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Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

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    Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

    yeah, sled, i bet she DOES already know. people are more shrewd than we sometimes give them credit for being. go ahead and tell her. and what dose said, she'll probably appreciate your honesty and the fact that you are doing something about the problem. tell her about the bac, too. people generally feel insulted when we keep important details from them. if she doesn't take it well, well, maybe it's for the best. (hard to swallow, yes, but ultimately you need to be true to yourself AND her in order for your relationship to be in integrity.)

    i'm going to go take a puff myself (sorry if that's not helpful, but i know you're still currently using so probably has no impact on your behavior). but, lest i post further and any of you think i'm out of my mind, think that not! bac is DEFINITELY reducing weed's impact on me. my ex bf says he takes a toke of the same stuff and goes blotto. me, i just feel relaxed and more in my body.

    keep us posted. yours is a journey i enjoy witnessing and hope to support.

    xx rudy


      Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

      Puff away, Rudy!!

      I am trying to get up the nerve to tell her tonight... She is fasting for Yom Kippur, so I need to wait until at least tonight. It will be fine, but I guess I have just worked it up in my mind.

      I have delayed titration until I can pick up my script from Walgreens for better bac. I did increase to 10 mg this morning (another 10 mg tonight), but I am just worried about the terrible SE's experienced by Lo0p and others with my current bac. Hopefully I will have the new stuff tonight so I can go up to 30 mg/day tomorrow.

      I need to be more diligent about taking my dose at the same time each day (or close). This will be essential as I increase my dose.

      I think the next couple of days will be a bit tumultuous, but it will hopefully lead to progress in dealing with my addiction. I am praying to feel indifference... I wanna cry just thinking about it.
      Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


        Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

        Hi Bodsd,
        this sure is a cool site,it was mad to come across your post,I gave up alcahol @ 6 years ago and after first year just couldnt do it anymore,mate took me to Amsterdam looking for alternative high.Cut along story short,ended up making Bhang lassies daily putting grade A hash into olive oil,then yogurt.Thought Id cracked it,the cure for my alcaholism!!
        Four years later,it had me beat,tolerance gone,down in that pit of despair,finally had to stop,3 months of detox,nightmare.
        Spent a few months going twisty then looked into Bacolfen,its been a lifesaver,defo helps with cravings to get high or drunk.
        i used to live in Costa Mesa long time ago, Rodney King riots,had a good time over there,hope things are good.


          Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

          Hi Bobsd,

          I hope you are still doing well, and managed to sort things out with your girlfriend. I was an alcoholic for many years, then substituted pot for alcohol last year, but after a year or so I was finding myself with troubling psychological after-effects next day, after smoking each night. Low-dose (50 mg/day) baclofen was helping me with the pot, and also codeine and pseudoephedrine which I was using as off-label mood boosters, and I may have stopped pot totally had I not relapsed to drinking before getting up to high doses.

          I'm just back off the booze again and will try all over again, and let you know if successful. My only nights free of both alcohol and pot over the past ~10 years have been when taking medium-high doses of benzodiazepines at night (eg. Xanax, Valium) but I am wary of using these long-term, despite my doctor wanting me to do that. Tapering off the benzos now, and starting back on the baclofen.

          I have also found real-life issues and depression extremely difficult to face up to, by the way. Benzos seem to help with this by allowing me to deal with things without anxiety, and baclofen is quite strongly anxiolytic, so hopefully baclofen may also help you deal with these issues in a less stressed way.


            Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

            Hey Bob - I too am wondering how you are doing. Hope your GF didn't clobber you with a frying pan or anything!! (just kidding!!!)

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

              Hey Everyone,

              First off, I want to apologize for the delay in posting...

              Just an update on how things are going for me. I titrated up quickly to 180 mg's (adding 10mg's/day), until I talked to Dr. L. He pleaded with me to slow down... He wasn't upset with me, but he let me know that titrating that quickly does not allow my mind to fully take in the drug. So, I have slowed down to +10 mg/week, now putting me at 190 mg/day.

