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I really want to try Baclofen.

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    I really want to try Baclofen.

    I really want to try Baclofen, but I don't know how to get it. I am way too paranoid to buy anything online, it would be a waste and I would never take it. And calling a Dr. in the states for a prescription also seems odd, although I could easily get it in the states as I live in and cross the border quite regularly.

    I can not afford to drink anymore, health wise I am sooo bloated, tired, haggard looking, I never exercise, eat like shit, consume endless liquid calories each evening. I can't buy any clothes because I can't afford it because I am so addicted to smokes and booze, I probably spend around $800 a month on the two and I don't make a lot of money. I am stuck in a dead end job and I know it is the alcohol keeping me there.

    And the endless bottles, I just looked at my kitchen and there are five empty wine bottles sitting on my counter and two empty ones in the fridge and I swear I just took out the recycling!

    Got into a fight with my teenage daughter this week and she called me an alcoholic for the first time. Nice.

    Had a bad experience a couple of years ago when I was in a car accident. They require all your medical history, it was quite humiliating to sit there and go over that shit with a lawyer as he kept on finding notations from my family doctor about my alcoholism. I hate that doctor now and I finally have a nice new doctor and I don't want him to know how much I drink. The new doctor wanted me to get some blood work and I didn't because I knew that B12 deficiency marker would show up as it always does on my blood work.

    And reading someones post on here about how their own mothers final days, just hit too close to home. I am very close to being an old single drunk woman living on her own. Dying on my own, broke. I had some money saved and I just realized I drank it all away. No money for my daughters University. Sorry kid, I drank your education away.

    I know I am just whining here, I hate to feel sorry for myself but I really feel like I need a good clop to the noggin.

    Does anyone know a Dr. in BC that would take a new patient and also prescribe me Baclofen? PM me if you can. Thanks.

    I really want to try Baclofen.

    ive got no other choice doll,, ive ordered some on line

    im desperate i want to be in my kids lives,,mt kids hate me. have you got another way x


      I really want to try Baclofen.

      Just wanted to say hello & welcome to alex & jb21!

      MWO is a good place, glad you found us!
      I have not used any Rx meds so I'm sorry that I cannot help with that. But I wanted to tell you both that the best place to begin your journey here is by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here. It has lots of good info about the program for you. Lots of us have been successful in quitting by using supplements as suggested in the book, eating healthy & getting a bit of exercise.

      Making a good plan for yourselves is essential. Use some of the ideas in the

      We have a Newbies Nest thread in the Just Getting Started section. Drop in for more support.
      With a strong commitment & a good plan you can reach your goals!

      Wishing you both the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        I really want to try Baclofen.

        Hi, AlexC and JB! :welcome:

        Alex! I had the same reaction to the overseas thing. I ordered 'em and took 'em, but freaked out about it. Finally called Dr. L and got a script. He works with a couple of people in Canada. He's legit. (Google helped allay my fears about that. That and lots of other snooping to make sure he wasn't nutters. ) (He's not.) If you'd like the info, let us know and someone'll get it to you.

        If you're referring to Red's story, oy. That was incredibly brave of her to share. If you weren't, sorry for the reference!

        I didn't want to go that route, either. I'm referring of course to the whole drinking my entire life and dying alone and miserable. And early! Glad that's not what's in the cards. Glad you're here to do something about that, too.

        JB, ordering online, it turns out, is perfectly safe and sane. Who knew?

        You've both made a brave decision. If you've read a bit, you'll know that it's not always easy. You might also have figured out that for those of us that have found indifference, well, I can't begin to describe how different my reality is. And lovely.

        You can read some stuff I (and others) thought was important on the link in my signature.

        You can skip over the science stuff and find some more links to good threads. (Not that the science isn't a great read. It is.)

        Any more questions, feel free to ask!
        Hang in there, because no matter what, you're on your way out of hell, just by taking the step to be here!


          I really want to try Baclofen.

          Thanks for the replies.

          Ne/Neva Eva, yes I was referring to Red's story. I don't want that to be my story or my daughters.

          I would be crazy not to use my easy connections to the states to either have something shipped there or do the Dr. L thing. I just need to find the courage, something I don't have a lot of.


