Tex - great to hear from you. Sounds like you are having fantastic success on really low doses. 16 days, That is fantastic.
Getting there - fantastic too - 18 days. Whopee! being able to say no to that bottle of wine. That is what i am really looking forward to.
The tiredness sucks I know and the mental fog, I have just had to re-read this post 3 times to find out how many days you have done. Shit!! Can you imagine being like that in a classroom full of moody teenagers, whose main purpose in life is to trip the teacher up at any possible moment. Help! Having said that I started taking the nootropic today and it seems to have helped lift the brain fog a little bit. I am hoping it will get better each day now.
Tiny - check in chick. We are waiting to hear ffrom you.
Anyone else who wants to join us feel free.
Just been for a nice long walk in the countryside with my two lovely dogs, and life is feeling better. Still feel quite low though and the cold/bac symptoms are slightly relieved with the medication, but not a lot.
Thanks to Ne, Bleep, Rudy B and other wiser and senior members for all your support, help and encouragement. It truly is appreciated.