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Losing my religion

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    Losing my religion

    My religion happens to revolve around the meds threads on MWO.

    When I found it this place was full of information about baclofen. (a little topa and nal mixed in, too. some random other things...) It was pretty intimidating, very uncomfortable, down here. But there were a couple of people who helped guide me to the information I needed. Then about 6 months ago, the place was jumping! Remember? So many newbies, new threads, that we couldn't keep up with all of them? A couple of us communicated off-line about how best to get the information to them as a group, because we simply could not read and answer each thread. Really.

    Two newbies have posted in the last week. No one answered them. One person asked about contraindicated meds. No one directed them to the appropriate threads.

    Has anyone else noticed how few people are contributing here these days? ChristyACC is off bac again. Several others have fallen by the wayside. But they're logging on. Check the activity. They're all here... Just not participating.

    I wonder what it would be like if, for instance, one was not a free-love, progressive, anti-establishment, drunk who was looking for answers about baclofen? I wonder what it's like for my politically conservative/international/religious friends (who have logged on here several times in the last week) who are actively seeking information about baclofen, about how we are progressing in terms of alcohol consumption and what we are taking and whether or not there is hope to be found here?

    The General Discussion forum, which meds rivals for attention these days, btw, has new threads popping up every day from people chronicling their journey in hopes of finding freedom, sussing out what works and what doesn't. Getting support from people who have found freedom. There are a couple of daily threads where the long time friends meet up everyday to touch base through out the day. Perhaps there are some clues about how best to do this there.

    No updated information about titration schedules. No updated information about SEs. No updated information about what's going on in the world in relation to treatment with medication. No discussions, in any real way, about how to stay sober, or even successfully moderate, using medications as a tool to achieve those goals.

    I know, I know. You can get mad. You're my friends, I hope you'll remain my friends. Maybe I'm really wrong and I'm going to regret this. I already regret this. There's a better way to do it and say it, I'm sure.
    I don't want to post it. I also feel strongly about it. And I've got NO TIME to reach out individually or even as a group. As it is, those two newbies are waiting in my PM box for information that we did not provide on here. I asked them to post. Wonder why they haven't?

    Peace and love. I'm out of time.

    It wasn't particularly warm and cozy, either.

    Losing my religion


    I'm not sure I agree with everything you've written there. And more importantly, what you would have us do about the majority of the issues you raise? One can't endlessly bump a few threads, hoping to keep them at the top all the time. While there are a lot of personal threads, which may or may not be a problem, there is a lot of information contained within them, as the person has titrated up.

    And the one person who was looking for contraindications was helped. I'm not sure who the other person you are referring to is? The guy who went to Libya for an implant?


      Losing my religion

      Hey Ne, sorry to hear you feeling that way right now.

      You have helped me heaps, and I'm not even on bac.

      People don't generally like having mirrors put in their face. You have been a warrior here for Bac, and I love you for that. It is a funny thing, human nature, and your wish to help others can often backfire. Right in your face. The mirror is often better turned around.

      I think your quest to help others starting out on Baclofen, having problems with Baclofen, and persevering with Baclofen has been a mighty and good quest. I totally admire you for it.

      Missy xx


        Losing my religion

        hey neva/eva, dont worry about it.
        i have to say i have found a lot of the meds threads very intimidating, one who found a way out dismissing another way of help. i am sure that anyone wanting information about any particular drug will find it here. sometimes i have felt very uncomfortable in the meds thread as everyone is pushing their drug of choice. as long as the information is out here i am sure it can be found. i find that individuals experiences on a drug to be the most helpful.
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          Losing my religion

          hello again. i just noticed that you said that the meds were in competion with the general discussion thread. (or something like that)... hey stop thinking like that. i came here looking for help from anyone and everyone and i got it ....meds/holistic/general ... or whatever.. c'mon..... as long as we are helping each other it doesnt matter what title we post on.

          from spuds........ a general/holistic/medicating/beliveing etc
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Losing my religion

            All this shit - Meds against other methods - I dont understand it. I have never witnessed some one on meds (with the exception of the AA hater - not mentioning names) bash any other method. I have seen non med users comment about the attitude of (or appearance of) the med users and I can kind of see it - not a put down or meant to be negative - just a different feeling here. Somehow this group needs to find a balance between being serious- documenting progress - cries for support and the day to day ramblings or social comraddery. Many times a thread will start off with great intentions and support but quickly get derailed by negativity or just get completely off topic.

