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Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

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    Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

    I have been with MWO since 2006 and have seen a ton of shite, trust me..however, I have only recently joined the meds forum because I am documenting my experience with Nal.
    I believe in science, and medication...MWO began with RJ touting Topamax, trying to reach out. I cannot thank her enough, because of her we are here.
    Searching for freedom ....freedom from hell.
    So, I am asking all you baclo-lovers note are clogging up the freeway to freedom in the meds forum. I have read everything from bac'ers experiencing wonderful SE's to feeling almost suicidal..... yes, bac rocks and then again it doesn't.

    We are at the tip of the iceberg. I hate this bac VS nal crap, we are all looking to get better. Bac works, Nal works , sometimes the combo of both works.... MY take on bac vs nal is ...I personally prefer the idea of taking one pill per day or less(nal) as my addiction abates rather than dosing (bac) several times a day for the rest of my life.

    Anyway, my idea is to have a baclofen, naltrexone friendly make a unified comparison...just a thought

    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.

    Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

    KatieSmiles;1139909 wrote:
    So, I am asking all you baclo-lovers note are clogging up the freeway to freedom in the meds forum. I have read everything from bac'ers experiencing wonderful SE's to feeling almost suicidal..... yes, bac rocks and then again it doesn't.
    Are you saying that people who take baclofen should stop posting their experience on the forums? I could understand your frustration at there not being enough posts on nal, but it seems counterproductive to shut down the bac lanes on the "freeway to freedom."
    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
    George Santayana


      Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

      just offering up an idea, take it as you will.
      Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
      April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
      wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
      wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
      wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
      wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
      wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
      wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

      I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


        Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

        Pete, let me clarify,
        I have no frustration with any of the postings in the med's forums. What I do see though is an "us "vs "them" theme...not good. I would like to see both bac and nal pioneers, if you will, join forces. ....TIP of the iceberg.
        Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
        April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
        wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
        wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
        wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
        wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
        wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
        wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

        I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


          Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

          It seems that you are equating baclofen reporting with a 'ton of shite' which would be very inflammatory. However I can and will temporarily ignore that slight against the medication that has saved my life and say that ftr I believe Nal is not a total waste of time and in combination with baclofen shows some promise!
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


            Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

            Oh, for heavens sake! Ig read again.
            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


              Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

              To ALL "SENSITIVE" Bac takers...k.. I love ya and bac okay? Peace and flowers and no...Murph will not know my cup size.
              Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
              April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
              wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
              wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
              wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
              wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
              wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
              wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

              I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                Freaking scrappy lot you are on ya.
                Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                  Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                  KatieSmiles;1139909 wrote: I have been with MWO since 2006 and have seen a ton of shite, trust me..however, I have only recently joined the meds forum because I am documenting my experience with Nal.
                  I believe in science, and medication...MWO began with RJ touting Topamax, trying to reach out. I cannot thank her enough, because of her we are here.
                  Searching for freedom ....freedom from hell.
                  So, I am asking all you baclo-lovers note are clogging up the freeway to freedom in the meds forum. I have read everything from bac'ers experiencing wonderful SE's to feeling almost suicidal..... yes, bac rocks and then again it doesn't.

                  We are at the tip of the iceberg. I hate this bac VS nal crap, we are all looking to get better. Bac works, Nal works , sometimes the combo of both works.... MY take on bac vs nal is ...I personally prefer the idea of taking one pill per day or less(nal) as my addiction abates rather than dosing (bac) several times a day for the rest of my life.

                  Anyway, my idea is to have a baclofen, naltrexone friendly make a unified comparison...just a thought

                  Bold is mine and I think this statement is anti baclofen biased.

                  KatieSmiles;1139944 wrote:
                  Pete, let me clarify,
                  I have no frustration with any of the postings in the med's forums. What I do see though is an "us "vs "them" theme...not good. I would like to see both bac and nal pioneers, if you will, join forces. ....TIP of the iceberg.
                  I think there would be some merit here.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                    Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                    Ig...dya wanna arm wrestle?????
                    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                      Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                      Personally I think that anything that works for alcohol dependence is worth trying and also worth posting about.

                      One reason for so much baclofen talk here, and so little about naltrexone (and other meds), is probably the existence of the separate "the sinclair method" forum centred on naltrexone. Another issue here is the lack of ability to get important threads "stickied". Basically the threads that people keep replying to stay on top, while threads that don't see any traffic for even a short time fall down in the order. Even the old idea of bumping threads only works for a short time unless they keep getting replies.

                      I tried contacting the forum administrators to ask if we could get certain important threads stickied, which could apply to those about nal and other meds not just bac, but did not hear anything back about it. I think others here have also tried to get this done but so far it hasn't worked out.

                      If you are talking more about individual member attitudes to certain medications, then that probably won't change any time soon, simply because people are going to reply to each other via the threads they find most relevant to them, and it seems that most here are taking baclofen and therefore posting on the baclofen-related threads more than any others.


                        Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                        KatieSmiles;1139944 wrote: Pete, let me clarify,
                        I have no frustration with any of the postings in the med's forums. What I do see though is an "us "vs "them" theme...not good. I would like to see both bac and nal pioneers, if you will, join forces. ....TIP of the iceberg.
                        Katie - That makes sense. Perhaps I am sensitive to some anti-bac sentiments, however I feel that most of the people who tout it as being over-hyped are people that aren't alcoholics and are in no need for it. I'm sure you can relate, as an alcoholic, what it's like to live a nightmare fueled by the bottle. The hope that bac has given me in the short amount of time I've been on it is incredible. You have found comfort with a different medication, which is no less amazing and I'm very happy for you. I think that if a medication is showing promising results, it needs to be championed by anyone and everyone.

                        I think your idea for a thread is great, and would be very helpful for someone who wants to compare medications. I just think these meds in general need to more well-known, if only for the alcoholic who doesn't yet know that there is a way out.
                        Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                        George Santayana


                          Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                          SERIOUSLY! Bac and Nal are it! I don't care of you are all prissy panties about your bac...what I am saying is that both work and for those who are struggling with bac because of the hype and all the forum threads should be aware that there is an alternative medication...naltrexone.
                          Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                          April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                          wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                          wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                          wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                          wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                          wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                          wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                          I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                            Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                            Thanks greg and pete.
                            I am not freaking on any bandwagon, I just want us all to get well and want to make sure all avenues are exposed.
                            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                              Dear Baclofiends and Nal'ers

                              Right a couple of things to say here, I had an awful time on Baclofen. I don't regret it but I took it because everyone, yes everyone was saying it worked. It made my life pretty cr@p but at least I got through it, I also had to then have the strength to ignore those who said I should carry on, ignore all the baclofen threads and strike out with Nal. I have found amazing success with Naltrexone, the equivalent of indifference without all those side effects baclofen carries with it - and am so grateful for it.

                              I do occasionally however hear people who use baclofen say they'd never considered Naltrexone at all, knew nothing about it. This forum is here to help inform people of the choices that are out there. When I was otherwise engaged last week I just knew I'd come back to find zero Nal threads and a page full of Baclofen. Whilst experiences should be reported Baclofen is swamping the forum - I also was under the impression there was a Baclofen forum?

                              Anyway this isn't a baclofen forum, it's My Way Out and I struggle on a daily basis to keep Naltrexone in the headlines here.

                              For me 1 pill a day, minimal to zero side effects is a no-brainer if it acheives the same result - which for me it definitely has.

                              I don't want to argue which way is best, BUT I would like to see the forum less swamped by Baclofen threads - so that newcomers are presented with the best range of information possible. I don't know how we can acheive this though.

