Have been a bit of a lurker, but have read with great interest all the info about Baclofen.
Have also read Dr A's book and decided i would like to give this baclofen a go.
However..... as I am a teacher in a very small town, I didn't want to go into the surgery and out myself as someone with a drink problem (I teach my GP's kids, not the info you want a pushy parent to get hold of really!)
So, I decided to be very sneaky and concoct some story about getting bad leg cramps and that I'd read up that Baclofen can be great for leg cramps (I'd read this was true on t'internet!). The doctor goes and prescribes me quinine instead. Foiled!
I have no idea where else I can get this stuff in the UK. Is there anyone from England who orders it from somewhere? If so, could you let me know where?
Thanks a lot