            I really want to try Baclofen.

            welcome alex and jb! you're in a good place.

            please don't be afraid to contact dr L. he's good peeps. he won't ask you a bunch of questions. just tell him you NEED to stop drinking, and he'll get you started. my story is a testament to baclofen's efficacy, as are many others'. keep poking around here to see if it might be an answer for you, too. most of all, don't give up! i, too, am a mother, a single mother, and i saw the road i was going down would be horribly bad for my son. i didn't want that end-result i could imagine to become his reality, or mine. i know you feel the same for your daughter, alex, and for yourself. use all the tools you can think of. starting here is a very good one. check in often, post as oft as you can or wish to. you'll get support and ideas. you'll be okay if you decide to be okay. you will. remember that what you envision often becomes your reality, so i encourage you to envision the life you wish for yourself and your offspring. do that often. it'll be another good step on your start to a better life.

            we wish you the best. take your life in your hands, and that beast by the ugly horns. wrestle it to the ground however you can. YOU CAN!

            onward and upward!
            xo rudy


              I really want to try Baclofen.

              Hi Rudy,

              Thank you for sharing. Who is this Dr L? I live in Maine. Could he/she help me with getting a script for bac? Sorry if this is common knowledge- I am new.

              As for everyone else's fears and stories, we all can relate. I have been reading/not posting for about a month and everyone's honesty has inspired me in a strange way. I am so happy this forum exists.

              good luck to all,


                I really want to try Baclofen.

                Thanks Rudy from one single mom to another I appreciate you comments. I think I will reread your comments many times, very inspirational. I need inspiration right now!

                I feel weird about the call but I will try. I could whip down to the states this next weekend. Think I would rather do the Dr. L than the ordering online. Ahhh, both is freaking me out.

                What hit me the hardest after reading my original post up to yours is that I was complaining about a stupid B12 marker, many people get such worse results from a blood test and here I am complaining about something so stupid. I could cry just thinking about it. My friend has two or three weeks to live and I am bitching about some stupid B12 marker on a test.

                I am glad I am posting on here, I have been reading this forum for years on and off and .....yes I have done the other meds. But I feel I need to reach out.


                  I really want to try Baclofen.

                  Hi Alex

                  I live in Vancouver as well, I can't offer help about getting baclofen, but I did get a prescription for Naltrexone with no problem. I asked my GP for a script for one or the other (expecting she would say no to both) and she opted for Naltrexone.
                  Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                  April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                  wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                  wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                  wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                  wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                  wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                  wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                  I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                    I really want to try Baclofen.

                    Hiya, newbies! I wanted to check in on you.
                    Did you find the info about Dr. L?
                    It's a scary call until you make it. Then it's laughably easy. You really won't believe it.
                    Sort of like taking the medication. Except the laughably easy part. A lot of it's laughable, some of it's easy, and the payoff is well worth the trouble and then some.
                    My life has changed so dramatically in the last 7 months (when I stopped drinking against my will) that it's hardly recognizable. In a good way. :H
                    My life was hardly recognizable, too, when I begged my way into a state-run rehab because I was convinced I was going to drink myself to death in my study. I'd put blankets over the windows to keep all light out. The only reason that I left the house was to get beer or cigarettes. Just typing that humbles me and makes me grateful beyond measure for the life I lead now. Full! Free! Yipppppeeeeeeeeee!

                    Hang in there peeps! My guess is that just by being here you're on your way out.


                      I really want to try Baclofen.

                      Hey Eva, thanks for following up. Don't have any Baclofen yet. Still trying to figure that one out. I will go to my old shitty doctor tomorrow to ask him for it, I don't really care what he thinks of me so even if he rejects me, who cares!

                      All this talk of people quitting drinking and exercising has got me a little motivated. Went for two 25 minute runs the last three days. Although it was hellish and my face burned flaming red because I never exercise and I smoke like a fiend, and I drink like a lush.... it was good. I am going to try to do some kind of exercise at least four times a week. Go for a walk, whatever. My only saving grace is I eat really balanced, not crazy healthy but good healthy food, no junk. But that is probably because I get all my sugar in my wine!

                      Let's see how tomorrows Doctors appointment goes.


                        I really want to try Baclofen.

