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Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

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    Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

    Hi All - I have a question about Baclofe SE's. I started at 30mgs and have been moving up every 7 days and am now at 90mgs per day. Had minimal SE's until the 3rd day of 90mgs. I am getting really dizzy mid-day (taking 3 in the morning, 3 mid-day, and then 3 at night). I also feel very tired, can't stay awake during this time as well. Not good since I work during that time! Also, I have leg aches from the knee down almost constantly and in the early evening I start getting crampy along with feeling like I can't keep my feet still (very strange feeling not sure how to explain!). Has anyone else experience this? Will it go away? Should I go back down to 70mgs? Any info/advice you have will be appreciated.


    Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

    Hi GT nice to hear from you again. I have had all of those side effects and more beside. The leg thing is called restless leg syndrome and is a common side effect of bac. I would first of all split your dose up if you are on 90 do 1 x30 and 3 x 20 that will help and rather than going down I would try going up a little bit to 100 and do 5 x 20 it's amazing how going up a tiny bit can stop the side effects and splitting the dose up really helps with the dizziness and tiredness. Hope this helps I am sure some of our senior members will chime in too. Stay strong x


      Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

      Hey there, g.t.! I suffered from restless limb syndrome (it gets in my arms bad too) before bac and it resurfaced terribly with the bac. I take Hyland's homeopathic pills for it, and it helps immensely. They have a couple different formulations, I haven't decided which one is best, but any of them should help. Hyland's for restless legs or night leg cramps. You'll find them at vitamin shoppe or an enlightened grocery store. Just make sure it's Hyland's, others are just pain relievers. For the dizziness and somnalence, only thing I've found is good old fashioned caffiene. As long as you keep busy and moving, it's tolerable. Good luck!
      "Yet someday this will have an end
      All choices made or choice resigned,
      And in your face the literal eye
      Trace little of your history,
      Nor ever piece the tale entire
      Of villages that had to burn
      And playgrounds of the will destroyed
      Before you could be safe from time
      And gather in your brow and air
      The stillness of antiquity."

      From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


        Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

        Hi Get.

        B.S. is right about splitting the doses up, but personally I always found it much better to split into as many doses as possible, so if you can split them into equal parts and take them every 2 or 3 hours, finishing with your last dose at least 4 hours before you go to bed so as to not interfere with your sleep too much.

        All the SEs are temporary and will either go with time or an increase/decrease of dose, except somnolence - that's permanent I'm afraid but if you can make sure you get a good long sleep at night and as Windy says, caffeine and moving about will help, some. Also, if at all possible, I would recommend power naps. I find a 15 minute nap wakes me up for a good couple of hours.

        Stick with it and you'll work through the SEs, they're nothing compared with the alternative.

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

          Thanks All:

          I picked up the Hylands this morning and we shall see how they work. Windy - how long before they give relief? I am trying to space out the doses. - Taking 2 every 3 to 4 hours. Again, thanks for the tips and you are right, a few pesky side effects is better than the alternative.....


            Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

            They should work immediately, if you're taking 3 under the tongue until they melt. If those don't help, make sure you're getting enough magnesium, calcium, and especially potassium. Some people swear to have cured their RLS just by eating a banana every night. Didn't work for me, but...
            Also, dividing doses did initially help me, but later on, when nausea became (and still is) my worst SE, actually breaking up the pill themselves seemed to make it worse. Maybe something about disrupting the coating and being aborbed to quickly by the stomach? Just a thought.
            "Yet someday this will have an end
            All choices made or choice resigned,
            And in your face the literal eye
            Trace little of your history,
            Nor ever piece the tale entire
            Of villages that had to burn
            And playgrounds of the will destroyed
            Before you could be safe from time
            And gather in your brow and air
            The stillness of antiquity."

            From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


              Baclofen - Weird Side Effects?

              They worked!! Thanks! And breaking up the does seemed to help with the dizziness as well. Now, if I can just make it through my week in Vegas (for work) without AL! There are SO many triggers here!

