and are you able to relax without it?

                        Sorry if I am being intrusive I am just very confused at the moment.


