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jimmyjam needs help

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    jimmyjam needs help

    well, i am one of those " lurkers" that have followed these threads for quite some time. I eventually hooked up with Dr. L and am being very cautious about my titration schedule. Great guy Dr. L is. I am currently at 50 mg. and not really really seeing any decrease in my cravings. At what point did most people see results. Little bout myself I am 44 year old male high pressure sales job. Upstate NY. approx. 50 units per week. No side effects yet. I work out daily and eat healthy. My drinking is compl;etely related to stress and anxiety. 2 kids and tired of sneaking drinks every eveining to feel comfortable. Tried to stop or cut down but cant. I have read through most posts but would like to hear about at what dose people started top see any results. Wierdly, at my first dose of 10 mg i felt a decrease but that only lasted a few days.

    jimmyjam needs help

    Feeling something different after the first dose is pretty common- I certainly felt it. As I said before, it was as if the part of my brain that was constantly whining about booze just shut up for a bit. The feeling did tail off- I was still drinking at the start- but I think I really started becoming disinterested at about 120mg. I did try to get drunk, but it just didn't feel the same.

    What titration schedule are you on? I started on 30mg and went up by 20mg every 3 days to start with, which is what is in Dr. Amiesen's book. Hopefully you'll start feeling the benefit soon, though it might help to see if you can wean yourself off those last few drinks first.


      jimmyjam needs help

      20 mg. first 4 days
      then 30 mg. next 3 days
      week 2 10 mg 3X daily
      week 3 50 mg 20,10,20
      week 4 70 mg
      week 5 90 mg 20,30,20,20
      week 6 110 mg spread 3 to 4 doses
      week 7 130

      week 8 150 .
      up 20 mg every week


        jimmyjam needs help

        Pretty safe. Bear in mind that there's no officially sanctioned schedule for what we're doing, but if that's what your script covers then stick with it.


          jimmyjam needs help

          Hi Jimmy and welcome.

          I also felt something after my first dose and it stayed with me. I carried on drinking 1/3rd of a bottle every evening but was able to avoid getting drunk (shitfaced is a better description).

          But that was it, I still couldn't imagine not having that drink, to get me to a warm place, until I was close to my switch. At that point my drinking behaviour became a little more erratic and then I effortlessly stopped.

          Good luck, I'm confident that if you stick with the schedule you will get results.
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


            jimmyjam needs help

            I too drank due to anxiety, among other reasons. I think what helped me was knowing that it's different for everyone. Titrating up on bac is a journey. Main thing is relax, know that you're doing the right thing, and keep asking questions and finding information.
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              jimmyjam needs help

              Hi Jimmy, and welcome.

              That's a decent titration. One thing I'd like to suggest is to perhaps break it down a little more. For example, when you get to 50mg's, which you're on now, don't do 20,20,10 but do it 10, 10, 10, 10 and 10. Same as when you get higher. The more you can break it down, the better your SE's, generally speaking.

              As to when, everyone is different, and we have seen hugely different numbers. Best of luck.


                jimmyjam needs help

                Thanks for responses everybody. I guess you can call it progress but I was at my friends house yesterday afternoon and had 3 gin and tonics enjoying a beautiful afternoon ( felt quite buzzed from that). Normally, I would come home and continue drinking wine to keep the buzz going but I didn't feel great after having 3 even though i had a buzz so I didn't drink at all the rest of the evening. Kinda nice to not wake up with a hangover to start out the work week. Like most people have said here, I felt like it was just habit. As I said earlier no SE's yet, except I think the vivid dreams.


                  jimmyjam needs help

                  Great start, JJ! I have no idea when it started to make a difference. 120mg-140mg I remember distinctly. Lots have noticed it much earlier. Many much after much more bac! If you're feeling it, go with it!


                    jimmyjam needs help

                    And so it begins...


                      jimmyjam needs help

             wtf..i have no problem working out on bac but i play in a quite serious golf league on Monday nights and I played my worst round in years. I know, sobriety is way more important than golf..I know and agree..but I was so depressed due to the "busting of my balls" for such a bad round I had 5 drinks and was quite drunk..step backwards..


                        jimmyjam needs help

                        That's another 1st for bac SEs!

                        Not really a step backwards, you will know when you become uninterested in drinking.
                        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                          jimmyjam needs help

                          IMHO - taking bac and killing the beast first, golf second.

                          When I was titrating up, many people told me to relax, and that drinking is what we're used to, so let bac do its thing. I play soccer weekly, and sucked for a couple weeks when I was titrating up and not drinking as much, but now I'm better than ever. It's all good dude
                          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                          George Santayana


                            jimmyjam needs help

                            I find golf is always a good excuse to get plastered, so I've given it up entirely. In fact, such was my dislike for the game I used to start drinking during the round, which would perhaps explain my dismal scores. Perhaps shelve it for a bit? Baclofen is a muscle relaxant, so it's to be expected that funny things will happen in this area.


                              jimmyjam needs help

                              Litte update, had horrible day yesterday after having a decent week of only 2 to 4 drinks a night with a few af days mixed in. I m at 70 mg now and not really seeing reduced cravings yet. Played golf and ovecourse gambled a little. The winners throw the money on the bar and we drink till its gone. So had 4 drinks by 1 in the afternoon. Had people over swimming which always means drinking by the pool. I bought powerade and drank that for a few hours then caved at dinner cooking out and 4 big glasses of wine. I think i read somewhere about bac can give you bad hangover. I feel horrible today. Im really hoping this stuff works. Cant wait to increase my dose.

