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An amazing thing happened, maybe

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    An amazing thing happened, maybe

    I had been reading MWO from work but couldn?t post from there. I don?t have time to post much otherwise. I?ve had about ten hours of sleep in the last three days so I?m staying in today.

    The past two weeks have been difficult trying to increase me dose. I am drinking less and less. The last couple days were miserable. My throat felt swollen and it was hard to breath sometimes. I looked it up yesterday and that is an allergic reaction to baclofen. I decided when I went to bed last night that I was going to go off it.

    I woke up 1:30 AM, which is more or less normal these days. I took 20 mg and had a beer in the hopes of getting back to sleep. A couple hours later, I took 20 more and opened another beer. After a couple sips, I poured the beer out. Down the drain just like that, I didn?t think twice about it. I made a pot coffee and that tasted much better than the beer. The thought of beer, ug. I keep opening the fridge to look at the beer and make sure the ?ug? feeling is still there. It is! It is odd because I had no baclofen during the four hours that I was asleep. Why would it suddenly kick in like that?

    About an hour ago I took another 20 and haven?t even had breakfast yet. If I keep taking 20 every 2 hours, I think I will be in the neighborhood of 240. I think this could be switch day. It would be very nice to have the weekend to adjust. But what if I was experiencing an allergic reaction yesterday and the day before? Many allergies are dose dependent. Longer exposure to more of the allergen would be stupid. Did anyone else experience the swollen throat and breathless feeling?

    I think I?m going to try to go for it anyway. On the other hand, I might just fall asleep [in my dreams ? ha!]. Throwing up is another option, but so far I don?t feel nauseous today. I have gotten sick and dizzy before when I pushed too much in one day. Feeling OK now, cautiously amazed.

    Ginger :new: sort of. I posted on MWO when topa was all the rage.

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    An amazing thing happened, maybe

    Congrats Ginger, I hope this is your switch. I can't really comment on how you're taking the bac because I'm no expert, but for others to comment you'll need to advise us all regarding your titration. If you're suddenly going up very high very fast, and find success, you've got company in Loop and others gone from here unfortunately. Bleep comes to mind. However, I think you may hear words of caution too, so put out your dosage history and people with more experience than I can help you.

    Best wishes!


      An amazing thing happened, maybe

      As Bruun suggests, we could do with some information about how long you've been on bac and your recent increases.

      By the sounds of it, it may well be the proverbial switch but post some more info.
      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


        An amazing thing happened, maybe

        I don't think it's very sudden. Maybe faster than some people. I started 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure about yesterday. I think maybe 130 +/-? Really not sure though. I'm up to 100 already today! So far, I feel much better than yesterday. Between lack of sleep and baclofen, I should be dead on my feet. I'm just full of energy. It's almost like I'm on speed or something. I feel clear-headed too. WTF? This is the best I have felt since I started. It's crazy and I can't explain it. I am going to aim for 200 today. If I don't make it that's OK because this is a big improvement over how I felt yesterday.

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          An amazing thing happened, maybe

          Ok Ging. That helps somewhat. 2 weeks does seem quite quick but you never can tell. I seem to remember someone stopped drinking at 30mg and never needed to gp further.

          What I would strongly suggest is that you do keep track of how much you are taking. It can be a lot of fun at high doses should you want to start tapering down it would be good to know how much you've been taking.

          Insomnia, euphoria, breathing problems - your SEs have all been reported before so no worries there
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


            An amazing thing happened, maybe

            Hey GD and :welcome:

            Wow! That's quite a jump in one day. Much faster than most.

            Given the swollen throat and breathing difficulties, don't you think you should maybe take it easy? And as Ig said, keep careful track of how much you take.

            Good luck, and I hope your switch is indeed near.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              An amazing thing happened, maybe

              tiptronic_ct;1188701 wrote: Given the swollen throat and breathing difficulties, don't you think you should maybe take it easy? And as Ig said, keep careful track of how much you take.
              OK but I feel much better. If the breathing or throat thing starts to get bad again, I will back off. So far, so good. :thanks:

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                An amazing thing happened, maybe

                I am sad to say that the fun energy rip is over. I startled myself snoring and hadn't realized that I'd fallen asleep. I'm sleep deprived so I hope after some shut eye, tomorrow will feel as good as today felt.

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                  An amazing thing happened, maybe

                  Good luck, Ginger, and welcome
                  Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                  George Santayana


                    An amazing thing happened, maybe

                    ginger, yours sounds like a very speedy titration if i'm reading correctly. i wonder if your zinging energy might be adrenaline? sounds like it to me. and crashing and snoring would be a natural come-down. the throat swelling and breathing thing, well, that's pretty darn familiar. lungs and throat gush are all relaxing with the bac. keep an eye on it. but sounds like it may already be gone...

                    good luck and keep us posted. and yes, an eye toward keeping track of your dosing, none too quick, up or down.



                      An amazing thing happened, maybe

                      Thanks Pete and Rudy. I'm still awake. I hit 200 and will take another 20 before bed. I have to say that I find this much more tolerable than 120-130.

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                        An amazing thing happened, maybe

                        I found it much easier to handle at some of the higher doses, too! The lower ones were excruciating.

                        Yay, Ginger! And welcome!


                          An amazing thing happened, maybe

                          Thanks Ne. I slept for 7 hours!! Same pattern today. 40 felt like crap so I took another 20 and feel better.

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                            An amazing thing happened, maybe

                            After a nice day yesterday, I had a really crappy night. I was dizzy and felt like I was going to puke if I didn't lie down fast. When I was curled up in bed, my fists clenched, my shoulders were all tight, I saw flashes of light when I closed my eyes, my heart was racing. It pretty much sucked. Also I was also crazy horny but not feeling well enough to do anything about it, so it sucked even more.

                            After about 45 minutes of that nonsense, I got back up but only managed a few minutes before the dizzy/sick feeling came back. My husband was trying to talk to me, and I kept trying to get away without hurting his feelings and then finally said, "You don't understand. I HAVE to go lie down."

                            Today is better. I'm taking less though because I have to go to work tomorrow. I wish I could predict how this stuff is going to effect me, but it seems that I can't.

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                              An amazing thing happened, maybe

                              Hang in there GD, you've come a long way quickly, keep up the great work. Hope you feel better tonight and definitely tomorrow!!

