Back towards the end of last year, when I was struggling and looking at baclofen that was when one or two posters were insisting it works absolutely. I won't name names but that was what was being said back then, and the reason I said "OK I'll give it a go if that it so".
The posts have now shifted to "It works for a lot of people".
No I won't be posting on any more baclofen threads, I decided that
before you made your post above because it's quite clear it is not welcome. My experience was a one off as I've been told time and time again, and it will only put others off. I initially posted hoping I'd help anyone who had been or was in the same situation as I had, where they might feel alone or under pressure - but it's obvious that isn't required and I don't want to have to justify my posts which is why I said "I'd moved on", I have made a concious decision not to interfere or comment on baclofen, or share my experience of those few months any more. Having to post this is actually breaking my promise to myself not to get involved any more, and just reminding me how fed up I am of this 'justification of what can and cannot be posted'. It's a public forum which belongs to RJ, I can post whatever I like as long as I'm not offending or being abusive.
I'd actually just got through a difficult day, but with a great ending to log in here hoping for inspiration and support. To find people making assumptions again.
I had already moved on and forgotten it.
1 "One or two posters" last year was not then and is not now "everyone". Right? And nobody on this board then or now knows anything for absolutely sure. Right? So I don't think it was or is true that "everyone" says baclofen works for everyone and I think you can safely let this concern drop. Forever.
2 I wouldn't say "not welcome". I would simply and respectfully say, "not helpful". Please post opinion when you are fairly certain you are adding something new and helpful, but please remember the overwhelming majority of posters on the bac board have not had quite the same difficulties with bac that you have had and don't believe your issues are necessarily generally attributable to bac. (In this regard, I would remind all of us proponents of bac, including we "messiahs", that nothing is absolutely known yet about this drug and some will have side effects that are impossible to get past.)
3 You end by saying that you came back today "to find people making assumptions again".
Nope. Its not people. Its just me trying to get to the bottom of this one so that you and we can all move forward beginning right now with a better understanding of what's been going on here and how we can improve. I'm just trying to help you understand why your contributions don't resonate better. Hopefully, you will wake up tomorrow feeling more welcome than ever.
So, you're right -- lets move on and hope that we can all be as helpful as possible in getting the word about nal and bac out there and helping people recover from this terrible disease as best we can.
