Wow Windy. I love reading your posts. Always have. Firstly, don't disparage your job. I was a server all throughout college. I've worked at everything from TGIF to a fine dining restaurant. I'll tell my coworkers now that I'm in the 'weeds'. There are some similarities in the job I'm in now and my old jobs as a server. Serving was some of the hardest and most challenging work I've ever done. It was also some of the most fun. I've never met such interesting and colorful personalities (well except for MWO :H). And theatre. I think many of us had been or wanted to be in theatre. The fine dining job sucked, I didn't last long. I couldn't handle wearing that stiff starched shirt. It was too much to bear. :H Now I can wear comfortable soft scrubs that I could even sleep in (not that this would be a good idea, my scrubs are exposed to nasty things). Back when I was drinking excessively, I did sleep in them on numerous occasions. I would get loaded after a stressful day on the job. :H and :upset: It already seems like the distant past (I'll never let it get too distant, I don't want to go bac).
Regarding the 125...I think you've got to do what you've gotta. Listen to yourself and the beauty is, you can go back up, if and when you want to.
Try the dose out. And I love epsom salt baths, buy the stuff in bulk at Costco (do whatever makes you feel good

Dr L doesn't care that his number is posted here. I've felt him out (a few times) and while he seems a little ungrounded about it, he says whatever works to help alcoholics. If it's posting his number to get people help and bac, then so be it. I really think you should call him Windy. For a couple of reasons you've written about. It wouldn't hurt anything...
You're not making anything up. I know some seem to suffer profound depression just from bac. For most, the depression seems to happen after complete abstinence or cutting down the sauce by a huge amount. I think it is both situational and biochemical. Our neurotransmitters our all effed up (while we drink and after we stop), and we have psychological or situational things to deal with. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though, as many can attest to here.
No pressure from me sister on the Chi situation. I'm not much of a pressure person. I'll tell you what, if it falls through, maybe we could get together. Taw would probably be in too. I know it's not the same, but it's all I've got. :l