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Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

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    Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

    Bobsd, I want to say thanks for mentioning the L-Tyrosine for sleep. I've been taking it morning and night the last 3 days. For the last 2 nights, I've actually woken up to the sound of my alarm, instead of lying there awake for an hour or 2 (or more) before it goes off. I don't know if it was the tyrosine that kept me sleeping well, or the hot yoga class that I took on Wednesday (that was a great night's sleep). But as of today, I find that I'm feeling better during the day than I have been in a long time. I feel more positive and focused. I did some quick research online and it turns out that tyrosine is a good mood stabilizer, and is often used for depression, anxiety and ADHD! So I'm digging it so far. I didn't notice the effects before because I was taking it along with tryptophan.

    One thing I have noticed though - when I take it at night, it takes me a lot longer to feel sleepy enough to go to sleep, even though I end up sleeping well once I do fall asleep. Does this happen to you at all? I'm thinking that I'll take the second dose earlier in the day, maybe around 6pm when I get home from work, instead of 10pm and see how that works out.
    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


      Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

      So glad it could possibly be helping!! I think it is helping me out more and more as well. I heard the alarm go off as well today...

      That is interesting about the early dose at night. I want to make sure the dose is on an empty stomach, but maybe it can be done earlier before my dinner. Let me know how it works out for you. I have suffered from depression throughout my life, so I am hopeful that it can help out!
      Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


        Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

        Hey Everyone...

        Sorry for the delay in posting. I just took a cruise with my family for the week, and the cost of internet ($.75/minute) made it impossible to post.

        I am staying at 200 mg/day until I meet with Dr. L and work out a post-switch schedule.

        I was able to sleep through half the nights on the cruise... not bad. Although I was not around any marijuana, I was exposed to a ton of booze. I had no cravings to drink, unlike the last cruise I took sober without baclofen. In fact, I was disgusted at the annoying drunks on board.

        My gf's parents are now on a mission to ruin my life. It sucks... But you know, I am able to deal with it and still have a smile on my face. Luckily, she is completely on my side. It amazes me how people go for the jugular when you are down.

        Baclofen has completely changed my life for the better! It works for potheads just as well as alcoholics. We are so lucky to have found this drug!
        Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


          Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

          Quick update...

          I have decided to start titrating down today, but I plan to do it super slow. I will go down 10mg every week. I would call D. L for advice, but I have decided to hold off because I know he will be swamped with new people (due to the online pharmacy shutdown).

          To be honest, the anxiety at 200 mg/day is getting to be a bit of an issue. I am looking forward to getting down to a level where I lack cravings AND anxiety. I am still so grateful for bac, so please don't misconstrue what I am saying.

          I am now sleeping through most of the nights with the help of L-Tyrosine. I have started to feel groggier at about 1 PM every day. It is annoying because I want to get my life going but I feel compelled to nap.

          On another note, I start working again on Saturday for the first time in 18 months!! To my credit, I did complete my studies at UCLA (during my sober time). But this is really big for me... I feel like I am finally ready for success in my life!!
          Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


            Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

            hey bobsled! sorry to hear about the anxiety, and about the gf's effen parents. but that's great about your degree and working and being indifferent and sleeping. hooray!

            btw, i've managed to cut waaaay back on smoking pot, but i am definitely not indifferent! i still love a toke or two before a run.

            how many online pharmacies have shut down bac sales?

            keep up the positive stuff, b, and keep us posted.

            xo rudy


              Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

              to follow on my daughter's tale, so to speak...i wanted to share that today i told my doctor (general practitioner who is open to all kinds of things) about bac and rudy's success with it, about the hundreds of others on the forum who have had success, about the cardiologist in NYC who wrote a book about it. he had not heard of bac for that purpose. he was pleasantly surprised and hopeful that it would help more people. i figure that the more professionals who know about it from personal connections, the better.


                Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                Ru... Thanks for the continued support!! I did not expect everything to go perfectly, and bac has been an overall (literal) lifesaver!!

                SJM... You are right- there are indeed doctors open to new ways of treatment. In their defense, they are extremely busy and need people like us to show them these medical breakthroughs. Great job getting the word out!
                Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


                  Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                  bobsd;1218853 wrote: Quick update...

                  I have decided to start titrating down today, but I plan to do it super slow. I will go down 10mg every week. I would call D. L for advice, but I have decided to hold off because I know he will be swamped with new people (due to the online pharmacy shutdown).
                  Bob, that's the way to do it: -10mg/week. Although I expect Dr L would tell you not to do so; as far as I can tell, he believes you should stay at or near your switch dose for the rest of your life!

                  If you do start to feel strong cravings again, then just go back up. The SEs will probably be milder the second time around.

                  Great news about the job!
                  "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                    Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                    Hey, Bob!

                    Whenever you're ready:


                    Cheers and congrats! I love a happy beginning!


                      Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                      just wanted to pop this thread up there again. i've recently hit my switch using baclofen for alcohol and am now 8 weeks sober. i've had a relationship with weed for longer than with alcohol, about 25 years now and I will be quitting it in the next couple of weeks. i started quitting it the other week but the emotional and traumatic dreams were too much to deal with first so i relapsed which is entirely common. im smoking weed still at the moment, thai, but am getting some hash soon so in stead of being stoned i will be high instead which will be nicer to deal with and im hoping easier to walk away from. i'll start a thread in due course detailing my progress as well as what i go through in case it helps anyone. I'd also be very interested to hear how bob got on and is getting on and his progress if he's still about.


                        Baclofen for Marijuana Dependency...

                        Hey Chelsae,

                        I quit as a New Years resolution in 2005, haven't looked back. I wouldn't have been successful if not for the following factors:

                        - I had gotten to the point where I truly hated it, even as I was doing it. (Guess you could say it was the bottom)

                        - There was a place I associated with doing it that I avoided. I lived 3 hours from school and never did it at school for fear of getting expelled.

                        - "I Quit" meant "I Quit". There was no cooling off period or any kind of taper down. I did not even know that the last time I did it would be my last. There just came a point that I turned it down when offered and I just kept it up.

                        The best things that have come from quitting pot were not immediately apparent at the time. I had no idea I would become an engineer or have a lucrative career when I stopped- but quitting opened up those doors. I'm infinitely grateful to have made that choice.

