Clearly, this isn't going to last very long in the scheme of things, but will enable me to see if i have any massive probs with se's before ordering online.
I am very, very excited, nervous and just a little bit daunted. I hope so much that this can work for me like it has for many of you.
So, yesterday, I started with three 5mg doses spread over the day. Felt fine, although a little spacey and had a weird night's sleep which culminated in an horrific nightmare. Could really do without waking up shouting 'No God, No!' every morning but hopefully that will pass.
Shall do the same today and then add another 5mg tomorrow, adding 5mg every other day. Dunno if that sounds OK?
I feel I must try to moderate my drinking as I start on this journey. Don't feel like I can just stop completely right now, that thought sends me into a nasty little 'poor me' frame of mind and I can do without that atm. Gotta focus on the positive!
I know I have a way to go, but I'm generally a very optimistic person, (won't use the glass half full analogy

Think this place will be a godsend
Wishing you all a happy Wednesday .....