there is too much retrospection and introspection FFS .. start a twitter thinggy ..
Reg Blurt OAO
You are an AAsshole and you should go away from this thread and this site forever, and anyway, I am putting you on ignore -- and did I mention that you KILLED my brother?
Oh, wait, that was AAA (or was it AA ? one of those A-words, like Assshole).
Anyway, never come back here Reg, and tell me that I am myopic, because you are the one who doesn?t know your ass from a hole in the ground ? and I thought rednecks were from Alabama, but apparently they are also from Austria, or was that Australia, whatever, one of those for?n lands like Alabama? and did I mention that you killed my brother? Yeah and you do ?talk real funny down there,? and ?you drink too much and you laugh too loud??[/video]]YouTube - ‪Randy Newman - Rednecks‬‏
And for g-d?s sake I will never fuck you, reg, ftr. So don?t even suggest it.
P.S. Hope you enjoy the video.
