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Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
SlipperyPete;1178079 wrote: Let's see, your diet consists of corn dogs, tacos, and Jager. Just a thought, but the shits might not be bac's fault
Bac backs you up. Keep eating that stuff and you might avoid that SE! Of course, spinach worked for me...But if Juan's tacos are what keeps everything moving right along, well then by all means, keep it up!
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
So I am at week two and I am now taking 3 doses of Bac; once in the morning, once around noonish, and once in the evening around 6pm. I am now at my original dose three times a day which seems like a slow titrate until I realize that I am now taking three times as much bac as I was one week ago. From this point on I will stick to that dose for one week then up it by 20 each week after until I hit "the switch".
My drinking has not considerably decreased, but I have noticed it takes more effort to get to the liquor store. Sometimes I don't feel like drinking until I black out which is a change for me.
Side Effects:
Strange colors out of LED lights. My friend had this old beat up Jeep and after a party I jumped in the front passenger seat. I told him, man your stereo has awesome multi lights. He gave me a funny look and I realized that it is just a standard orange LED face on an old piece of crap stereo. If I moved my eyes even slightly though the orange LED would turn red, blue, and green then back to orange. Once I realized I could repeat the effects I laughed at myself and that was about it. I've had a slight bit of nausea and a Bac "high" that was great but didn't last long. My body has adjusted and I don't get those highs anymore -- booooo. I do get a small rash on my chest when I take the medication but it fades away quickly.
Hope all is well with you foolios,
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
well I cheated... I went up faster than I was supposed to because I feel like I am handling it well with few SE. I am taking 30mg a day broken up 10-10-10. Not a huge dose and I feel alright. I still do get a small rash on my chest. I hope to God I am not allergic to this medication. Wouldnt that be shit. I ain't allergic to any medication that I know of -- except maybe the one that I need most.
Side Effects:
Rash on my chest -- better than my ass? Seeing LEDs as random colors for an evening, tiredness, spacey feeling. Also good effects like feeling calm, less anxious, less worrisome.
Roberto Montoya
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Nice one Rob, looking good.
I can't recall anyone being allergic to baclofen itself, but I suppose you could be allergic to whatever the packing chemical is. I suppose it might be worth mentioning to your doc.
The unexamined life is not worth living
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Good for you Dos, you may be allergic to the filler. Alot of pills are made with cellulose. I've heard of thyroid meds (armour) being changed to cellulose (a cotton or wood fiber) from whatever was used prior and it impacted the effectiveness of the medicine. I can imagine that you could be allergic to whatever filler is used in your version of bac.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
Not much new to report... I am at 10-10-10 still and the side effects are pretty much gone. I don't even feel all that tired after I dose. Still drinking plenty, but the desire has diminished quite a bit already and I find I can not drink for much longer periods. I am tempted to titrate up again, but I think I'll wait until Monday to move to 50.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
thanks murph... although as soon as you say that I went to 20-20-20 because I am too lazy to keep cutting the pills and I figure its only 10mg. So now I take 20 in the am, 20 at about noon, and 20 at about 1800. This is at the start of my third week.
Side Effects:
At 60mg for the first day I got my first taste of hallucinations. Actually, because I had read about them on here I was prepared for them. It was like eating shrooms, but not enough for full effects. When I looked into a light source and closed my eyes, the lights would move on the back of my eyelids. Almost like when you stare at the sun and then close your eyes and the light is still there -- but in this case it would reform into different crap. It actually was kind of fun. I have a little nausea -- but that could be from the drinking lots of alcohol. I shake a bit -- again could be withdrawal. All in all I feel pretty good and the constant craving of alcohol is a bit diminished. That being said I will go get beer tonight, I'll report my amount tomorrow.
Good luck folks,
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
thanks pete,
I talked to a friend tonight who is very pro AA. He's been sober 13 years so it obviously worked for him. I mentioned AA and he quickly mentioned how drinking is a spiritual problem. I wanted to point out that AA had a 6% success rate and how there are many MANY people who are atheist and non alcoholics, but I bit my tongue. He is a PHD so I let him do his preaching and just kept quiet. I nudged him towards looking at baclofen but he discounted most everything I had to say. Mostly because we have a mutual friend who is in a wheelchair and has a baclofen pump to help him with his anti spasm medication. I asked him what the dosage was and of course he didn't know and then pushed me towards more AA. I have no problem with AA and I told him ok even though it didn't work for me. I was sober for 5 years but the anxiety never wen away.
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
so I am still on 20-20-20 through the day and feeling fine. During the day though I notice I end up taking my first pill at about 0800 and my second pill at 1200 so the doses are close together. At about 1300-1400 I am zonked and tired. I should try and get up closer to 0600 to take my pill and then go back to sleep but I am too lazy.
I heard that Bac makes it harder to fall asleep so I never take my last pill after 1800. Anyone have any experience taking a dose later in the evening? Does it screw with your sleep?
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
For me, I usually get zonked around 5pm or so, at least when I'm up at a decent time. However, sometimes when I've tried to rush my bac at night, I can't sleep. During the day it can be like Ambien, but at night if I take a bunch it's like Adderall. Very strange.Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
George Santayana
Shotgun Opera Lock and Load
SlipperyPete;1183826 wrote: Rob,
For me, I usually get zonked around 5pm or so, at least when I'm up at a decent time. However, sometimes when I've tried to rush my bac at night, I can't sleep. During the day it can be like Ambien, but at night if I take a bunch it's like Adderall. Very strange.
Thanks for the input,