            I do not have the answers - other than there needs to be a seperation of support and daily chatter. IMO
            I do however want to call out you NE, Murph and Bleep. You three have been the most supportive of everyone here in the meds - I would love to see it trickle out into the other areas. You always respond to noobs and anyone with concerns or questions. For that I respect each of you and thank God that you are here at MWO.


              Losing my religion

              Not what I said. Not even what i was alluding to. Not the point.

              I used the word rivals meaning it amounts to. That is all. Not the definition that means "is in competition with." The sentence doesn't make sense with that definition. Please don't turn this into something it is not.


                Losing my religion

                Hmmm, I have noticed the Meds threads do tend towards daily blogs, or even competitions. It's also a pity that with so many using Baclofen that there isn't more intereactive, reaching out posting going on. I've had a very successful week with Nal, inspite of my 'spike' last week, but I'm not sure where to put it. To pop it on 'my' thread, well it's just like a 'look at me Nal works', but I also feel a bit wierd in the General Discussion section too. Mostly because I'm not abstaining so I feel as if I'm possibly not acheiving anything, then again I don't know if I'm truly modding since I am using a medication to do this. And just what is modding anyway?

                Actually I think I might have just pointed myself in the right direction.

                I'd also like to say that I think methods people are using in GD are probably also being used quietly by those on meds. I know I'm using a whole tool box of things. Good example has been the last couple of nights. I've been wanting to drink to reward myself, and of course I know I can with Nal but deep down I didn't want the side effects of alcohol. So I found myself doing something I have used pre-meds, and that is to simply lock the front door, go to bed early and sleep. Yes I did have work to do last night, but it can wait and if I'd drunk I'd not done it anyway . I'd like to see more of these techniques mentioned in the meds section, possibly more cross over between GD and meds because I can't be the only one doing it!


                  Losing my religion

                  Hi, Uk, succinct as always. I love your to the point! You make me smile. I am not sober at all but have followed your posts regularly. I think your idea is brilliant..there seems to be so much distance between each section of mwo.

                  Hope it can become one ......not a competitiion and people can move between without feeling an outcast. There is always going to be new research in this field. Let us all head towards this and support each other.

                  Missy xx


                    Losing my religion

                    I don't remember Ne ever saying Baclofen was the be all and end all of addiction cures. I know for a fact she's very interested in not only other meds but also all sorts of other tools. She doesn't see it being baclofen against the rest of MWO. I've often seen her on the other parts of MWO reaching out to people, particularly on the 'Need Help ASAP' section. She's not there pushing a particular method of kicking alcohol; she's offering support and friendship without any ulterior motive, with nothing for her to personally gain.

                    UKB, it's odd you say to dislike the "daily blog" type threads but yet you're an avid reader of them. I know that, not only do you read my thread but you also seem to memorise it. Just this last week you quoted a joke I made about cracked wing mirrors and psychosomatic SEs. I'd forgotten all about that; God it must have been about 3 months ago. How did you remember? Do you take notes? Anyway, clearly you're not too opposed to them.

                    I've really enjoyed reading your blog thread and yes you really do seem to have become a Nal advocate, "Oh my God, I'm starting to sound like Murphy". See I take notes too.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      Losing my religion

                      Murphyx;1147201 wrote: I don't remember Ne ever saying Baclofen was the be all and end all of addiction cures. I know for a fact she's very interested in not only other meds but also all sorts of other tools. She doesn't see it being baclofen against the rest of MWO. I've often seen her on the other parts of MWO reaching out to people, particularly on the 'Need Help ASAP' section. She's not there pushing a particular method of kicking alcohol; she's offering support and friendship without any ulterior motive, with nothing for her to personally gain.

                      UKB, it's odd you say to dislike the "daily blog" type threads but yet you're an avid reader of them. I know that, not only do you read my thread but you also seem to memorise it. Just this last week you quoted a joke I made about cracked wing mirrors and psychosomatic SEs. I'd forgotten all about that; God it must have been about 3 months ago. How did you remember? Do you take notes? Anyway, clearly you're not too opposed to them.

                      I've really enjoyed reading your blog thread and yes you really do seem to have become a Nal advocate, "Oh my God, I'm starting to sound like Murphy". See I take notes too.

                      Sorry to disappoint but whilst I do remember the cracked wing mirror incident, I rarely read the blogs. I just have a very good memory for anything I do read, especially if I thought it was a personal dig at time. Back then I was reading some threads, but found it hard going and not really of interest (sorry no offence intended). Sure beating this alcohol problem is of interest to me, but I prefer to get straight to the point!

