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Quick advice needed!

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    Quick advice needed!

    Just a quick chime in before I head off to work. It also baffles me how Dr. L claims no SEs from bac. I don't care how slowly you titrate up, most everyone gets SOME side effects. And I do think it's rather irresponsible of him to claim otherwise. Ah well, nobody's perfect, right?
    As for his willingness to prescribe xanax despite its addictive quality - we know that bac works on numerous addictions, and xanax is no different. Put very basically, bac keeps xanax from becoming addictive. I've taken it for stretches of time to help with the bac-related insomnia, and then just stopped taking it and never had a second thought about it. No withdrawals either, which I hear can be crippling when it comes to xanax.
    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


      Quick advice needed!

      As usual, you guys are right, right, right! Ginger, I don't take offense, I think it's hilarious! Thanks for looking it up. For years, I was too embarassed to find out what it was and was convinced I was dying. Then they'd find my corpse, and say something like, hmmm, there was something wrong with her butt.
      I've been meaning to do an internet background search on myself, but just doing it for free in the manner you suggested is an awesome idea that had never occured to me. Thank you!
      Yeah, Ruby, a friend of mine is going back to school and got a bunch of grants and stuff. Gotta pick her brain sometime soon. About your single mom friend. That's my other goal, to have a baby. Time's running out for me biologically. Well, not really that soon, but I gotta get some money and a stable situation first. Oh, and I gotta have sex. That's not been happening around here. Not for (gulp) 2 and a half years. Had a late night thought of stepping out and getting impregnated by the Mexican ex (those almond eyes! Those exquisite cheekbones!) But, no, that's a bad idea on many levels.
      Is, I'm sorry. I really wasn't getting down on xanax. I was just confused about Dr. L's not caring that the gabapentin works for me. I really don't think anyone motivated enough to be doing hdb is going to turn into slobbering xanax addict.
      Oh, and Ginger I did spend some time on the GD threads today. I don't know why I haven't been there in so long. I guess there's just always so much going on around here. As I move away from the bac, maybe that's where I should be. Read some great stuff today that I really related to.
      Which brings me to my next and final point. I am going to stop being so goddamned selfish and start posting more on other threads. It does take me a billion years to type on this phone and (though you wouldn't think it from this thread) I am quite self conscious and shy, there's no excuse. If I expect to receive support (and how i have! Thank you all!), I need to offer it too. So what if I don't have everything figured out? I know it helps just to hear someone say I know how you're feeling.
      Off to work (deep breaths, it's gonna be fine, you're gonna rock that shit), but thanks so much guys.
      "Yet someday this will have an end
      All choices made or choice resigned,
      And in your face the literal eye
      Trace little of your history,
      Nor ever piece the tale entire
      Of villages that had to burn
      And playgrounds of the will destroyed
      Before you could be safe from time
      And gather in your brow and air
      The stillness of antiquity."

      From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


        Quick advice needed!

        windy! why tf aren't you having sex with the bf?! whasssup with that???!!! move on, woman! unless it can be corrected. if you want sex, and you're not getting it, SOMETHING"S WRONG! i've just learned this verysame lesson. waste NO MORE time!

        and you don't need an gorgeous ex bf to do the trick. you can move on to something even better. how old are you, anyway? how much of a hurry is there? i married and procreated with my ex largely, i now realize, for that reason of it being time, and you see how that turned out. i'm all for procreating when it's time, but unless there's a real hurry, best wait to do it with someone worthy of sharing the job of parenting. spill all you want. you can see i'm a fount of ideas!

        it's nice of you to think of posting elsewhere, and i sure do appreciate you posting on my thread. you'll see if you haven;t already that you gave me much to write about. but good golly miss breezy (and good golly are those coyotes howling outside! the moon is getting bright), what can you do about your posting situation? don't you have a computer at home? it must drive you NUTS to have to type so slowly. i'd be banging my rounded head against a hard flat wall if i had to labor every finger mindfully over every letter.

        do what you can, lassie. but, yeah, post around. it's great to see you in the neighborhood!

        xo ru


          Quick advice needed!

          windy, yesterday i saw my gal who's in nursing school on grants. she suggested what you've probably already thought of: check in w the financial aid office about grants/scholarships/aid. they'll have a plethora of information.

          how you doin' girl? missing you around here (and it's only been, what, a day?!)...

          xo ru


            Quick advice needed!

            Aw. Thanks for thinking of me, Ru. Been doing some research into schools, there's only 7 in IL that offer what I want. And it'll be harder for me without an undergrad degree. More time in school, at the least an extra year. And none of them are close to the city. I was very discouraged. But I'm just trying to take baby steps. Gonna see about a applying for an IL driver's liscense. Work hard, save money, maybe get a cheap car, all while continuing to look into schools and the financial help like you mentioned.
            I'm feeling just really sick of drinking. Gonna try to go AF later this week. I'm visiting my family next Monday. Maybe that will help. Be really open with sober dad and sister. We'll see.
            Thanks again for thinking of me! Hope all's well in Rudyland!
            "Yet someday this will have an end
            All choices made or choice resigned,
            And in your face the literal eye
            Trace little of your history,
            Nor ever piece the tale entire
            Of villages that had to burn
            And playgrounds of the will destroyed
            Before you could be safe from time
            And gather in your brow and air
            The stillness of antiquity."

            From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


              Quick advice needed!

              hey windy, i feel for you on the drinking. i really do. i was there for a very long time. you know the drill: use your tools; eat.

              sensible steps, i daresay. car: good. exploring: good. you'll find the way you're meant to go. windy, if you don't mind answering, how old are you?

              it is great you'll see your family soon. they sound very cool. and yes, being open can be very, very healing, and helpful. i was just with a bunch of my closest family tree, and i feel nourished to the core. i wish the same for you.

              all's swimming along very well in rubyworld, thanks for asking. you can read ALL about it, every last happy moment, on my thread. i'm definintely finding a cathartic healing in writing, helped hugely by the contributors to the conversations. we're in a wonderful place here.

              windy, keep your chin high and your wings spread!

              rudy b

              there's a whimpery, singy, coo-y animal sound a hundred feet away in the dark. i wonder what it is.

