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Any Chicagoland folks out there?

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    Any Chicagoland folks out there?

    There's a reporter at WVEC who is interested in doing a story about bac for a local broadcast. He'd like to talk to someone local. If you're interested, or even just curious, PM me and I'll give you his info.
    (I'm not sure that you'll have to give him your full bio. It may just be worth talking to him!)

    fwiw, I like and trust him.


    Any Chicagoland folks out there?

    Why yes, yes I am! let me know the info! Would love to!
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Any Chicagoland folks out there?

      I'm the reporter that's working on the story about baclofen. If you're interested in getting in touch with me, I could be reached at


        Any Chicagoland folks out there?

        What are your intentions?
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Any Chicagoland folks out there?

          Forgive that I'm stepping in, I hope he'll take the opportunity to answer.

          I've talked to him several times, Lo0p. My take on it is this: He read the GQ article. He is intrigued. He wants to do a story. He is planning on interviewing Dr. L, who is on board.

          He's a good guy, and walks the hallowed halls of NPR in Chicago. Which might mean a lot more to me than it does to him! :H Never-the-less, it counts for something!

          (Plus, you know I'm VERY wary. And practice due diligence to the best of my ability. Wish I could help, but he needs someone local.)


            Any Chicagoland folks out there?

            Please forgive the pithiness of my previous post. I'm afraid I was still half-asleep when I wrote it. Basically, as Ne/Neva EVa mentioned, I'm hoping to do a story about the effectiveness of baclofen. From the anecdotal evidence I've heard so far, it seems that it has the potential to be a revolutionary force in addiction therapy.

            For this story to work, I'd want to root it in both the experience of Dr. L, and for a more personal take, hear from someone that's actually taken the drug to treat their addiction. By no means is my point to malign people that are using Baclofen or discredit it's effectiveness. Instead, I want to present a careful examination of the drug, from the perspective of people that have firsthand experience with it.

            I'd be happy to speak with anyone that's interested in participating in the story, and try to assuage any remaining fears that remain.

            Many thanks,
            Rehman Tungekar
            (312) 948-4617 office
            (773) 616-9551 cell


              Any Chicagoland folks out there?

              Okay. Sounds great.

              Just trying to be helpful here: But if you decide (and you should) to add some kind of a counterpoint to the story to make it a little more fair and balanced, like ABC did by interjecting Dr. James Garbutt in their interview with Dr. Ameisen here: A Cure for Alcoholism? | Video - ABC News, please run it by us first. Unless it is a valid criticism/counterpoint (of which there are many, and we'd love to spell them out for you) we'll blow it to smithereens. Only our voices won't be heard.

              If you want to convey the reality of the situation, we can definitely help.

              Please forgive me if I sound rude. I sometimes am. :nutso:
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Any Chicagoland folks out there?

                Ok, I called him! Seemed genuine....but then again I am gullible....gave him my story BUT said this was by no means the way it is....MANY others have had a much easier go of it...hope I did not do more harm than good!!
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  Any Chicagoland folks out there?

                  No worries, taw. I'm really glad you called him. I hope they get a show out of something!

                  Lo0p. For goodness sakes. Call him. It's a local broadcast. Local show. Human interest. Nice guy. No worries. No expert panel. (hayzeus, did you listen to the last interview OA did on Minnesota NPR? It still makes me ... feel really, really bad.)


                    Any Chicagoland folks out there?

                    He mentioned you several times, Ne, but someone else call him, l0op, please and thank yoU! Sorry if I got my O and 0 mixed up....or vice versa.....just call him! Your story is one for the books, not mine!
                    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

