Still on 280, going up to 300 in a couple of days. Not sure I need to, but I think I might as well at this point. I've got about 13000 milligrams left, so I'll stick at that dose for a couple of weeks then think about titrating down again.
Had a bit of an insight today- the Serenity Prayer was actually just keeping me where I was.
God, grant me the serenity,
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Thing is, it doesn't really say anything, and just encourages you to lump things into 'things I can change' and 'things I cannot change'. It's something of a Rorscach test- if you're feeling miserable and fatalistic you're going to have far more things in the 'things I cannot change' column that in the 'things I can change' column. I can't change that I'm an alcoholic. I can't change the fact that I'm depressed. I'm going to have to live with both forever- the best I can hope for is a lifetime of piety and praying for redemption.
But Baclofen has allowed me to cross off the alcoholic bit, so why not just pack the depression in as well? I mean, if we're going to start changing things that we cannot supposedly change, why not go the whole hog? So I made a decision today to just start being happy, and so far it's working out brilliantly.
Now, there's an argument that really I'm just affirming the serenity prayer by doing this, but that's flatly wrong. First, God or a higher power didn't grant me this insight, it came from me. Second, as I said before, the Serenity Prayer doesn't actually say anything.
That's how I'm feeling now. I'm hoping I can keep it up for a while.