I'm Hallowa, and i'm a alcoholic

Till 2 weeks ago i was still in denial, but now i want to get sober!
last 2 days i read the book off ameissen and i think baclofen is a very good medicin.
For over 15 years i am addicted to weed, alcohol, gambling etc... (no coke

Till 2 years ago i was sober for 1,5 year and i feld pretty good. Hash was a very good medicin for me but, it wasn't good enough... after 6 months i thought, maybe 1 beer in the sun should not be a problem..
7 beers later... i was totaly drunk and that was the beginning of anxiety AGAIN...
My doctor is away for vacation and he is coming back in 1 week and im preparing everything for a consult... to get baclofen.
Tomorrow im having a consult @ adicction care in holland, but i know that they don't subscripe baclofen...
If my doctor don't subrcribes it, i will order them online... and i hope you guys (and girls) will give me some moral support