                      Probably wasn't but really I rarely do read them these days - if I do it's usually the latest post and that's it.

                      I don't like pushing Nal, if there weren't so many Baclofen threads I'd not have continued posting on the thread. Blogging really isn't my style at all, and it's been difficult for me continuing my Nal thread. Just thought it would be nice for others to see there is another med that is useful too.


                        Losing my religion

                        By the way Murphy I'm glad you've enjoyed reading the Naltrexone thread, I think we had a rocky start a while back but I do know I can be a bit challenging and difficult at times!:H


                          Losing my religion

                          Ukblonde;1147252 wrote: By the way Murphy I'm glad you've enjoyed reading the Naltrexone thread, I think we had a rocky start a while back but I do know I can be a bit challenging and difficult at times!:H
                          Well I'm not exactly known as the easiest person in the world to get on with.

                          I have enjoyed it, but I really haven't read it all; usually I just read the latest post and that's it.:H

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            Losing my religion

                            I agree mostly with what Ne said, with some refinements.

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1146940 wrote: My religion happens to revolve around the meds threads on MWO.

                            When I found it this place was full of information about baclofen...It was pretty intimidating, very uncomfortable, down here. But there were a couple of people who helped guide me to the information I needed. Then about 6 months ago, the place was jumping! Remember? So many newbies, new threads, that we couldn't keep up with all of them?

                            This is true, but it has a lot to do with the blog explosion. Sorry, but it's true. If the blogs had been kept to a couple, even a few people, and everyone was not encouraged to make their own blogs, but to continue to exchange information, discuss certain themes thrown out there, questions people had, give advice, get advice, all useful and focussed, then the bac threads would not have got so out of control.

                            As it is now, newbies will be overwhelmed (and they are), feel left out because they are not one of the "in" group, don't know the histories of each individual, haven't participated in the ongoing sagas of each person, have a hard time finding concrete information and can't find or search for information based on themes.

                            It used to be easy to get info on, say, SEs, by finding the SEs thread. Now you have to wade through each and every individual's blogs to find out about SEs ... because they report them in their personal blogs. This buries the information and makes it all but impossible to access without inordinate (I mean INORDINATE) amounts of time, patience and ability to concentrate whilst reading all the individual blogs. If all of us posted our SEs on the SEs thread, for example, and continued to do so, instead of leaving them in our personal blogs, that thread would stay at the top and remain current. Now it is old and perhaps not even relevant for many.

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1146940 wrote: I agree A couple of us communicated off-line about how best to get the information to them as a group, because we simply could not read and answer each thread. Really.

                            True -- although I can't see why posting instead of taking things into PMs should take any more time. That way the information is shared with all. The only reason for PMs should be to share private messages -- private -- because you don't feel comfortable discussing such private discussions publicly.

                            Using PMs as a way to reach out is not, imo, a replacement for sharing information and giving support on the boards. And as I said, I really don't see how it saves time, either.
                            Respond with a post instead of a PM, and you will keep the thread at the top. And share valuable information. Tell the person who is communicating with you to write the same things in a post. Why are you the one that has to support them privately all the time?

                            I reserve PMs and emails to people I feel I have a personal connection with. People I would want to be friends with in real life. I know I am very guilty of telling people privately (off the boards) things that I should post. The questions and advice I get/give, would be relevant to many. But I also do this with just the people I trust, and with personal information I am not comfortable with sharing with the general public. In this regard, PMs and personal contacts have been a lifesaver to me. But the few people with whom i have personal relationships, I reached out to. Or responded to PMs in a postitive and personal way. I recognized them as like-minded people who could perhaps offer more than what was on the boards atm. And people for whom I had a personal question, perhaps not relevant to the current flow of the thread

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1146940 wrote:
                            Two newbies have posted in the last week. No one answered them.
                            If they responded to themes and questions, they might be more recognized. And if people just looked at newbies nest a little more. This is a great idea that should have solved a lot of problems, but it gets lost in all the other stuff.

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1146940 wrote: Has anyone else noticed how few people are contributing here these days? ChristyACC is off bac again. Several others have fallen by the wayside. But they're logging on. Check the activity. They're all here... Just not participating.
                            Yep, too many personalities, too much to read, too much of a "clique" feeling going on. The bac threads have become too much to participate on. I still think the individual threads are terribly relevant and worthwhile, but wading through them and THEN participating seems like a lot to expect from a newcomer. Or an oldcomer.

