Thanks for your support!!
From what I've heard, coming off of long term benzo use can be quite difficult. So far we've had someone released from the bondage of marijuana addiction and heroin addiction. I can't see why it wouldn't work for benzos. I'm glad you're going to chronicle it here as it might be helpful for others who come behind. Please keep posting!
Otter, be well. I know you know this, but for others: ABRUPTLY STOPPING baclofen is a REALLY TROUBLING IDEA. Not to be recommended.
Today is day 3 of dropping afternoon dose of klonipin. Feel lousy!! But tryin to stay positive...and hopeful!! I have no choice but to go off it because it has become "poison" to my system and overall mental state!! Have been agoraphobic seems like forever...and it's all from the long term use of klon!! have not been out of the house for at least 2weeks!
Thanks for your support!! Panda.....