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VERY Superficial Question re BAC

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    VERY Superficial Question re BAC

    First off, I apologize for the lame username. I would like to change it, may later, but not important. Second, I think you all are great. I've been "lurking" for a few weeks, but this is my first post. I'm not up for writing/posting a lot, maybe later just enjoying to lurk but I appreciate all of you!! I think my favorite is Ne/Neva but all of you Senior Members are really great and really helpful.:thanks:

    Now on to my question, I've been using bac for about 6 weeks I think. I was up to 150 one week but had chest pains and headache so went down. Now at 75. I'm not a daily drinker but have a problem with drinking a lot at times and getting out of control/blacking out which is why I'm trying the bac. So it is not TOO hard to not drink (well unless I'm out with friends!), the bac just helps. It's been 2 weeks, 1 day . Ok, NOW the superficial question, I hear some of you talk about bruises. Well I want to get some botox - it's been several months so need more. They say not to take aspirin a few days before the inject b/c it could cause excessive bleeding/bruising. Does anyone get botox/any injectables with bac?? Anyone know if it may cause more bleeding, which could lead to bruising?? I DO NOT want to tell my dermatologist - hey I'm taking a ton of baclofen to prevent me from drinking a ton. That is not an option!

    I realize this not very important - at all important - compared to others' questions/concerns on here but hope someone has some input.

    Best of luck to everyone!! :l Thanks again!! Off to get some breakfast! (I usually would not be up this early on a Saturday BUT no hangover and the bac!! YAY, YAY!

    VERY Superficial Question re BAC

    YAY indeed!
    Welcome! and thanks. :blush:

    I dunno anything about that. I do know that often what I think are bac SEs turn out not to be. But! Who knows?

    What's the worst that could happen though? Bruising for a week or so? Can you tell it's from botox or can you use the ol' "My husband beat me" excuse. Sorry. bad joke.

    Two other thoughts: 75mg/day is well within the framework of treatment for spasticity. You could simply tell your doc that you're having some leg twitching related to a bac(k) (:H) problem and s/he won't blink an eye.

    If you put off the botox it'll likely be a while until you get bac down to below 80mg. A few wrinkles is obviously worth it for indifference. But if someone told me I had to stop dying my hair, well, I'd have planned my titration around it. Seriously. No one needs to know how much gray I have in my hair, eva. Not to mention the unsightly growth of drab roots. egad, the thought is enough to give me bac nightmares.



      VERY Superficial Question re BAC

      Hi, and welcome.

      What you can do is get some blood work done and see if it all comes back normal. Or as Ne suggests, just say you are on it for leg twitches.

      Are you intending to go back up?

      Best of luck.


        VERY Superficial Question re BAC

        btw, when I saw your name I thought it was the best one I'd ever seen here. Really. It's why I didn't shorten it when I responded to you on my thread. Funny, huh.


          VERY Superficial Question re BAC

          Thanks Ne and Bleep (hi Bleep!! ).

          I think I got my answer about the botox (message to my inbox). I really don't want to risk bruising (for a week, even a day)! I have to go back to work next day. Unfortunately my doc only works in that office Mon thru Wed so unfortunately I can't do it on a Fri so I will give it a shot, and post results (in case any others are wondering ).

          I will prob go up a bit, Bleep, but will try not too much. I don't know about the "switch" since I don't want to take a ton (150+) every day if I can help it. Too much money and worried about the effects on my health and in case I have to have any procedures down the line. So...for now the 75 is helping I think even if it may be a placebo effect since I haven't hit the switch. I'm thinking of the article / video about how only 30mg helped some addicts (which I know it's only ONE article) but I can see why it would help. Hesitant about going much higher. If I was full-blown alcoholic drinking every day and a lot and it was really affecting my life, I wouldn't be hesitant b/c it would be worth it. But now I'm doing ok. I will see how it goes for another week or so then will consider 125 maybe.

          Thanks Bleep too for all your help on here. I really appreciate you all! Best of luck!


            VERY Superficial Question re BAC

            Health&Happiness;1144282 wrote: I'm thinking of the article / video about how only 30mg helped some addicts (which I know it's only ONE article) but I can see why it would help.
            If you're referring to the one I'm familiar with it's out of UPenn and they have done quite a bit of research about bac in general. It's actually a video that is the culmination of a good deal of research on baclofen and addiction. (good deal meaning a bit...but more than before! :H)

            I know many daily drinking alcoholics who noted remarkable improvement or even indifference at less than 100mg. No placebos around.


              VERY Superficial Question re BAC

              Thanks Ne!! You're right prob not placebo effect. I know it relaxes me. Usually on a Friday, I'm all antsy/anxious thinking about what to do, where to go. Instead of heading out to dinner with friends (for the all-important first drink) or bar or home (to drink) to calm my nerves / just relax, I headed to the grocery store after work. Had a good, CALM time perusing the aisles figuring out what to get for dinner, what I needed for the week (how productive and on a Friday!!!). So the bac is def helping and not just a placebo, calms me. Now I just hope the chest pain, headaches don't return. It only happened one day, except I still get the occasional headache but it's not bad, except for the one day. So staying on the bac for now.


                VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                Hi Health&Happiness! Thanks for your kind words!

                Ne is right, it's definitely not a placebo effect. If you're happy with what it's doing for you, then it's done its job.

                I've not heard of chest pain as an SE, it doesn't sound very pleasant. As you've probably noticed, the SE's are very level dependent, so try hard to avoid that particular level in the future and you should be fine. You sound like you've already worked that out though.


                  VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                  I was going to answer your queries, but I won't because you wrote this:
                  Health&Happiness;1144253 wrote: I think my favorite is Ne/Neva

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                    Ha Murph!! I would LOVE to hear your input!


                      VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                      Nope, not gonna happen...unless you say I'm your favourite and not Ne.

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                        Haha. Besides your chauvinism towards women Murph, I very much appreciate your help/advice as well. I doubt you have much experience with botox or injectables, but please pipe in if you do!!


                          VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                          Haaa, but you don't actually know that though do you? Maybe that's my job. Maybe I know all about it.

                          OK, I don't have anything to add, except :welcome:

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            VERY Superficial Question re BAC

                            omg. So many places I could go when discussing Murphy and nip/tucks. omg. I'm almost regretting becoming the uptight ninny. But not enough to go there.


                              VERY Superficial Question re BAC


                              The unexamined life is not worth living

