After a bit of a shaky start, i am feeling a lot better after dropping and spacing out my doses, so i thought i would start to share my experience.
I started Bac last week, was prescribed 30mg (3 x 10) by my doctor. Turned out this was too high for me, and the side effects took me by surprise, especially since my doctor told me he was starting me on a low dose. Anyway after a bit of adjusting and a lot of help and advice from you guys here :thanks: i am now taking 3 x 5mg each day. Basically since i started on friday i have hardly been out of bed due to tiredness and feeling sick if i sat or stood up. But today everything is different!! I have also had 4 AF days, which is a lot to do with not feeling well and being a bit scared of side effects.
I have woken up today feeling pretty good - i am up and out of bed and feeling motivated to change. I have just been to the supermarket and stocked up on fresh fruit and vegetables feeling keen to eat and live healthy - haven't felt like that since i can remember. I did forget what i was looking for a couple of times at the store, but i can live with that!!
I am about to try and do some work so hopefully i can concentrate through the foggy head!
Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories, they are a huge help.
