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Baclofen: What have we learned?

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    Baclofen: What have we learned?

    As members of perhaps the biggest non clinical, unsanctioned, human medical trial in the history of the world, I think it might be time to begin making some sense of the whole thing. I started reading this forum about 2.5 years ago, and began my great Baclofen experiment about 6 months later. In addition to my personal 2 years on Baclofen, I've read hundreds (if not thousands) of testimonials, numerous scientific journals, Dr A's book, and anything else I could get my hands on. Many of you have done the same or more. So, with your help, I'd like to figure out what we've learned up to this point in our ongoing grand experiment. I'll start:

    What (I think) we know: Feel free to add and/or disagree.

    Baclofen causes no or few side effects in some and many in others.

    Some side effects are pleasant, most are not.

    Rapid titration works well for some and is disastrous for others.

    Some people cannot tolerate the side effects, even in small doses, and quit as a result.

    Side effects appear to diminish as dosages are stabilized, but often reappear upon increases, especially when jumps are large.

    Occasionally dosage reductions are necessary to mitigate the SEs.

    Some (like me) hit a ceiling because of SEs and can go no further, but still experience enough of a reduction in cravings to remain AF.

    Almost everyone who is able to tolerate the drug reports some lessening of their craving for alcohol.

    Of those that can tolerate the drug, indifference has been reported at practically every dosage, from 30mg to 300mg+.

    Most at some point have struggled with side effects.

    The side effects are magnified when drinking.

    At "indifference", some choose to moderate while others quit entirely.

    Most spread out their daily Baclofen intake.

    Some have been wildly successful. Some had to give up, mostly because of the SEs.

    With all the people taking Baclofen on this forum, we have no idea how many have been "cured" as Dr. A has been. So we don't know Baclofen's cure rate.

    Please feel free to add/comment. Ultimately, it would be nice to put together a concise list made up of all the knowledge we've accumulated over the years. Perhaps Dr. A. would be interested.


    Baclofen: What have we learned?

    PhotoMan;1139973 wrote: Side effects appear to diminish as dosages are stabilized, but often reappear upon increases, especially when jumps are large.
    Some side effects diminish upon dosage increases.

    Occasionally dosage reductions are necessary to mitigate the SEs.
    The opposite can also be true. Occasionally dosage increases are necessary (or can help) to mitigate the SEs

    The side effects are magnified when drinking.
    The red would be my edits/contributions. Good list.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply

