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    Sheesh. it's barely Wednesday EST and there's already a clamor for The Wednesday Thread over on the Tuesday Thread. Hell, Pete hasn't even gone to bed yet from the looks of it! I know it's hard to for some of you GMT people to figure out the day without a little reminder, especially those on HDB. I'm glad I can help.

    While looking for an emoti to aptly describe what it's like to be up at 3am to work on stuff that was supposed to be submitted at 11:59pm last night, I found this guy: :hateputer: It's not for me, of course. Mine is :hputer

    Now that it's started, I'm outtie, again. Looking forward to catching up on the triumphs and titillations that Wednesday will bring/has brought us.

    Murphy, you promised that if I sent you that picture you would neva eva show it to anyone. I feel so. so. so betrayed. And strangely excited. Maybe I should send more? I wonder if I should show the one you sent me? I'll have to find the time today.


    Actually I already HAVE gone to bed NE

    I followed all your guys' advice and got an Rx for Klonipin (similiar to Xanax). I took one at 8:00, and was already awake by 12:30. I have little chance of getting back to sleep.

    I just can't wait till Friday comes around. You'll see...
    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
    George Santayana



      I don't understand this thread.

      The unexamined life is not worth living



        I think it's like the Tuesday one, only different, because it isn't Tuesday any more. Plus, I don't think understanding it helps, so I wouldn't bother trying to.

        I had a terrible nights sleep, thank for asking. So much so that I have given myself the afternoon off. I just have 1 hour worth of gym to wade through, and then I plan on sleeping until tomorrow morning, which won't happen, alas. Perhaps I'll go to the doctor and see what I can get him to prescribe me.

        And you all will be very pleased to hear that it is warming up here.



          Hi Bleep

          I am adding to the Southern African voice. Indeed the weather is improving, we are expecting 20 C today although still to wintry for my liking - roll on 30 C !

          So sorry to hear you didn't sleep well, that's just rude (eventhough you are used to it !)

          Ne great idea for a thread !!!

          Pete perhaps you and Bleep should compare drugs (perhaps you have - my short and medium term memories suck !)

          Murph you don't have to understand just go with the flow, it's what we do here all the time and we're doing ok !

          Great day to all ! :h



            I can relate to the coldness. As it's been mentioned, USA is in a huge heatwave. I was watching the news today and it showed a map of the nation for today's weather. The vast majority of the nation is in the 90's, with some 80 and some triple digits. THe place where I live was in the only place in the nation that wasn't even 70 degrees

            And Facade, great idea about the drugs. I believe bleep is somewhat familiar with Xanax, but not sure. What the doc gave me is the same class of drugs, benzodiazepines, but mine is longer lasting and is known more of helping with anxiety than anything else, while Xanax is short lasting and is known more as a "knock out" drug. I wanted to stay away from benzos in general and try something like Ambien, but I needed this for my sleep anxiety.

            I think I took it too early though, because while it knocked me out in 30 mins, I woke up a few hours later, and here I am at 4:40 am not able to sleep
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana



              Hiya, peeps! Welcome and thanks. Someone explain to poor Murphy about Wednesday, will you? It's hump day, Murph. That may help you place it.
              I'm off to meet a new, sort of, therapist in a few short. She's sort of new in that she was one of the counselors in the city run outpatient program I did for eight weeks, following 5 weeks of self-imposed internment at one of those places resembling a hostel, including the weary travel-worn souls, but without any of the fun. That was 6 years ago.

              I REALLY liked her. She started the class off by ringing a huge bell, a work of art, and guiding us in meditation. She had a placard on her office wall, "Life is too short to wear uncomfortable shoes." But I still like her, and can see the point. Ed (husband) did NOT like her at all. He's a better judge of character than I am. I'm rambling because I'm nervous and now I'm very late.

              Cross fingers or whatever!
              (sorry for the sleep, bleep. glad it's getting warmer in your ridiculously warm winters, down and over there. Mister Slipster, Klonipin rings a warning bell. Have you checked it out in relation to bac and booze? and aaargh, I suspected you might be up for the day rather than heading to bed. sorry. It does get better. Reg, if you erase those tunes, I'm gonna be annoyed. will listen later. pulled a reg on Murph's thread just for you...)



                OK, now I get it.

                The unexamined life is not worth living



                  Mister Slipster I like it

                  I looked up interactions, and it was the whole "synergystic effect of 2 depressants" thing.
                  It's the same class of drugs as Xanax, which people here take, so I'm guessing it would be similar, not sure though. Alcohol is a definite no no while on it though. My question is though, is baclofen a CNS depressant?
                  Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                  George Santayana



                    Meh, I'll take it for as long as I have to, and I'm on 300 a day. The alternative sucks, I can't believe I used to live the way I did. Chin up Reg.

                    Facade, that's great to hear! Our weather rolls up from you guys, so if it's warmer there, the next few days bode well for us!

                    Sleep is sleep. If you get it, great. A little tiredness is not the end of the world, I've decided. Life goes on.

                    Slippery, despite my apparent wisdom, I've never taken any drugs really, except the fun ones. If you want advice there, I'm your man! I said what I did purely because I've seen others say the same in similar situations.



                      Reggie;1150160 wrote: Well done Grasshopper
                      You are learning the ways of the Ninja..

                      I've learned from the master!

                      My appointment was GREAT btw. Thanks for asking. pfft.

                      Maybe, Mr. Slipster, (I like it too!) it's simply that it's a benzo? Yes, bac is definitely a CNS depressant. Hence all the CNS depressant-related-SEs! How 'bout that!

                      Facade! Sister, so nice to see you about and sounding so darn good!

                      Glad you finally get it, Murph. Today's WEDNESDAY! Hence the title. It was barely Wednesday and I was feeling cross. Hence the question mark.

                      And bleep, following up on the alarm clock saga...It's plugged in behind the bed and I just.didn' Better now. Ed unplugged it when he threw it. :H He didn't throw it actually, but he wanted to, I bet!


                      (does that actually mean 'have a good day'? or is it more like 'bye'? also, what's the story with 'loose' vs. 'lose'?)



                        bleep;1150211 wrote: Meh, I'll take it for as long as I have to, and I'm on 300 a day. The alternative sucks, I can't believe I used to live the way I did. Chin up Reg.
                        Dammit. I missed it. There is only one way to capture the elusive underoo ninja, it seems.

