Eughh, just feel too poorly on this. Spacey and confused. To be getting such dramatic se's on such a low dose tells me that this is not the one for me. What a shame, was looking forward to feeling indifference ....
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Baclofen, here we go........
Baclofen, here we go........
It very likely has something to do with this:
mycall;1173967 wrote: So, went up a mahoossssive 100% today,
Good luck either way, mya.
Baclofen, here we go........
mycall;1174362 wrote: Eughh, just feel too poorly on this. Spacey and confused. To be getting such dramatic se's on such a low dose tells me that this is not the one for me. What a shame, was looking forward to feeling indifference ....
Let's talk about this. You stated that you are starting to feel a little more "chilled" and that things that normally bother you, seem to not bother you as much - That is a good thing!
You doubled your dose - you have to realize that you will feel something from that in terms of SEs. You need to realize that to get rid of the Demon, it is not going to be all sunshine and lollipops. I can tell you that indifference? It IS all sunshine and lollipops!!If you dont like the feeling at 20mgs, back down to say 15mgs. stay there a while until you feel ready to try 20mgs. This isnt a race and as NE said - maybe you will hit the "switch" at a really low dose. It happens - it happenned to Pony, it happenned to Road to Recovery, I am sure there are others.
What is/was your drinking pattern?
This is a fight for your life, please dont give up so easily. Bac will work, you just need to be committed.
Baclofen, here we go........
You are both right of course, doubling up on doses is bound to cause a reaction.
I have stuck at 20mg for a couple of days and now feel fine.
Funny thing happened last night. I poured and drank a glass of wine. Poured another whilst working on the computer. Left the computer to go watch tv and left the wine at the computer. Normally, my wine glass has to be surgically removed from my hand at the end of the evening - it goes where I go!
About 30 mins later I realised I was sitting without a drink but couldn't be bothered to get up and get the wine.
This happens quite often with me with tea. I look forward to making a cup of tea, take a few sips then discover it two hours later when it's gone stone cold.
Hmm, not jumping to any conclusions just yet but might be that the bac is helping somewhat with the obsessional part of the drinking - idk, don't care either. Something seems to be underfoot.
Have three days off work now so might add another 10mg and see how it goes
Baclofen, here we go........
mycall;1175261 wrote: You are both right of course, doubling up on doses is bound to cause a reaction.
I have stuck at 20mg for a couple of days and now feel fine.
Funny thing happened last night. I poured and drank a glass of wine. Poured another whilst working on the computer. Left the computer to go watch tv and left the wine at the computer. Normally, my wine glass has to be surgically removed from my hand at the end of the evening - it goes where I go!
About 30 mins later I realised I was sitting without a drink but couldn't be bothered to get up and get the wine.
This happens quite often with me with tea. I look forward to making a cup of tea, take a few sips then discover it two hours later when it's gone stone cold.
Hmm, not jumping to any conclusions just yet but might be that the bac is helping somewhat with the obsessional part of the drinking - idk, don't care either. Something seems to be underfoot.
Have three days off work now so might add another 10mg and see how it goes
Baclofen, here we go........
Thanks both of you
Well, I had fostered this idea that I could get to the stage where I could enjoy a drink or two when the ocassion merited it - parties, dinner with friends etc.
I'm really an odd oneI rarely over drink when I'm in a social situation, its the day to day drinking that's a problem for me. For example, if I'm out with friends, I will never have more than one drink cos i don't like the way it makes me feel out of control, whereas at home, I get thru at least a bottle of wine a night (more sometimes)
I don't handle drink very well, makes me woozy and unable to keep up with conversations (big surprise there then!) so I tend to keep it for times when there's only me and my husband about (he drinks more than me and is frequently the first to crash out in the evening!)
I always used to envy my mum and sister. They could pour a drink and still have most of it at the end of the evening - whereas mine's been downed within minutes. It would be lovely to be like them, to pour a drink but not be mega attached to it.
Maybe this will happen with bac.
Sorry for the ramble Gotta Stop, just unpicking stuff in my mind. Think the answer to your question is probably 'I don't know'
Baclofen, here we go........
mycall;1175342 wrote: Thanks both of you
Well, I had fostered this idea that I could get to the stage where I could enjoy a drink or two when the ocassion merited it - parties, dinner with friends etc.
I'm really an odd oneI rarely over drink when I'm in a social situation, its the day to day drinking that's a problem for me. For example, if I'm out with friends, I will never have more than one drink cos i don't like the way it makes me feel out of control, whereas at home, I get thru at least a bottle of wine a night (more sometimes)
I don't handle drink very well, makes me woozy and unable to keep up with conversations (big surprise there then!) so I tend to keep it for times when there's only me and my husband about (he drinks more than me and is frequently the first to crash out in the evening!)
I always used to envy my mum and sister. They could pour a drink and still have most of it at the end of the evening - whereas mine's been downed within minutes. It would be lovely to be like them, to pour a drink but not be mega attached to it.
Maybe this will happen with bac.
Sorry for the ramble Gotta Stop, just unpicking stuff in my mind. Think the answer to your question is probably 'I don't know'
Baclofen, here we go........
Am only on 3 x 10mg per day atm, but finding some of the se's a little difficult.
Wondering if they improve as time goes by or if this is showing that bac is not for me.
I feel both wired and zoned out at the same time! During a meeting yesterday (and it was quite a boring meeting, but nevertheless..) I had such a problem keeping my eyes open. Felt like I was literally going to pass out with tiredness.
Yet, when it comes to sleeping, I fall asleep with no problem, only for my eyes to ping open an hour later and my brain starts revving up and going into overdrive. It's like I have a thought and then have to put it on hold cos there are so many other thoughts trying to crowd their way in.
I read on Cassander's anxiety thread where someone used the analogy of a TV programme with the volume up mega loud. He/she said bac stopped all that. For me, it's introduced it. I wake up absolutely bloody knackered!
Also, can't focus properly. Almost feels like I'm having a petit mal at times... so zoned out, and can't 'get' the right word (even simple things like 'table' etc!)
Am I just a total lightweight who needs to 'man up' or is this a fairly typical response to bac even at such a low level?
Would really appreciate any words of wisdom
Thanks in advance
Baclofen, here we go........
Hey, MC!
Sleep disturbances are probably a pretty universal SE. The only person I know of that didn't struggle much with that is my husband. I don't mind telling you that his overall lack of SEs in general was pretty damn annoying from where I sit.
Anyway. The SEs come and go and change. I don't know if I would use 'man up' (though I have, and it's been used quite effectively on me) so much as 'manage'. It's not a short ride. At least it doesn't seem it when you're going through it. Six weeks to freedom ain't such a long haul in the grand scheme!
I actually think one of the reasons that Ed didn't have really have inconvenient SEs is because we knew to anticipate and manage them. If you do that, the chances are you won't have to man up. You'll just have to slog through and get to the other side. Easy breezy.
Sleep is paramount, so guard that.
Staying awake is not-so-much paramount, so if you can take time to rest, do that.
Be gentle with yourself.
Control your thoughts.
If you're taking too much, slow down or go up. The SEs were much worse for me at the lower doses than at the higher doses (say over 60mg.)
Split the doses up and take them regularly every single day. This is also paramount, imho.
In fact, all of this is my humble opinion, of course. It was worth it to me to figure out a way to manage every single obstacle that came up, no matter what. And I'm very thankful I did it. I'm free of the burden for the first time in my life.
I am fully aware that other people might not have that going on and I totally get it! Sort of.
Let us know how it goes!