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    Seems to me that rating threads is a moot point anyway. Who is to say that one thread is more worthwhile than another? Or where someone will find value?
    It is, was and always will be simply a popularity contest. A way to make people feel like insiders, or outsiders, a value system based on whom we know or like atm.

    I was planning on rating them all 5 stars. That would eliminate the issue and point out how ridiculous it is. But that would also further confuse matters for people who have no background information, or no interest in silly games or cliques. (It does tickle me in a way that indicates it would not be at all helpful. )

    I'm sorry for those whose feelings were hurt. I think the persons responsible might want to look at that. If there is one thing I have learned it's that I have NO idea what other people might connect with or find valuable. Some of the things that have really frustrated me others have found enlightening. Some of the things I've been most self-conscious about writing are things that others find rewarding. Who am I to say what's crap and what's not?

    Cheers, peeps! I hope it's a day that you find whatever it is you're looking for. It ain't in the bottom of a booze bottle or a star. I think we can agree upon that.

    Nice to see you, Road!


    Nice to see you too! :l



      That's five stars from me!



        A popularity contest indeed! My thread went from 3 ratings to 21 in a few days. The latest was another negative rating last night, when all I posted was a message to Rudy about quitting smoking. Whoever you are, if you continue this, I will be contacting the forum moderator (which I've learned how to do). This is vindictive and ugly.
        This Princess Saved Herself



          Do you really care, Red? I mean that sincerely. Does it matter? Shouldn't they all be five stars, or none?

          I think you're funny. And smart. And other things too. It never occurred to me to rate you. Reminds me of this hateful game in middle school where we passed around a notebook and wrote something we liked about someone, and offered "constructive criticism." I swear thinking about it now makes me want to go all Christian-Slater-in-Heathers on the whole thing.
          Peas out.



            Hi, there, to you too STP. What, no snappy jokes? Come on. At least a video. :H



              I agree NE, Red is all those wonderful qualities and the negativity and hurtful downgrading of our threads is petty and pathetic. It only bothers me in that those who are saying WE are negative are anonymously downgrading our threads, which is at the very least chicken (show yourselves and explain it).

              I agree also that the stars are at this point a popularity contest. I feel like I'm in junior high school with this trifling behavior, it trivializing what we're trying to do here, which is help each other to heal and to heal ourselves. If they don't see it or appreciate the positive aspects, they don't have to read it, freedom of choice is theirs. Freedom to throw food in the cafeteria is not.




                I don't care what my thread rating is. I don't believe it deserved 5 stars to begin with, and I said so. What I do care about is the negative, passive-aggressive behavior of most likely one or two members here. It's unacceptable that everytime I post, someone rates my thread negatively or positively. It's just another form of bullying and I'm tired of it. I could see there for a while that some negative ratings might occur (if people need to express themselves that way), but not now. I didn't post anything negative yesterday, except to say I'm not interested in playing the game.

                So, I do care. I'm. Really. Tired. Of. The. Drama.
                This Princess Saved Herself




                  You can only vote once so there are multiple children playing this game. Don't worry about it. Stars have nothing to do with why we are all here and what we are fighting for: SOBRIETY.

                  Have a great hump day!

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*



                    I have never once rated a thread either positively or negatively, as I think it is irrelevant.

                    As for the anonymous negative raters, grow up little kiddies, we all have a more serious issue to worry about than primary school type know, that thing called alcohol dependence, which kills people who can't find a way out of it.

