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Baclofen and Joint Issues?

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    Baclofen and Joint Issues?

    Perhaps because it's a PITA to type?


      Baclofen and Joint Issues?

      Hmmm those extra 5 letters are hardly going to cause arthritis.

      Oh bugger, I wonder if I've got arthritis. Not that I'm a hypochondriac or anything.:H

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        Baclofen and Joint Issues?

        Murphyx;1146381 wrote: No worries; that's the sort of tosser I am.

        Rudy, your hand taking a long time to heal strikes a chord with me. There are 5 bites on my leg; I'm not sure what from, but that's irrelevant (probably). The point is, it's been 3 or 4 weeks and they look almost as fresh as the day I got them. It's very strange, they should have disappeared within a week. Maybe it's the bac, or then again, maybe it was just some weird insect whose bite never heals.
        Maybe you have the Giant Hickey Disease from GS's thread.


          Baclofen and Joint Issues?

          Bruun, I did wonder whether it might develop into something GettingSoberesque. Hope not...YIKES!

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Baclofen and Joint Issues?


            I was bit by a dog 5 weeks ago Monday. I received stitches on my arm and leg. My leg aches ALL the time and is healing VERY slow.
            I generally heal very fast.
            Please tell me it's not the Bac:upset:

            I looked at GS's thread and I swear that non-rash looks like the German Measles aka Rubella. But if I recall, that should run its course in 3 days. But I guess that should have showed up in the blood work she had at doc in the box.
            I am curious to see what the dermatologist says as well.

            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              Baclofen and Joint Issues?

              Murphyx;1145818 wrote: Has anyone associated any joint problems with baclofen?

              I recently dropped my dose by a fair chunk and this seems seems to have coincided with a sudden knackeredness (orthopaedic term) of a knee, elbow and hip joints. However, it might be purely coincidental and actually due to a medical condition known as oldfartism.
              After decreasing the amount of Baclofen I was taking, I noticed a definite change in my neck and back. When waking up, my neck and back would creak like someone that was 80 years old. My water intake has also drastically gone down, so I will definitely be drinking more waters.


                Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                Murphyx;1145818 wrote: Has anyone associated any joint problems with baclofen?

                I recently dropped my dose by a fair chunk and this seems seems to have coincided with a sudden knackeredness (orthopaedic term) of a knee, elbow and hip joints. However, it might be purely coincidental and actually due to a medical condition known as oldfartism.
                After decreasing the amount of Baclofen I was taking, I noticed a definite change in my neck and back. When waking up, my neck and back would creak and crack like someone that was 80 years old. I can also feel the difference in my back when I am not moving for an extended period of time. My water intake has also drastically gone down, so I will definitely be drinking more water.


                  Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                  Evey;1146808 wrote: After decreasing the amount of Baclofen I was taking, I noticed a definite change in my neck and back. When waking up, my neck and back would creak and crack like someone that was 80 years old. I can also feel the difference in my back when I am not moving for an extended period of time. My water intake has also drastically gone down, so I will definitely be drinking more water.Thanks Evey. Interesting. I'm going to make an effort to increase my fluid intake today and see if that starts to make a difference.

                  bleep;1146551 wrote: Perhaps because it's a PITA to type?
                  Ahhh dude, yeah I totally missed the significance of using an acronym in your reply. D'OH! :H

                  LadyLush;1146719 wrote:
                  I was bit by a dog 5 weeks ago Monday. I received stitches on my arm and leg.
                  Holy crap Lushy, did you get rabies shots? You're in Mexico aren't you? They have rabies there. You are Mexican right? Mexican, Texican it's the same thing to me.

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                    Murphyx;1146548 wrote:

                    p.s. why do people on this forum abbreviate alcohol to AL? It's almost as though they're afraid to say the word, which is a very strange attitude for people fighting the disease.
                    Murph- weirdly enough, that's something I've struggled with too. 'Al' seems like your good friend, your dog or summat. Certainly not the neurotoxin that is destroying your life.



                      Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                      I think of it as a really bad relationship with someone I need to get out of my life. Al, what a sucky friend Al was to me, pretending to be my friend and confidante but then sucker punching me and stabbing me in the back.... I could have lost my job! I did choose sub-par boyfriends because of Al So screw Al, Al pimped me out. And if anyone sees me typing, they'll think that just what it was! Of course, unless they see the website I'm on. :H I'm paranoid like that, or I should say, I was. I'm working on fixing that crap.


                        Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                        Holy crap Lushy, did you get rabies shots? You're in Mexico aren't you? They have rabies there. You are Mexican right? Mexican, Texican it's the same thing to me.
                        The rule of thumb is if the dog is not dead in 10 days you're okay. Vet checked her out and all is well but my leg. I am going to the doctor again tomorrow. I can not keep the swelling down. I agree I have to drink more water as well.

                        My sister told me that I should have pulled a hair from her cheek and put it in the wound; hence the term hair of the dog..
                        I never knew what that meant when I was drinking Bloody Mary's the morning after a binge.

                        Bruun, alcohol pimped me out too...:H
                        I love that one!

                        LL :l
                        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                          Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                          Hey Lady. Hope your legs healing good but I don't think that's really the meaning of 1' the hair of the dog'
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                            Baclofen and Joint Issues?


                            From Wikipedia:

                            "Hair of the dog" is a colloquial expression in the English language predominantly used to refer to alcohol that is consumed with the aim of lessening the effects of a hangover. The expression originally referred to a method of treatment of a rabid dog bite by placing hair from the dog in the bite wound.[1] The use of the phrase as a metaphor for a hangover treatment dates back to the time of William Shakespeare.

                            That would have been a double dose of bacteria if you ask me!

                            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                              Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                              Shit Lushy that sounds serious. The dog may not have been rabid but they are filthy little buggers and packed full of nasty germs.

                              Hope you're gonna be OK. I'm worried now. :upset:

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                Baclofen and Joint Issues?

                                Lushy, an update on the dog bite?

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

