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Bac and xanax and anxiety

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    Bac and xanax and anxiety

    There has been a lot of talk about bac and anxiety. How bac relieves anxiety, which is often the major root of people?s alcoholism, or somehow intertwined with it.

    Yet at high levels, bac increases many people?s anxiety so much that it becomes the main SE that keeps them from pushing higher ? and, ironically, the SE that pushes them to drink more, even if the cravings are diminished. That has definitely been the case with me.

    Enter Xanax.

    Dr. L and several members on this forum have been ?pushing? xanax as an anti-anxiety med to combat the anxiety experienced by many from hi dose bac (HDB).

    But xanax is a benzo, and all benzos are highly addictive. Tolerance builds quickly and addiction can occur in as little as 2-3 weeks daily use. Withdrawal can be more difficult than from alcohol, I have read and heard.

    Doctors are warned to never prescribe benzos on a regular basis to anybody with a history of addiction problems. (Benzos are routinely used for a few days in alcohol detox situations, however.)

    Dr. L (and others) does not seem to have a problem with this. He routinely prescribes HDB and xanax together. Apparently, he believes the baclofen protects the brain from getting addicted to the xanax? I think that?s what he said, at least to someone here.

    To me, this just doesn?t make sense. But with others chiming in and urging me to try it, I succumbed. (After all, even if I were to trade one addiction for another ? alcohol for benzos ? I would be doing my body less harm than with alcohol, I figured.)

    Well, I do believe I am getting addicted to xanax, after about 5 weeks of use. My tolerance has definitely gone up, I notice it quickly when I miss a dose, even a half dose, I take it on a prn basis much more than I did when I started, and although my anxiety is slightly reduced, I still need the alcohol to round it off ? especially in sudden panic situations.

    Any thoughts?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    Bac and xanax and anxiety

    Omg...I was on benzos for years(for sleep issues).
    Coming off That stuff, is far worse than alcohol(and I was only on 1mg tablets, that were doctor monitored, because he knew I was an alcoholic)
    The reason being is alcohol can leave your system within 72hrs, Benzo's remain in your muscle tissue & fat cells.
    Please, this is just a forewarning, if you have to come off the benzos do it through rehab,or in the hospital- it is a very scary situation!


      Bac and xanax and anxiety

      Hi beatle,

      I don't have any serious problem coming off xanax (when I run out and the doctor doesn't want to rx me more). It takes about four days of sleeplessness, which bacsters tough out all the time. It doesn't hurt or make you vomit, it just makes you anxious and sleepless until it gets out of your system. At least that's been my experience several times.

      And xanax is something I've over-relied on for sleep, when actually I started taking it to help me get AF at the witching hour. I do experience increased tolerance on it and so discontinue it regularly to avoid major tolerance.


        Bac and xanax and anxiety

        I only "push" Xanax because I have heard it so highly recommended by several members here. It seems I need to do a little more research.

        What are you basing your addiction on Beatle? An increased tolerance? Have you tried to stop taking it?


          Bac and xanax and anxiety


          If you look up xanax on wikipedia (which is, as we all know, them most trusted source for reliable information in the world :nutso you can see that opinions on it are divided. Some doctors believe that it can be a viable solution to long term anxiety problems and that you do not develop a tolerance to it and others believe that tolerance develops rapidly and you should only prescribe it on a very short term basis.

          I think it depends on the person. In the beginning I took 2mg a day. Now, six months later, I only take 1.25-2mg a day, depending on the day. I don't develop a tolerance to it at all. Isolde on the other hand swears that if she takes it more than once or twice a week she will build a tolerance to it and therefore only uses it once or twice a week.

          I'm very wary about taking too much of it on a given day because, for example, if I take too much at work then when I get home I'll never be able to get my ass back out the door and get to the gym. I'm indifferent to it though. Situations like this make it obvious. If I take too much I just fall asleep and usually look back at it as an accident, a wasted few hours and try to avoid it.

          It sounds to me like you are trying to use it for symptom control and haven't developed any type of psychological dependence on it. But you could probably answer that.

          How can you miss a dose or a half dose if you take it on a prn basis?

          Have you tried to take more xanax instead of drinking?

