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Rewiring the AL Brain with medication

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    Rewiring the AL Brain with medication

    On a completely different note, I just had a rather impassioned one-sided debate in pm's with someone about Dr. Gersten's take on alcoholism. I was suggesting, rather succinctly I hoped, that he's got it backward. The reasons, that is, not the supps etc...
    Sadly, the person appears to be uninterested in continuing the discussion. I suppose that means that we agree to disagree. Last time I spend an hour on a pm. Not.


      Rewiring the AL Brain with medication

      what's the gist of dr gersten's take on alcoholism? if you would.

      ne, you are truly devoted to this stuff. good on you.


        Rewiring the AL Brain with medication

        i just had a great session w acupuncturist. told her about mwo and how it has saved my life. naturally, she was very happy for me. she has some clients whom she will tell about us. i told her to pass on my number if she thought that would help. i do believe we have a responsibility, or something, to pay it forward. i'd like to do my part, that's for sure. giving is very healing.


          Rewiring the AL Brain with medication

          Hi Ne, thanks so much, feeling hopeful for the first time in a while!

          I'm not familiar with Dr G? Googling him, it apperas I will need to read up at length to understand his approach but I see it's about supplements and a whole life approach? Does he discount all drugs or just ADs which have their dark side I know of depleting seratonin). I agree trying the whole life approach is great but most of us need some help to start that ride otherwise we wouldn't be on this site talking and talking about how to do it. For me, the giant battery of supplements recommended by Seven Weeks/Depression Free were not sustainable over time and I regressed; but the supplements did help me feel much better even with the AL. I don't know if that helps the argument one way or the other. I still think All-One is important to most people & other supplementation.

          Also, I think it's perfectly fine to agree to disagree.

          Also, I wonder if addiction is higher than it was 100 years ago before our food was poisoned and full of hormones, and deficient in minerals/vitamins etc. And I wonder what role white sugar and similar sweeteners have?

          Anyways, back to drugs. Where did you read that statins are as likely to give you type-2 diabetes as they are to prevent a heart attack? I've been waiting for the dark side of statins to show up in the population.

          Ne, get the book 8 week cholesterol cure, it will really help you undertstand statins and how to get cholesterol under control. Also, to not fear cholesterol, it's not the cause of heart attacks either. It's one symptom that can indicate a problem. Get the most recent version, it talks about statins while the one from 20+ years ago doesn't. Let me know if you can't get the book and I'll email you the details once I find my copy.

          Rudy, I told my doc about MWO and he wrote it down, agree on the pay it foward....

          Love ya!