                            I suggested a long time ago, and several times since, to make a separate section for blogs. Not sure how this would have been accomplished, but many people negated this idea, saying things had become more "social" now, telling me to get my head out of the ground, let the threads and direction of the forum grow by themselves.

                            So, this is where we are now.

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1146940 wrote:
                            INo updated information about titration schedules. No updated information about SEs. No updated information about what's going on in the world in relation to treatment with medication. No discussions, in any real way, about how to stay sober, or even successfully moderate, using medications as a tool to achieve those goals.
                            yep, yep, yep and yep (did I leave a yep out there?)

                            So, all you diehards out there, post your relevant info on the relevant themes. Don'y let those threads die out.

                            Too tired to go on now.

                            Please don't tell me to get my head out of the sand., go with the flow, enjoy that ride... I feel passionately about this, always have and always will.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Losing my religion

                              beatle;1147409 wrote: I agree mostly with what Ne said, with some refinements.

                              This is true, but it has a lot to do with the blog explosion. Sorry, but it's true. If the blogs had been kept to a couple, even a few people, and everyone was not encouraged to make their own blogs, but to continue to exchange information, discuss certain themes thrown out there, questions people had, give advice, get advice, all useful and focussed, then the bac threads would not have got so out of control.

                              As it is now, newbies will be overwhelmed (and they are), feel left out because they are not one of the "in" group, don't know the histories of each individual, haven't participated in the ongoing sagas of each person, have a hard time finding concrete information and can't find or search for information based on themes.

                              It used to be easy to get info on, say, SEs, by finding the SEs thread. Now you have to wade through each and every individual's blogs to find out about SEs ... because they report them in their personal blogs. This buries the information and makes it all but impossible to access without inordinate (I mean INORDINATE) amounts of time, patience and ability to concentrate whilst reading all the individual blogs. If all of us posted our SEs on the SEs thread, for example, and continued to do so, instead of leaving them in our personal blogs, that thread would stay at the top and remain current. Now it is old and perhaps not even relevant for many.

                              True -- although I can't see why posting instead of taking things into PMs should take any more time. That way the information is shared with all. The only reason for PMs should be to share private messages -- private -- because you don't feel comfortable discussing such private discussions publicly.

                              Using PMs as a way to reach out is not, imo, a replacement for sharing information and giving support on the boards. And as I said, I really don't see how it saves time, either.
                              Respond with a post instead of a PM, and you will keep the thread at the top. And share valuable information. Tell the person who is communicating with you to write the same things in a post. Why are you the one that has to support them privately all the time?

                              I reserve PMs and emails to people I feel I have a personal connection with. People I would want to be friends with in real life. I know I am very guilty of telling people privately (off the boards) things that I should post. The questions and advice I get/give, would be relevant to many. But I also do this with just the people I trust, and with personal information I am not comfortable with sharing with the general public. In this regard, PMs and personal contacts have been a lifesaver to me. But the few people with whom i have personal relationships, I reached out to. Or responded to PMs in a postitive and personal way. I recognized them as like-minded people who could perhaps offer more than what was on the boards atm. And people for whom I had a personal question, perhaps not relevant to the current flow of the thread

                              If they responded to themes and questions, they might be more recognized. And if people just looked at newbies nest a little more. This is a great idea that should have solved a lot of problems, but it gets lost in all the other stuff.

                              Yep, too many personalities, too much to read, too much of a "clique" feeling going on. The bac threads have become too much to participate on. I still think the individual threads are terribly relevant and worthwhile, but wading through them and THEN participating seems like a lot to expect from a newcomer. Or an oldcomer.

                              I suggested a long time ago, and several times since, to make a separate section for blogs. Not sure how this would have been accomplished, but many people negated this idea, saying things had become more "social" now, telling me to get my head out of the ground, let the threads and direction of the forum grow by themselves.

                              So, this is where we are now.

                              yep, yep, yep and yep (did I leave a yep out there?)

                              So, all you diehards out there, post your relevant info on the relevant themes. Don'y let those threads die out.

                              Too tired to go on now.

                              Please don't tell me to get my head out of the sand., go with the flow, enjoy that ride... I feel passionately about this, always have and always will.

                              You have taken time to put into words my exact thoughts and feelings, and I agree with everything you say here. I'm just no good at long explainations! Also when I was first trying Baclofen I was pissed, and stoned on the stuff. People kept shouting at me to read and all I could see were these long stories, I just needed information and didn't have the ability nor patience to read all the stuff surrounding that information.

                              Whilst some people will get involved in blogs, not everyone is prepared or able to do so.