          Have you tried to put yourself in a relaxing situation (watching a movie or something) for at least a couple of hours before taking xanax (or more xanax) or drinking?
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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            Bac and xanax and anxiety


            Stop taking everything.
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


              Bac and xanax and anxiety

              havefaith;1150255 wrote: Omg...I was on benzos for years(for sleep issues).
              Coming off That stuff, is far worse than alcohol(and I was only on 1mg tablets, that were doctor monitored, because he knew I was an alcoholic)
              The reason being is alcohol can leave your system within 72hrs, Benzo's remain in your muscle tissue & fat cells.
              Please, this is just a forewarning, if you have to come off the benzos do it through rehab,or in the hospital- it is a very scary situation!
              Bruunhilde;1150281 wrote:
              Hi beatle,

              I don't have any serious problem coming off xanax (when I run out and the doctor doesn't want to rx me more). It takes about four days of sleeplessness, which bacsters tough out all the time. It doesn't hurt or make you vomit, it just makes you anxious and sleepless until it gets out of your system. At least that's been my experience several times.

              And xanax is something I've over-relied on for sleep, when actually I started taking it to help me get AF at the witching hour. I do experience increased tolerance on it and so discontinue it regularly to avoid major tolerance.
              I've heard both of these stories quite a few times now. Again, I think it just depends on the person.
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Bac and xanax and anxiety

                Thanks all! Good to hear diff opinions.

                I'm inclined to keep up with the xanax for now, and just make sure I don't go over a certain amount. It is helping, even if not as much as I want it to (sort of like bac, I guess,and).

                I'm still interested in why the bac would negate the addiction to benzos, tho. And why xanax is the absolute benzo of choice of Dr. L.

                And I agree, that like all drugs, diff people will react differently. Just good to know the positives and negatives.

                And thank you for the good advice, Lo0p.

                Oh, btw, my dosing on xanax is 1/2 tab (0.125mg) 8:30 (along w/first bac dose), 1/2 tab (0.125mg) 17:30 (along with 4th bac dose, and 1 tab (0.25mg) at night before bed.

                The prn has been in 1/2 tab doses and I take 1-3 a day. Making a total of 3.5 tabs on some days. A little scary, I guess. And the prns keep increasing as I actively seek to resist the knee-jerk al reaction.

                I've seen a lot of stories like havefaiths, so it is not new to me -- a bit scary, but I also know to take everything with a grain of salt. I like to have the info from all angles, tho.

                And I'm not quite sure what you mean, Ig. Do you mean stop taking everything but bac? If so, I can see where you are coming from. I have done that, except for a couple meds my life depends on and have no counterindications with bac. The xanax is a fairly new addition aimed at managing my anxiety, which is likely the main reason I have failed to become indifferent on bac. It comes with many recommendations. I'm just giving it a try, and asking for input, which I am getting and it is very useful.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Bac and xanax and anxiety


                  As I have said, over and over again on other threads, bac has had many MANY beneficial effects on my life... so much so that despite not reaching indifference, and despite all the horrific side effects, I would never consider quitting. (And the SEs have all but disappeared... finally! At 300mg/day, too.)
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Bac and xanax and anxiety

                    I've taken Xanax daily for over a year, 1 mg each night to help with sleep, and did end up building a tolerance to it, but I have never encountered psychological dependence (in the sense of craving it or wanting to take it for a buzz). For me it was never the same feeling as alcohol, and so that type of addiction didn't develop.

                    When I decided to give the drug a break I switched over to an equivalent dose of Valium under a doctor's supervision, and then tapered the Valium down. I only experienced mild symptoms of withdrawal by doing this, and no compulsion to keep taking the Xanax (nor any compulsion to take more Valium than intended). My main reasons for stopping the Xanax were failure of it to help anymore, and withdrawal symptoms in between doses.

                    My doctor feels that it doesn't cause severe addiction if only used as prescribed, and never used recreationally. Some people do report serious problems with it however. I have no idea how baclofen would prevent tolerance or dependence but maybe others here can elaborate if Dr L has told them this.


                      Bac and xanax and anxiety

                      I don't recall Dr L saying that baclofen would prevent tolerance to xanax (I may be wrong) but he did say that with bac you wouldn't be able to become addicted to it. Baclofen destroys the addictive circuitry in the brain. You will not be able to want more and more xanax without the message of what you are desiring reaching the front of your brain (reasoning part). Therefore if you decide to take loads of xanax it would have to be a rational choice: fairly unlikely combination.

                      Even though I was fairly lubed on alcohol when I wrote, "you should stop taking everything Beatle", there was some intelligence behind it. Can't for the life of me remember what it was exactly! Something about the way that I imagine you spend your day popping your cocktail of pills/supplements and have yet still not fixed yourself. Maybe changed one reality for another. Can you even remember what you felt like re alcohol before the enhancers, relaxers, depressors, elevators? Maybe stop all and try again from the beginning with the benefit of the knowledge you have gained from experience. I've probably gone to far but as you said, its just one persons opinion out of many.
                      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12

