My bac is from from 4rx, the 25mg Fexobac. And i get 40mgs a day from a doctor.
I started bac in mid April and didn't see much results for May. By June 1st i was at 200mgs and started to mix in some AF days, feeling good. All of this was the Fexobac, i was stockpiling the Lioresal (sp?).
By mid June i was at 275 and was sober for 6 out of 10 days or something and i started posted asking about 'the switch'. It was close.
At the end of June I went to 25 of Fexobac and 10 of Lioresal = 35 mgs every 1.5 hours for 280 a day. And I went 10 days AF! My longest stretch in 25 years. A miracle. And i had plenty of 'reasons' to pound a few during that time, but didn't even cross my mind. I was preparing my coming out post in my head.
At the time i felt almost no SEs, but I was depressed and anxious. Things small and large upset me. I don't like being a drunk but at least when I drank failures dulled and the future was no threat and now it was the opposite. And I started breaking off contact with friends, family, everyone. (and my thread got abandoned) And despite being AF nothing was getting done, books went unopened, projects did not get started. I was happiest smoking on the deck, and I hardly ever smoked before, great, a new addiction!
So I was searching for titrating down and maintenance doses. I was running out of my 10s anyway. So i started taking 50 mgs every 3 hours or so to 250 and then a few 10s at night to go to 270, and then 260.
After a few days I had a summer festival and i was the only adult drinking apple juice. Someone bought me a beer and it tasted good, so i bought the 2nd round and that was good. I had 4 beers. Next day AF, then 6 beers, then AF, AF, then some beer... And on July 8th I had a taste for whiskey. For the first time in 16 days I bought some whiskey.
And that has been the story of July. I went back to 280 but I am drinking every damn day. Sometimes 4, sometimes 9, whiskey and beer. What the fuck happened? How could 280 work for June and be worthless in July? (I'll give that a guess in the following post)
Is the simple answer, go up more?
And i think that has to be the answer, i've thought of posting this many times this month, but when i thought about that response I didn't post. I mean, if i know the answer then i should just do it myself. But i need to get this out there. Please help.
Thanks. Oh, and i need to change my mood, that was during my AF stretch. I am not confident now. I'd like to end with :upset: