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Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

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    Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

    I was just really brainstorming... It would be a really good idea down the road. Better to have someone affiliated with these boards do it than someone who is trying to make a quick buck. I got a lot to work on myself before I could ever think about creating a site...

    On that note, things are still going very well!! The L-Tyrosine (500 mg 2x/day) seems to help a bit with the insomnia, allowing me 5-6 hours of solid sleep/night.

    The most important thing is, I think I reached "the switch"!! Still not sure, but I feel a marked decrease in anxiety. Cravings are nonexistent except for my need for a cup of coffee in the morning. I would appreciate any links to explain "the switch" in detail, so I can decide if I have indeed reached it. I will titrate up 10 mg. (200 mg.) tomorrow per Dr. L's schedule.

    Everyone I talk to tells me they notice a great change in me. For one thing, I am down 15-20 lbs. I have a smile on my face wherever I go. I am about to head back to work soon after 18 months of relaying on my girlfriend to pay the bills.

    I am approaching 2 weeks sober! I am not sure if I will ever smoke pot again, and I won't tackle that issue for an extended period of time. I am happily sober right now. I feel amazing!

    Much love to everyone on this site... We are saving lives here!!!
    Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


      Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

      Golly, bobsled, I was just on the roof for my daughter Rudy; now your success is sending me back up there. I'm tuckered out but so pleased for you:exclamation::yay: and :wd:


        Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

        Hey, WTG, guy! Congrats.
        "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


          Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

          Nice, dude! It's awesome hearing these great success stories
          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
          George Santayana


            Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

            Thanks, everyone!! Bac is changing my life like it has changed many of yours...

            Any links/personal experiences with "the switch" would be appreciated. Thanks!

            Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


              Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

              It'd be when you can open a bag of really nice pot, take a big whiff, and seriously prefer to go kick rocks or do something else than smoke it.
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                That would be a great slogan for baclofen for crack addiction:

                "Kick rocks don't smoke them!"
                Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                  Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                  bobsd;1208040 wrote: Everyone I talk to tells me they notice a great change in me. For one thing, I am down 15-20 lbs. I have a smile on my face wherever I go. I am about to head back to work soon after 18 months of relaying on my girlfriend to pay the bills.

                  I am approaching 2 weeks sober! I am not sure if I will ever smoke pot again, and I won't tackle that issue for an extended period of time. I am happily sober right now. I feel amazing!

                  Much love to everyone on this site... We are saving lives here!!!



                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                    There was a thread that was nothing but people's personal switch stories. I was sure it was started by NE, but no amount of searching with different key words is bringing up anything. Something funky is going on here. I'm sure some of you know which thread I'm talking about - maybe someone else will have some luck finding it and posting up the link.

                    In any case, congrats bobsd! I wouldn't worry too much about finding a definitive definition of the switch. In a nutshell, the switch = indifference. It's really got nothing to do with your mental state. Both times that I've switched, I was experiencing high levels of anxiety. That's because for me, high levels of baclofen induce anxiety, while the lower levels take it away. When I'm at bac levels that make me all happy and smiley, it's either because I'm titrating up, or maintaining indifference; they are well below the amount that I'd need to hit the switch.
                    But it's different for everybody. If you couldn't care less about smoking right now, then that's it! You've hit the switch.
                    Better Living Through Chemistry

                    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                      Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                      I've bumped the thread, Is. Congratulations on your switch, Greg. I do think you're switched, ftr...but only you know for sure.

                      If you want to post your success story, the thread is called Sweet Success with Baclofen.
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                        You know what?? I indeed HAVE hit the switch! I have zero cravings. Actually, I did feel the switch last Thursday. So there it is... I am listening to myself and trusting myself to realize what I felt was real. If I need to titrate up again at a later date, so be it.

                        Isolde, it is helpful to know that you felt high levels of anxiety while getting there. Although there are times when I feel great calm, there are also times when I feel the exact opposite. I guess this is the reason I was having trouble realizing I had hit reached indifference. The switch is indifference to pot. I am there!
                        Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                          Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                          bobsd;1188223 wrote: I am so glad for Lo0p's advice on changing my brand of baclofen to TEVA... Why not give myself the best chance to succeed?? I know this has probably been discussed before, but WHEN WILL A QUALITY TIME-RELEASE OPTION BECOME AVAILABLE?
                          Where did my post that he is referring to go? I remember it. I gave a link back to the thread where I'd given my personal experiences with all kinds of domestic and foreign baclofen.

                          Anyway...Congrats bobsd!! :welcome: to the other side!
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                            Hey Lo0p,

                            Not sure where it went but thank you again for the tip... I had to go back to the bad bac for a few days and it was HORRIBLE!!
                            Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                              Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                              It just straight up disappeared. The only people I thought that could do that would be me or the moderators. I certainly didn't do it.

                              If it were deleted because they thought it could be construed as medical advice, I'd have thought they would have at least spoken with me.
                              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                              A Forum
                              Trolls need not apply


                                Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                                WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOBS!

                                Congratulations. It's a whole new world!

                                I wanted to share with you that my husband (also alcoholic) was a pot smoker for, well, his whole life. He continued to smoke a bit after indifference--our goal was the booze. I worried that if he gave it all up at once, it might be more than he could take. And, to be perfectly honest, I appreciated the mellowing affect it had on him, just in terms of managing his anxiety. Eventually though, we had a little, um, discussion about it, because it made me really uncomfortable to be with someone obviously out of it. (Funny how a little sobriety changes one's perspective, you know?)
                                When I saw your posts yesterday I asked him whether he was still smoking. He said it had been weeks, that he didn't miss it, and that he was indifferent to it as well as booze. Woop! How about that?

                                As far as I know, I think you're the first to post your experience with bac and pot. Thank you very much, personally and for all the rest who come behind, for doing that. I hope you'll post on the success thread when you get the inclination. Or start a success thread. Or I'll just post your whole thread on the success thread. Whatever. Point is, it's an important story. Thanks.