                        heya alex and sheep! glad you're here. alex, being a single mom is really hard, isn't it? the only break i used to get was in the shroud of alcohol and cigarette smoke, while my dear son pegged away at his video games. i found inspiration here and a way out, into a beautiful life without booze (mostly). i find respite now in the comfort of the good people here, in writing, in my runs. (yes, alex, do get that exercise! it's great that you've started. it's a powerful tool that will serve you VERY well. doesn't matter how fast or how long you run or walk, just get out there and do it as often as you can muster the impetus.) baclofen has been instrumental in my healing. it IS the magic bullet. once, a recovered alcoholic ex-friend (he's now bosom buddies with my soon-to-be ex-hubby), scoffed at me for looking for that magic bullet in naltrexone, which i tried briefly without success. that's a typical attitude i think, in those who ascribe to the notion that you have to wrestle your way out of the claws of the demon, which somehow you're responsible for inviting into your head. maybe some of them have discovered the magic bullett that is baclofen, and found their way here, and are posting their indifference and honoring it like the beautiful siren call that it is. you'll be one of those soon, i suspect.

                        good luck with getting your own bac. ne is not joking when she says that it'll be laughably easy to make that call to dr L. it IS laugably easy. if you can find a pharmacy in the us that'll call him (that's how he likes to do it, and the pharm will lift eyebrows in surprise at the notion of breaking protocol, but persist and they will do it), have them do it before you go down, so your magic bullet will be waiting for you when you arrive.

                        did you and sheep find his numbers? if not, let us know. someone will pm them to you. maybe even me if i can put my hands on them. not the most organized gal over here. sheep, dr L is an awesome dude who's on the front lines of this fight. if you're in maine, it'll be cake to call him and get yourself started.

                        good luck on your journies. you're off to the races in your pursuit of the better life that you read about here.

                        xo rudy


                          I really want to try Baclofen.

                          Thanks Rudy for the reply. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

                          My confusion over Dr. L. is because of some stuff I have read on here.

                          The long distance phone call is no problem, whatever. But someone mentioned somewhere that I have to pay him, how do I pay him? With a credit card over the phone? Some doctor sitting at home in his living room with a credit card processor? That seems weird, to me.

                          And then I have to go to the states during 7-9 EST and ask a pharmacist to call him for a prescription? I personally have never had a pharmacist contact a doctor, usually it is the other way around.

                          Then I guess I have to declare it to customs as I re-enter Canada?

                          I cross the border all the time because my best friends (married couple where one is American) have a house there. I am a also a travel addict so I can't afford to be red flagged by American Customs. I usually fly cheap and have a layover somewhere in the states. So..... I don't smuggle. Ever! I always want my border crossings to be easy.

                          If anyone can answer the questions about the Dr. L that would be great. I am sure I am just making excuses about the whole border thing and can figure it out with a little research.

                          Thanks again to all of you.


                            I really want to try Baclofen.


                            As someone who started this medication recently let me tell you I can tell already that it is different from anything else I have ever tried. This is at an extremely low dose. People I work with have commented on how calm and relaxed I look compared to my normal hyper anxious self. There is absolutely something to this medication that is what I have been looking for my entire adult life. I decided to take the plunge and just go for it, within one day Dr. L returned my phone call and I had a phone session with him. Within 2 hours I was picking up my medication. I think you are crazy if you don't try a small dose and see if you can feel the difference. Even if you decide not to continue with the prescription, why not attempt a low dose and see what might be? PM me if you need any information.



                              I really want to try Baclofen.

                              Oh and let me add that I was sober for 5 years with AA. I think AA or therapy is very important in helping people deal with alcoholism. I still regularly talk to my old sponsor and a few friends. If someone is consistent with the teachings of AA they will not look down on you for trying. It says in the book AA is not the only way and from memory, "we are like men who have lost their legs, we never grow new ones. Science may one day accomplish this, but it hasn't done so yet." In my short experience with bac... I would dare to say that it is on to something.

                              Edit: Sorry I am passionate about this so I keep adding. I thought the exact same thing about Dr. L. Like maybe this guy is a pill dispensary or maybe I should find someone I can actually see before trying. I called local detox places and local doctors and no one had even heard of Bac. I came to the conclusion that Dr. L works with Northwestern University and he would know more about how to guide me than anyone I can see in person based on the number of patients he has seen. It still feels strange to say I got a prescription from a Dr. that I have never met, but I would rather get a dosing plan from someone who knows than a Dr. who has no experience.

                              Just my thinking,


