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Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

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    Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I a sober man.

    But seriously, do you think focusing a lot of attention daily on a problem will really help you to free your mind of the thought patterns that are fvcking you?

    It didn't for me.


    Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

    Well that's why I used meds. YMMV though.

    What did you do?


      Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

      This must be powerful stuff. I've just reached 20 000 posts on my way to almost two years of sobriety. Must I start over because I did it all wrong? :H:H:H
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

        NannerPuddin;1159581 wrote:

        But seriously, do you think focusing a lot of attention daily on a problem will really help ...
        It didn't for me.

        tiptronic_ct;1159598 wrote:
        I've just reached 20 000 posts
        on my way to almost two years of sobriety.
        I've often wondered what would've happened if the people who took action and found a way out in other programs (including My Way Out) decided that since they achieved A Way Out they didn't need to participate anymore.

        OR what if they decided that everyone else was doing it all wrong and they couldn't be arsed to participate because THEIR way was the ONLY way.

        OR what if they decided that the same questions were being asked over and over and over again, and they couldn't be arsed to help someone--someone who is actively drinking alcoholically--find their way through the morass of information.


        Daily posting seems to have served you well, Nanner. There's another on maintenance bac, who participates elsewhere, but not in meds anymore. That person struggled trying to moderate for a good long time before deciding to give up the booze for once and all.
        Several others, too.
        Seems to me, the only people who are still participating here from other sections are sober by choice without the use of meds. (Doggygirl, who is a champion among us for reaching out wherever and whenever.)

        My conclusion is that it takes time, it takes patience, it takes participation... Maybe someday I'll have 20,000 posts. I hope I'm still reaching out, and remember what it was like when I had 100, or even 1000.

        Much admiration.


          Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

          NannerPuddin;1159581 wrote: a sober man.

          But seriously, do you think focusing a lot of attention daily on a problem will really help you to free your mind of the thought patterns that are fvcking you?

          It didn't for me.

          What an idiotic post!
          I bet you were at an AA meeting yesterday! And the day before, and the day before............


            Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I


            For a minute there I thought I was imagining things. Having a super-bac-moment the likes of which I haven't had in many, many moons.

            Turns out it's just a Reg. Only even more ...subtle.

            What gives O Mighty Orangey One???


              Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

              wanttobesober;1159708 wrote: What an idiotic post!
              I bet you were at an AA meeting yesterday! And the day before, and the day before............
              Why do you sat that There are many AA people and threads here.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

                Yes, wanttobe, the original poster is not affiliated with a recovery program outside of MWO and bac... just sayin. :H again.


                  Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

                  mario;1159716 wrote: Why do you sat that There are many AA people and threads here.
                  Hi Mario,

                  I did not say that. What I was trying to say that this guy maybe thinks that his approach and only his approach can help with alcoholism. And anybody else don't know what they are doing. Which reminds me to the AA mentality.
                  But I could be wrong! :-))


                  "the original poster is not affiliated with a recovery program outside of MWO and bac"

                  WoW! How do you know that?


                    Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

                    wanttobesober;1159724 wrote: Hi Mario,

                    I did not say that. What I was trying to say that this guy maybe thinks that his approach and only his approach can help with alcoholism. And anybody else don't know what they are doing. Which reminds me to the AA mentality.
                    But I could be wrong! :-))


                    "the original poster is not affiliated with a recovery program outside of MWO and bac"

                    WoW! How do you know that?
                    Apoligies there wantobesober, reacted to quickly my mistake :goodjob: and of course your right, There are many ways to beat this.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Gather 'Round and Hear My Words Of Wisdom On How To Be Sober, As I

                      Hi Mario,

                      mario;1159726 wrote: Apoligies there wantobesober, reacted to quickly my mistake :goodjob: and of course your right, There are many ways to beat this.
                      No need to apologize!

                      Anyway I came across one of your old post that you wrote back then when you started your Journey. It is a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Alcohol. I love it!

                      I just bumped it up. :-))



