So my first post is the start of my own Bac journey, and I'll try keep tabs. If I can edit this post then I'll try and keep it up to date with times, dosages and side effects. Otherwise, just time to loaf around and let the drugs do their thang

I'll be posting titration / journal updates then editing this post with updates - so sorry if you see a bit of repetition!
21/06/2011 - 19:06 - 10mg - before bed. Have drunk quite a bit of vodka an coke but I'm in high spirits that this will work in time, but baba an missus have gone to bed so now is the time to sleep! Will start 15mg spaced evenly tomorrow, and update this topic as it happens!
21/06/2011 - 21:14 - 5mg - Just had another 5mg to make up 15mg for today. This time I really am going to bed haha. Not sure what I felt from the first 10mg. Either way, back tomorrow and will keep this up to date.
22/06/2011 - 06:13 - 5mg - Woke up quite early after a nice sleep with some strange dreams. Don't feel too hungover after drinking my regular amount, just a bit of nausea from the dose I took this morn. Had a bit more than I maybe should have last night in a short space of time, but will have 15mg today - 5mg at 6am, 5mg at 12pm, 5mg at 6pm!