There is just no respite - I am desparate
I just dont know what to do. I cant even take a nap in the day now, it is there with me all of the time, every 5 minutes, feels like I am drowning it is awful. I just cannot get any rest at all. I have had about 8 hourse sleep in the last week in totoal. I am getting desparate. I cant think, cant stop crying, panicking.
If I could get off this rollercoaster now I would, but I know I have to titrate down and that could take a couple off weeks, therefore I am keeping going I am dedicated to beat this, but boy is it bloody hard work.
thinking about it I think i have had apnea on and off all of my life, I suffered from swollen adanoids as a child, always snored, sometimes I do wake up in the nigh iwth that drowning feeling, and that i have just stepped off a curb thing. However, nothing like this. I just think the bac has exacerbated it all. I cant see it just stopping and being dose dependant if it has always been there underlying. Will it ever go awa go away now? Has th bac triggered some CSN apnea that will be chronic and long lasting. i have read about people with spasticity having apnea due to bac and they are pretty much on the same dose forever, so how will going up or down relieve this?
I swear I cant live like this, it is awful. I can understand wy sleep deprivtion is a form of torture. I would give all of my secrets and my best mates secrets away for just a few hours sleep right now. In fact, there isnt much I wouldnt do for just a few hours eleep.
God I am so sorry for always seeming so negative - I am normally a glass is half full (of wine) type of girl, but at the moment it is bloody empty (pun intended).