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Virtual labs

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    Virtual labs

    I just received my order for 20mg x 100ml baclofen, from virtual labs in just 2 days. Great price, $100 for 6000 mg= cheap! + free shipping. However the bottle says: "not intended for human use" ! What am I supposed to do??? I'm not a research person! This cost me over $100.

    Of course, upon reading the "terms & conditions statements" there, I saw , what I SHOULD have seen before ordering.

    "ALL products and services offered are for laboratory and research activities exclusively. By placing orders with this company it us understood by the buyer that under no circumstances should use any of these chemicals/materials in an inappropriate manner. No products here are to be used for recreational purposes nor human consumption. All customers are assumed and expected to be qualified researchers".

    Is this a typical disclaimer? Just "lawyer stuff"? The baclophen is warranted to be 100% pure, pharmicutical grade.

    Virtual labs

    My insurance company refuses to pay for more than nine (20mg) tabs a day. I've now gone up to ten tabs daily. I could obtain a legitimate script from Dr L for the difference and take it to a another pharmacy just to avoid any issues with billing. I may just order this liquid bac instead. Why not? It saves from a couple of headaches, and I will pay less than I would pay out of pocket for the pills. I may give it a whirl. I don't even consider it an experiment.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Virtual labs

      Dude, It's just a disclaimer to protect the company selling it. I ordered some to test out myself and its 100% legit. I'm also using their Tadalafil with great results. I'm going to make a thread about this later. Just remember that its 20 mgs per ml. In MHO It's perfectly safe.


        Virtual labs

        Bminor;1172641 wrote: Dude, It's just a disclaimer to protect the company selling it. I ordered some to test out myself and its 100% legit. I'm also using their Tadalafil with great results. I'm going to make a thread about this later. Just remember that its 20 mgs per ml. In MHO It's perfectly safe.
        I'm going to have to try the tadalafil (cialis) out. Shit costs $20 a pill for 20mg at the pharmacy
        for 2000mg it's like an extra $50 and save $1950 for the same molecules without the 'for human consumption' label

        Only if my wife talks to me again though, but Id hate to reconcile and have baclofen-dick on our first night together.
        I dont want to get too graphic, but does it make it work again?


          Virtual labs

          I like that I have prescribing physician for my bac. I would never change that. It's nice, because if anything happens to me down the road, he is there as a resource. Say for example, I got sick or had to have surgery. The other docs could call him to help manage me better. I think he's an invaluable resource. I'm only going to use this as a bridge for what I can't get my insurance to pay for. I do agree popping all these pills is a PIA.

          Bluto, down the road, when you're better able to manage everything, it may not be a bad idea to call him. He is very easy to talk to. He listens to peoples' problems all day. He listens to us alkies well into the night too. I think he actually likes talking to us and hearing our problems. :H

          If I didn't have health insurance, I would probably do exactly what you fellas are doing. Waiting three weeks to get drugs from overseas is hard, among some other problems I can see.
          This Princess Saved Herself


            Virtual labs

            Hey guys, do your vials have an expiration date on them? If so, when is it? I'm just wondering. If I do this and only use the liquid prn, I want to know how long it will keep.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              Virtual labs

              redhead77;1172661 wrote: I like that I have prescribing physician for my bac. I would never change that. It's nice, because if anything happens to me down the road, he is there as a resource. Say for example, I got sick or had to have surgery. The other docs could call him to help manage me better. I think he's an invaluable resource. I'm only going to use this as a bridge for what I can't get my insurance to pay for. I do agree popping all these pills is a PIA.

              Bluto, down the road, when you're better able to manage everything, it may not be a bad idea to call him. He is very easy to talk to. He listens to peoples' problems all day. He listens to us alkies well into the night too. I think he actually likes talking to us and hearing our problems. :H

              If I didn't have health insurance, I would probably do exactly what you fellas are doing. Waiting three weeks to get drugs from overseas is hard, among some other problems I can see.
              I agree that Dr. L is for the most part, easy to talk to... but does anyone else who goes through him feel like he never actually remembers who you are? I went through a period of about 2 months where I had scheduled weekly call in sessions with him and it felt like every week I was repeating the same things again trying to get him to remember who I was and what I was talking about last week. Don't get my wrong, I totally appreciate having him do what he does, but I just wanted to put that out there.

