I'm thinking, with the time it'll take to get to the UK, I'll be just about to start back at my teaching job. Can't afford not to be on the ball with a class full of angsty 13 year olds, and gather that bac can give you a touch of brain fog (esp when titrating up)
Sure I read on here somewhere that people have counteracted this by including piracetam? Any advice / info would be very much appreciated on how well this works
So, onto the second question. I am a pretty anxious person in general, but wouldn't really say that my drinking is anxiety related. It's more that I look forward to having my wine in the evening - rewarding myself for getting through the day

Has anyone had that, where they have an anxious type personaility but don't relate their anxiety to drinking? Would bac be fairly useless in my campaign to quit drinking if this is the case?
Sorry if these questions have already been discussed previously, I have had a quick search but came up with about 1000 possible links!
Thanks a lot, am really keen to get started asap so appreciate your help