              I decided to go completely sober 8 days ago. Since then, I have experienced little to NO cravings. It has been nothing short of miraculous for me!

              I am close to reaching "the switch", but to be honest, I still do not know what I will feel if and when it happens.

              The SE's have been bearable for me. I have bouts of insomnia followed by extreme sleepiness. But that is about it...

              Baclofen has definitely motivated me to exercise more. In the past three weeks, I have lost 15 lbs. by walking the puppy everywhere and eating healthier.

              Well, that is it for now. I just needed to get something out there to let everyone know that baclofen IS WORKING! I will keep you posted more often. Thanks everyone!

              Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                Hey bobsd

                This is great news. You really are a pathbreaker! Great going. Keep going!

                In discussions with Dr L in the past he has told me (as he has undoubtedly told you) that he believes bac can break all kinds of addictive cravings...including pot and including cocaine, eating, shopping, gambling, and on and on. What a miracle!

                I read back through your thread this am. Hope it worked out with your gf. Also, you mentioned Passages Malibu for 50K...Yep, the "rehab" industry is going to have a hard time with bac. There are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.

                It is strange, isn't it, that a community (the institutional rehab community) whose mission is to treat addiction would not embrace a therapy which seems to have the ability to do what they say they are in business to do...

                Anyway...great have plenty of support here...stay the course!

                With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                  Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                  Thanks for your kind words, Cassander!!

                  That is exactly what Dr. L told me about baclofen... It can help literally every form of addiction. Just an example: My sugar addiction has led me to be overweight most of my life and has caused me serious teeth issues (enamel). The other night, I was eating with my parents, and the funniest thing happened. I took just one bite of their dessert and felt satisfied! This has never happened before...

                  Although my gf was very hurt at first (mostly due to my lying), she has come around and now supports me completely. She has defended me to her parents, who have basically told me they never want to talk to me again (and to leave their daughter alone). I would have never been able to cope with this stress and stay sober without bac!

                  Yeah, the rehab industry is screwed!! I can not wait to watch it dismantle in the next decade... Don't get me wrong- they are gonna fight this with every $ they have. I wouldn't be surprised if they already have trolls on this site trying to impede the progress of bac on our society.

                  Once again, thanks for the support!
                  Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                    Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                    I don't know how the hell I missed this thread before. Oh, hang on, yeah I do, bored, annoying interfering, trouble makers, but 'nuff said about that.

                    Bob, I've told this story here before so I won't bore everyone with it again, but just a brief outline:

                    I was a big-time stoner for many years - smoking all day, every day - started growing my own, but weed never did for me what hash could - got involved in 'importing' into the country I lived in at the time (UK) - all sorts of badness ensued. I used to buy hash by the multiple ounces and wasn't happy unless I had a slab or 2 squirrelled away in my stash hiding places.

                    Anyhoo, eventually had to drop hash completely because it had totally taken over my life and I realised whole years had disappeared. I turned to booze instead (I know!) and more badness ensued...obviously. For many years, even though I was very drunk all the time, at the back of my mind my old friend, my first and greatest true love, hash was always calling. Then baclofen crossed my path and tadaaaa I lost the urge to drink and without even being conscious of it, I one day just realised I no longer had hashish calling me. Baclofen killed my hash addiction just as surely as it killed the alcoholism.

                    Does bac kill all addictions? Not so sure, I still find myself irresistibly drawn to German, midget scat porn. But hey, who doesn't like German, midget scat porn, right? Right? I'm right, everyone loves it.
                    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                      Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                      Awesome update bobsd!
                      And I think that baclofen does have the potential to work on most addictions. It worked for me with alcohol and with food, and I find that I'm much more conservative with my money when I go shopping as well. Luckily I don't enjoy shopping in the first place!

                      I think the only thing that it definitely does NOT seem to work on is cigarette smoking. Too bad. If it could kill that craving too, it would definitely be a miracle! Luckily I'm not a smoker either.
                      Better Living Through Chemistry

                      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                        Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                        oh my god you guys ~ i've come to the right place!!! THANK YOU!

