Well.. I decided to stick it out at 180. I am still having some of the anxiety, but I have decided to get some xanax to help me sleep. Sleeping (all be it with meds) seems to help with everything. SEs are still a bitch but I'm still not drinking. Yesterday I had a beer with a friend and then headed home. Seems strange I used to drink to oblivion every night.
No announcement yet.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Well.. I decided to stick it out at 180. I am still having some of the anxiety, but I have decided to get some xanax to help me sleep. Sleeping (all be it with meds) seems to help with everything. SEs are still a bitch but I'm still not drinking. Yesterday I had a beer with a friend and then headed home. Seems strange I used to drink to oblivion every night.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Morning, Dose.
I'm in a little bit of a quandary here. I'm about to give the same advice I've given several times in the hope that you'll be open to it.
IF the reason for your anxiety is related to HDB (and it might be) then dropping down is the only way to make that go away. I have not met one single person (not one!) who has stayed at or close to their initial switch dose.
It may be confusing to hear that given some of the advice you received on this thread, and on the other one I started related to whether or not to say at the switch dose. I'll offer some clarification that might help.
ifulovelife2;1323819 wrote: Dose
Some people have managed to cut way back post switch, some have even come off it completely. But for every one who manages that, how many find themselves drinking again? Lots. I wouldn't be surprised if it were at least a ratio of 1:10. Just my opinion of course.
If you are suffering terrible debilitating SEs then you must cut back but gradually. Let your brain get accustomed to the new dose slowly and don't shock it with massive drops. That's a sure way to get back to hitting the bottle. And once you get to a dosage where you feel the SEs are manageable, stay there for a good long while and allow everything to settle into place before you think about a new decrease.
All just my opinion of course, based on my own experience and reading the stories of hundreds of others.
Sorry for the late reply, I don't check in to MWO often these days.
On the other thread that I started, (https://www.mywayout.org/community/f2...ose-63618.html) Reggie mentioned that he thought staying at or near the switch dose was a good idea too. What he didn't mention is that he, also, has been up in the high doses, and come back down. He went completely off of baclofen, relapsed, and has gone back up to something close to what he took the first time.
Both men have been taking baclofen for more than a year. Both men titrated off, or went low enough that they found themselves drinking against their will.
I make it a policy to not tell other people's stories. I am going to send both men I've listed here a PM so that they can correct any misinformation I've given you, or tell me to mind my own business. (It would not be the first time that ifyoulovelife2 said that!)
But I'm pretty sure that I'm pretty accurate and if you really want to find a way to live comfortably sober while taking baclofen, you'll have to make a choice to find a solution. You do not have to take my advice/suggestions/thoughts. Read here, as much as you can. That's what I did. It's what others do.
And one last thing: It may well be that HDB is not the cause of your anxiety. In which case going down won't matter and you're going to have to figure out a way to get and stay well. You will not know until you make the decision to find a comfortable dosage.
If it helps, I've also never met one person who stopped drinking against their will, stayed on baclofen, and relapsed.
Take good care.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
I think I'm probably just being a bit dim-witted this morning but I don't get your point, Neva. Yep, I went up to 350. As I recall it was a jump from about 220 and my brain became all sorts of fecked up. (Thank God I had you on hand to help me through that or I don't know what I may have done). I don't think I went down as far as 40 but I didn't keep any records and my memory is crap (always has been, nothing to do with bac), so it's possible, but I certainly did go below 100. I think to 80.
I switched at 150 to 175. I'm not sure which because I titrated so quickly (from zero in 8 days). Even though 150 makes me utterly comfortable around booze, I am presently on 130 in order to counter the bac-induced floppy knob SE :upset:. 130 works in that I still don't drink alcoholically AND my pork sword can attain and retain gargantuan proportions, much to the delight of the women of Wales and the odd sheep. (When I say the "odd" sheep, I mean the occasional sheep, not sheep that are themselves in some way peculiar, like they have 5 legs, 2 arseholes or ginger wool, cripes I'm not some sort of pervert).
Neva, I really don't get your point. I switched on 150-175 and am presently on 130. Yes, I have experimented with my dose but I keep coming back to the area of my switch dose and intend to stay here. Forever? Maybe. If it means I can have the occasional jar without trying to drink the town dry, then ye-hu!
Dose, I don't have an answer for you regarding the anxiety. But all I will say is that many of us drink to counter anxiety. When we stop boozing, we lose our anxiolytic of choice and have to find another. I'm glad xanax is working for you: you're getting the sleep you so desperately need. But (and like Neva's, it's a big but(t):H) I feel very uncomfortable about long term benzo use. Just my thruppence worth.
I have known Ifulovelife2 offline for a long time. I know his story almost as well as I know my own."My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
My point is that you tried lots of different dosages until you settled where you are. (As much as that drove me completely crazy at the time.) I am suggesting a couple of things with that information.
The first is that staying in one place when one is miserable is not a good idea.
Followed by the thought that perhaps going WAY up and then back down is very different than just staying at the switch dose.
HOWEVER. I received a PM from someone (let's call him Chopped Liver) who pointed out that Terryk reached his switch at 280mg (after 8 months of titration) and has since settled at 240mg.
And Lo0p has been taking baclofen by the gobs since he started the whole process. :H
So there are two accounts of people who stayed at, near, or above their switch doses. I still wouldn't do it for love or money.
I'd do it to get/stay sober though. So the point is well taken and thanks for the reminder, Chopped. :l
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
ifulovelife2;1348699 wrote: Yep, I went up to 350. As I recall it was a jump from about 220 and my brain became all sorts of fecked up. (Thank God I had you on hand to help me through that or I don't know what I may have done).
But (and like Neva's, it's a big but(t):H)
Not really. I remember. And I am forever grateful that we had each other and the others when we were all going through it all. HUGE HUGS. And thank you.
EDIT: Picture of large rear end covered in green spandex deleted. And I agree, it was a little much. Sorry about that, Dosage0
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Hey all... I am still here and have gone down to 50-40-50 and am sitting at 140. Not a whole lot new to report -- I still don't drink very often, and when I do I find it much easier just to stop drinking. I still have a few SEs that I would rather not have, but I feel alright.
SEs are anxiety and insomnia.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Nothing like a huge ass in spandex to make me want to post. Dropped to 120, but I must admit it takes more effort at this level not to drink. Still have a bit of anxiety, but it seems better at a lower level. Nothing else new to report.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Shoot, I had to check in when I saw you. I am so glad you are doing so well! No "Crunchy" nightmares?
You have really come a long way! Congrats!
LL:lThe hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
*Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Dose and LL
Seeing the two of you here made me feel good, too. So I have to say hello. It looks like all is well with you guys!
Best wishes,
CassWith profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Cass! My strength against anxiety. You put it all in words. It is amazing. Hope your son is good! Wow, need you very much right now.
LL:l:lThe hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
*Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*