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Back on bac

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    Back on bac

    Hello, I was taking 180 mg daily of bac, got discouraged, life drug me around a bit, and I concluded I needed AA. I just can't do it, I know the response AAers out there have for my plan, but I am a professional working long hours right now and I kept getting in trouble for not wanting to be recognized in my community as an Alcoholic, not calling people as directed, told I shouldn't talk yet because I don't know anything, I've tried AA multiple times and the sponsors get heated with me so I am back on the baclofen path as I've read enough to understand how it can correct my brain, as Dr. L. said I will eventually lose interest in alcohol which I need to do but without announcing my drunkenness so everyone can learn of it. I'll provide updates as I forge ahead titrating up and gaining interest in other things. Just glad for all of you, I have been reading your posts for over a year and have spoken to Dr. L. and am back onboard for the ride...An apology to everyone who AA was a fit for, it just isn't a fit for me. Updates on bac to follow and I hope they start using it in rehabs!

    Back on bac

    Hiya Hope. Great to have you on-board. I'm looking forward to following your journey.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Back on bac

      Yes indeed, good luck with your journey. I wasn't able to fit into AA in the normal manner either, but have been going to a few meetings (usually away from my home town) for sober social contact and also to try and see if the steps can help me with personal change.

      It certainly never helped me to have it rammed down my throat, or to have domineering people re-interpret my life story in AA's terms, so this way I am always a visitor at meetings. I usually tell a white lie about a sponsor and meetings in another city and having to travel a lot, if anyone tries to trip me up and ask why I don't appear to have a sponsor, or why I am going to so many 'away' meetings.

      Luckily the vast majority I have met haven't asked many questions, but the ones who have taken it on as their own personal mission in life (as if it's a religion) can get overbearing. I just remain polite to them but try to talk more to others if possible.


        Back on bac

        Hi Hope, and welcome. You've already been up to 180, so you obviously know your way around baclofen a bit. Let's hope that this time is more forgiving on you. I think you'll find it might be, provided your first attempt wasn't too long ago? I think we get used to baclofen, so its effects aren't as severe after a while. That's my current theory, anyway.

        Best of luck.


          Back on bac

          Hiya Hope and :Welcome:

          You are the FIRST person to have mentioned that the lower doses were really tough for you too! I thought 30-60mg was going to knock me off the planet. It just about did!

          Looking forward to hearing more!



            Back on bac

            welcom, hope! since you've been w bac for a while, you may have discovered that small, frequent doses help tremendously with the se's. i have changed to that method and my se's are far more managable. when i took 40 at a time, i'd need a nap within the hour. at 20 a pop, things are easy-breezy. (i'm currently at 180.) good luck with your process. please keep us posted.