                        bobsled, great news! i am so happy to hear it ~ kuh-zow! your girlfriend sounds great - she must really love you. screw her parents. (maybe they'll come around in time.)

                        so, where to begin...? greg (the one whose moniker is greg, with the beach house), your story resonates so strongly with me, the part about giving up booze and heading to weed. i am doing a bit of that, even with indifference to alcohol at 140 mg (for 6 weeks or so, i'd say). i've always smoked a little herb here and there, but not chronically since 20 yrs ago. it often used to save me from getting too drunk: it relaxes me, drops me right into my body, and makes the world a little shinier, my thoughts more colorful; alcohol would just kill that. i absolutely [i]love[I] the way herb makes me feel. and this is scaring me a bit. has been, periodically, for the past couple of weeks. you see, i'm smoking every day now, and i never used to. good news is, i'm going to hypnotherapy on friday to quit smoking cigarettes. (no, isolde, bac doesn't seem to work for this. i had a feeling you weren't a smoker, and i am envious!) i shall ask the gentle man to weave in some words about smoking pot as well. i'd really like to be truly free again. i mightn't have thought of using the hypno for this, too, if i hadn't read your posts, so thanks guys, for giving me the perfect place to talk about it. and thanks in advance for sending me good, subconscious-rewiring vibes on my journey to yet another other side of addiction.

                        the dominant recovery institution, que asco! (how horrible!) yes, baclofen must scare them! i say we start our own new way of doing things. how might that look? we are a group of intelligent, motivated people who share a serious illness in common, and we are also some of the few people -yet- to know baclofen directly. i feel like there's a lot we can do to chart a new course on addiction-liberation.

                        i've been feeling so good lately, as i'm getting to bed early and getting lots of uninterrupted sleep, i'm not taking bronkaid anymore, or sleeping pills. and i'm not drinking! on that note (and i'm sure i've said enough for now!), i'll bid you all dulces sueNos.

                        hooray for bobsled!!!

                        xo rudy


                          Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                          oh, and i've just ordered dealing with addiction: how the 20th century got it wrong, so that'll help get the ideas going (or just be terribly enraging!)... has anybody read it?


                            Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                            You guys rock!! The support I get here is better than any 12-step meeting...

                            Yeah, I am lucky to have not relapsed on cigs like I did with everything else. It is a terrible habit that society has thankfully turned against.

                            I think that I hit the switch yesterday!! I am not sure, so any advice/links that will help me figure this out would be appreciated. I have achieved an inner sense of calm that has never existed before!!

                            As far as getting the message out to others, has anyone tossed around the idea of having a site that is specific to HDB? I love MWO and I am so appreciative of the people that I have met here, but I feel there are others out there who would are not as internet savvy as I am. Why not have a site out there that includes all the info necessary (what, who, where) to start a baclofen regimen of their own?

                            Anyway, thank you to everyone for listening/posting. (CYBER HUG)

                            Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                              Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                              congrats, bobsled! sounds good!

                              i dunno what to tell you about other sites, this one has always served my needs, and i'm not a bit internet savvy (though, i think if someone googles baclofen and alcohol, they find mwo pretty quickly). others may chime in...



                                Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                                bobsd;1206967 wrote:
                                As far as getting the message out to others, has anyone tossed around the idea of having a site that is specific to HDB? I love MWO and I am so appreciative of the people that I have met here, but I feel there are others out there who would are not as internet savvy as I am. Why not have a site out there that includes all the info necessary (what, who, where) to start a baclofen regimen of their own?
                                Greg, attempts have been made to create baclofen-only forums, which have not managed to get off the ground. MWO has a vast readership so it's going to remain the go-to place for bac atm, but additional 'what to do/how to get it' sites are a very good idea and one I've toyed with in the past. But being busy (and a lazy bastard by nature) I've not yet gotten round to. Go for it!
                                "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac

