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Baclofen and Joint Issues?

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    Baclofen and Joint Issues?

    Has anyone associated any joint problems with baclofen?

    I recently dropped my dose by a fair chunk and this seems seems to have coincided with a sudden knackeredness (orthopaedic term) of a knee, elbow and hip joints. However, it might be purely coincidental and actually due to a medical condition known as oldfartism.

    The unexamined life is not worth living

    Baclofen and Joint Issues?

    murph, my hand has taken forever to heal! my joints snap crackle and pop like crazy. i, too, have wondered if this is bac related.


      Baclofen and Joint Issues?

      hmmmm, I wonder if anyone else has noticed. I'm hoping it's the bac and it's temporary; I'm too young for a hip replacement. :upset:

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        Baclofen and Joint Issues?

        Two thoughts, they are rebound from high dose muscle relaxant ie muscles tightening after being so relaxed, for so long. Also I was told alcohol dehydrates your joints, and I used to have achy joints after heavy drinking - seem to remember Baclofen can leave you dehydrated if you aren't careful, so perhaps a similar effect on joints?

        Of course you might also check your wing mirrors!


          Baclofen and Joint Issues?

          Nice one, UK!
          Dunno. Sorry.


            Baclofen and Joint Issues?

            UKB, good point regarding the muscle relaxant rebound; I hadn't considered that. And the dehydrated joints: I drink a huge volume of water on HDB, but I wonder if I lessened the amount when I went down in dose. I may well have done. Also I'd forgotten all about the wing-mirror connection; it's definitely something I need to look into, or not if the glass has completely fallen out. At least my hair became less greasy when I dropped the dose....thank feck! Actually I just made that last bit up, but if I actually had any hair it may have become less greasy.

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Baclofen and Joint Issues?

              what's the wing mirror reference? or is that another 'going blind' thing?


                Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                No, it's not onanistic:H. A while back there were some humorous (?) posts regarding baclofen SEs being psychosomatic. MY response to the discussion was to post on my thread about how the wing mirror on my car had cracked and my suspicion that baclofen was probably to blame.

                Fancy you thinking it was masturbation related. Everything's about sex with you isn't it?

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                  Not joint related, but close. At certain levels, my whole arm/shoulder on my right side feels very... uncomfortable, I suppose is the best word.

                  The joint on my little finger is very stiff and sore, more so than normal, which may be more what you are looking for. I was bitten there by a snake some years ago, and it's bothered me ever since, it's only now that I realise that it's actually bothering me more so than normal.


                    Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                    bleep;1146059 wrote: The joint on my little finger is very stiff and sore, more so than normal, which may be more what you are looking for. I was bitten there by a snake some years ago, and it's bothered me ever since, it's only now that I realise that it's actually bothering me more so than normal.
                    Bleep, I know you have an enormous love for all animals, but if the snake is really bothering you, perhaps you should just get rid of it.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                      I knew that was a poorly constructed sentence the moment I typed it, thanks for pointing it out.


                        Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                        oh but i get to giggle which feels really fucking good. thanks guys. it has been days since i've done that. (except today while rowing, i giggled about some stupid thing and couldn't stop. then i caught a crab -that's when the oar almost hits you in the face and everyone has to stop rowing cause you fucked up. i caught FIVE crabs today. VERY BAD! but, i didn't like them so i threw them back. bleep, if you can't get him to stop bothering you, i think you should make friends w your snake, name him and make him a sling so he doesn't have to bite so hard to keep himself hung on your finger.)


                          Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                          bleep;1146169 wrote: I knew that was a poorly constructed sentence the moment I typed it, thanks for pointing it out.
                          No worries; that's the sort of tosser I am.

                          Rudy, your hand taking a long time to heal strikes a chord with me. There are 5 bites on my leg; I'm not sure what from, but that's irrelevant (probably). The point is, it's been 3 or 4 weeks and they look almost as fresh as the day I got them. It's very strange, they should have disappeared within a week. Maybe it's the bac, or then again, maybe it was just some weird insect whose bite never heals.

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                            Maybe it's not the bac. Maybe it's an SE of the bac. Or of drinking. On bac. Gout, for instance. I wonder if Ed's big toe issue wasn't a gout-type-thing. Certainly seems like it now. Random swelling of the foot, etc... We all know that AL compromises our immune system and our digestive system. I know a lot of people who get sick when they've removed something from their bodies that their bodies are used to. (cough/bronchitis when you quit smoking, for instance.) I wonder if that may be where the solution lies.


                              Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                              That's a very good point. Removing alcohol from an alcohol dependent person is bound to leave its mark. I've often wondered how many of the other reported SEs are in fact due to the removal of alcohol.

                              p.s. why do people on this forum abbreviate alcohol to AL? It's almost as though they're afraid to say the word, which is a very strange attitude for people fighting the disease.

                              The unexamined life is not worth living

