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Checkin' In

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    Checkin' In

    Hullloooo! my friends

    I would love a place to just check in when I can since my 3D life is now overtaking the important stuff...
    The weather's been beautiful, but now it's stinkin' hot and I've got to stay in the AC or melt. Which is good. Too much to do.
    Spent the weekend with my folks. My dad is actively drinking against his will. Needless to say, bummer. Also seems like everybody's life is in flux, not just ours.
    Went down to 180mg and going to try that on for size for a while. It's so normal not to drink in this household that I have to think about how it was before, even though Ed has only been indifferent for 11 days.

    What's news?

    Checkin' In

    Hi friends,

    Checking in here, too.

    I've had some bad and depressing days, back at the bac isn't going to work for me, I regret everything, I'm such an awful person, it's all my fault -- just getting on an even keel again (yet again, sigh) now.

    There are a lot of people I have reached out to or have reached out to me that I have not followed up on because I just haven't been able to. Both physically (iffy internet) and mentally. I owe emails, explanations, and LOTS of money... but sometimes I just can't deal with it and life in general. But I am reading and thinking and hoping.

    I'm thinking about all of you and thanking whatever one thanks for all of you out there.

    Like Ne, I also feel not just my life, but many others' in my direct vicinity's lives, are in extreme flux at the moment.

    Good to have a place to check in.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Checkin' In

      Hi Ladies,

      I will check in briefly. I was on call at work, and just got called in. Ne, it is blazing hot here, and I too have to stay in the AC. When I'm not in the car, that is. I'm sorry to hear about your father. It is rough watching the ones we love, drink against their will.

      Beatle, this bac thing has been an incredibly rough ride for you. You have been courageous and I can barely fathom all you've gone through. The rest of what you wrote? I agree! I have a hard time keeping up with people via email. While I don't owe a ton of people money, the bills are piled up here, a mile high. I'm still catching up since getting 2 support payments.

      Gotta run. Love ya sisters. And the rest of you too. :l
      This Princess Saved Herself


        Checkin' In

        Beatle, you are NOT an awful person, stop beating yourself up. It only makes things worse. Hang in there and know there is a way out, you're still finding your path. Have you tried gabapentin? I find it's good for quick mood elevation.


          Checkin' In

          Back for a moment before I hit the books, again. I'm reinvigorated! I just figured out that I might actually get the elusive 4.0. Don't need to tell you it would be a miracle unseen since I was in single digits. And don't hold your breath!
          Not following very much, but wanted to ask you about the gabapentin, Bruun. Remind me to ask you if I forget, will you? Last I saw you were doing well! Yay!

          RedH! Good work day, then. At least you know the hospital's bound to be cool. I did see that you went down a bit by accident and drank. I was nervous about my bump down because I've had that experience, too. Sorry I couldn't post. Hope that's all evened out!

          Beatle-bug. Glad you're feeling better. Can't wait until you get off of Gilligan's place and find internet again. I was a little at a loss at my parent's this weekend without wi-fi. How does one do that anymore??? Miss you.

          Thanks for checkin' in...I'm checkin' bac(k) out!


            Checkin' In

            lol, Gilligan's Island, or something similar, is indeed where I've been on and off for the past weeks.

            No plumbing, no electricity, I can deal with that, but no INTERNET?:H

            You get the picture.

            Thank you Bruun, I know I am not an awful person, I just slipped into that mode for a couple days. Thanks for the Gabapentin reminder -- it has come up several times here on these threads and on another forum, and I'm sure I looked into it at the time, but can't recall why I dropped it.

            Cinders was using it, I think.

            RedH, have been following your thread more or less, but not up to responding or following completely. Hope you had a good day. And thanks for your kind words. I think there are many who have had harder journeys than I have, though. I am blessed in many ways. Although I'm not sure I like the connotation people generally attach to the word "blessed".

            Good luck on your exams, NE!

            We are all rooting for you. Or is it routing for you? Or re-routing for you? Oy vey, time for me to go back to college.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

