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    Hi all,
    have been taking Baclofen for almost a year now with great results,taking 20mgs four times a day,recently Ive developed a dicky stomach and sort of prone to bugs/flus.Ive started taking 10mgs instead of 20mgs and spread my dosage out.Im mad for excersize,downhill mountainbiking,Baclofen has given me my life back,dont want to lose this good thing,any advice?


    How can you be sure that it is the baclofen? A lot of things can cause stomach problems.

    You are here:



      I don't know what a dicky stomach is, but will google it shortly.
      I love the thread title, too.

      I've been on bac a year this month (!?) and haven't found myself more (or less) susceptible to stomach-y type bugs or discomfort.

      I can't imagine losing the good thing, or why you should need to! I feel the same way! Off to google.



        Alright, Walnut. I got it.

        dicky2, dickey [ˈdɪkɪ]
        adj dickier, dickiest
        Brit informal in bad condition; shaky, unsteady, or unreliable I feel a bit dicky today

        That is a very fun new adjective for an American to learn. Thank you.

        And still, nope, no dickiness in my belly. Good luck to you with finding the solution soon! Feel better!



          Walnut, it doesn't sound like baclofen did anything, you might want to check out the holistic thread for tummy/gut problems, there's info there.

          You may need some probiotics and fiber for a while, that helps. If you were on antibiotics recently, that would be a more likely reason for the tummy dick.



            no dicky stomach here, either. haven't read much of that problem on these threads, and i've read a lot. but i do have the can't-stop-moving thing. ain't it great? don't lose it! certainly not over a dicky belly!



              Hiya, again, Walnut!

              What's going on with your belly and why does it seem like it's related to baclofen? I know of some people that have been very ill (vomiting) from it, but I always assumed it was the combination of alcohol and baclofen...
              Again, Nice! about the getting involved in life again...
              Looking forward to getting to know you here. There's nothing much to worry about, just so you know. We've all been right where you are. Well, except I was drunk. Very, very drunk, very very often. So glad that's done with!



                dr phil

                thanks everyone for getting back so quick,this is pretty cool site,still trying to figure out how it works.
                I had no idea about process of working up to perfect dose,the magic switch,should I start again or what,just want this to work for me,any tips on how to reach switch,Im a veggie,would that have any bearing,Im pure endorphin junky never happier than tearing down side of mountain on bike with sheepdog,I hate not fufilling my true potential,this fucking disease or whatever,I want to shake it loose.:thanks:



                  Ne/Neva Eva,just figured out how to access link to last thread,thanks for replying,can you help me with my doseage?I so desperately want to get to switch,have to make a decision on other thing in morning,do not know what to do,do you think I can manage with advice here?



                    I think you can manage with the advice here, Walnut. I also think getting (and paying for) outside help can be a tool you can use (and pay for) at any point. There is no deadline for signing up and sending money, right?

                    I wouldn't change anything about how/how much baclofen you take before you have a bit more information. I'm intrigued by your symptoms (the stomach problem) and hope you'll share more about that.

                    The "switch" isn't magic, though I would argue it's not exactly a switch. Indifference is real. But it seems pretty magical, I agree. How do you know you haven't arrived there? It sounds as though you don't care about booze and are getting on with really enjoying life.
                    Navigating the forum won't take you long to figure out! Again, we've all been there. I didn't even know places like this existed when I started out.

                    (I lived in Wyoming long enough to have met people who think it's fun to go flying down a mountain on some sort of platform...I will NEVER understand that. I watched them with a mixture of fascination and horror! :H)
                    Welcome, Walnut. This can be a pretty cool site, for sure!



                      Hey Ne,
                      thanks for getting back,sort of getting the hang of this now.I think of getting high/drunk/out of it everyday,but I just wont fucking let myself go back there,its been a massive battle as Im sure you know.Anxiety is my biggest problem and although I been dry for around 5 years I still feel a prisioner to this thing,socially retarded etc,prone to bouts of depression even on baclofen.
                      Maybe I see it as the holy grail,the key to unlock myself and really start living without alcahol,I just want to get this right or as close as.
                      How do you know when youve reached the switch?
                      Thanks so much for getting back to me,if I can crack this I have so many fellow sufferers that I can help,



                        There's a difference between drinking thoughts, and thoughts of drinking. One which I've never been able to elucidate... But bleep has. Maybe he'll be by today.

                        You're indifferent when you are literally indifferent. If you care about booze, hear the siren call, want to drink even though you don't want to drink...Well, that's no good.
                        It was the holy grail for me, but not so much for some others. There are underlying things, perhaps, that need to be addressed. (Depression...) But anxiety? That, I think, is a symptom that we pretty universally find alleviated by bac.
                        Titrating up can help with what you're describing. Look around! I'd highly recommend starting with the Consolidated Baclofen Thread. It's linked in my signature. The first part is science-y. Then there are links to many other pertinent threads!

                        I've got to run, Walnut, but others'll be around to share their thoughts I'm sure.



                          thank you.



                            Walnut baclofen does constipate me and a lot of other people. I'm wondering if that could not be part of your stomach problem.

                            You are here:



                              Hey Gingerdust,
                              thats good to know,Im a bit of a health freak,trying to make up for years of bad living,just want to get things right,Im gonna try and space out my doseage in the day instead of taking 20mgs every four hours,just take 10mgs every 2,see if that helps.
                              Is there any advice on nutritition,vitamins that I should be taking?Im sot of veggie,wonder should i bump up protien intake?
                              Now I know its a tweeking thing,just have to juggle it a bit see what fits,
                              Thanks for heads up.