              Now, on to the research chemical bac. I just started a new job and for the first 6 months I will not have insurance to pay for baclofen. The last time I paid Walgreens for 220 tablets without insurance it was over 150 dollars. I'm thinking about using strictly liquid baclofen for the next 6 months and just keeping what stock of pills I have on hand for occasions where the liquid would be super inconvenient such as taking to work or whatever. Regardless, I ordered mine and got it within 2 days and have been testing it out over the last week and notice no difference than the pills. It's certainly the real deal.


                Virtual labs

                Thanks for expiration info Bluto. I'll have to figure out how best to use my stuff with the info you have supplied me. Depending on how high I have to go this time around, it may not be an issue at all...sigh.

                Bminor, this isn't the first time I've read this. I've read it a number of times, actually. I think he may be dealing with so many alcoholic patients at this point, that it is hard to keep track. Then again, you were talking to him weekly for 2 months, so one would assume he would be able to remember you, and keep track of what's going on. Maybe he has early Alzheimers? Someone should recommend some supplements for better cognition maybe. :H

                I only talked to him on the phone once or twice before I had an office appointment with him. I actually see him in his office (not every appt but many), so I don't have the experience of him forgetting who I am. I think it may change the dynamic a bit.

                I will also need the pills for when I'm at work. I can't be putting a dropper to my mouth there. I could mix the liquid in a drink, but it may be hard to measure exactly what I'm taking, unless I premake numerous drinks. It does sound like the real deal. I think I'm ready to order and jump onboard.
                This Princess Saved Herself


                  Virtual labs

                  Bminor;1172681 wrote: I agree that Dr. L is for the most part, easy to talk to... but does anyone else who goes through him feel like he never actually remembers who you are?
                  The last time I paid Walgreens for 220 tablets without insurance it was over 150 dollars.
                  The man is a nutty professor for sure. It's rather inconceivable that he still thinks his iPhone is miraculous--and doesn't really know how to use it. He looks up meds on it, but I wonder if he can call his kids, you know? :H

                  Walgreens and bac! I would like to start a thread about that. right now.


                    Virtual labs

                    Thanks for the advice & comments guys,.. Bluto. Yeah , I just started yesterday 10mg 3 times/ day I figured baclophen is bac & vis-versa. I felt also that no one out there , public website,would be selling anything harmful. The liquid is easy to use. I wrote the site, yesterday and they wrote back: We have shipped you >99% purity baclofen C10H12ClNO2 in a non-toxic liquid substrate in 20mg of baclofen per 1 mL of solution in 3 100mL vials. "The following are the terms and conditions of sale that must be agreed upon before checkout. We cannot advise a customer on usage or experimentation"
                    IF youre intent is to use it for human consumption it would violate the terms and conditions of purchase. We will make an exception for you on our refund policy due to the confusion. You may ship this purchase back to us and we will issue a full refund once it is received and destroy the sample as we cannot re-use product once it has been shipped to a customer.

                    This says alot for the companys integrety, I think. Anyway been AF for three weeks prior, no major problemos , just thought it would help with those occasional, passing "buy a bottle" wavelengths. REALLY curious , however to find out if it does anything for my smoking urges! I quit those 1 week ago,... MUCH worse addiction than ALC in my experience. I was drinkin' 2-3 liters of wine / smoking 2-3 pack per day. (damn, those were the days!!) Anyway after 35+ years the smoking caught up. 2 stents in my legs, COPD. 3 dr's told me amputation was a possibility if I didn't quit soon. But I couldn't ever consider quitting smoking without stopping the the wine first. So here I am. SRRI'S , naltrex, prozac, wellbutrin, xanax, all sorts of anti-depressants always f**ked me up. asao here I am,.. fingers crossed for the bac!


                      Virtual labs

                      Good luck Billy!
                      This Princess Saved Herself

