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    Has anyone heard of Sobrexa ?


    MonaCat, I just browsed through what Google offered. It looks like an herbal supplement. It seems to be sold in conjunction with a recovery program called "Last Call." They are not forthcoming about the cost of the program, which makes me suspicious. The percentage of success claimed also looks suspicious. But I don't know. I don't trust the site enough to give them my email address to find out.

    Sorry if that's not very hopeful. It's just my gut reaction to what I read.

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      Sobrexa, Kudzu, Topamax


      I am new here and was looking for information about Sobrexa and Kudzu. I bought the Sobrexa program being desperate for help in stopping binge drinking. The cost is very very steep @ $900.00 for the eight week program. It was very hard to spend that much money on this but I did because, as I said, I was desperate.

      What I notice as far as the effect of Sobrexa is that I feel lethargic, a bit out of it, any alcohol has an increased effect in my body. I am also craving alcohol way less and am actually a bit scared to drink any because the effect is increased. So I decided to research the active ingredient which is derived from the Kudzu plant and that is what led me to this forum. I have read many articles since last night on Kudzu, its history, side effects etc. There seems to be one discrepancy and that is whether or not the herb INCREASES blood alcohol levels when drinking or DECREASES it. My experience with Sobrexa, which is the same thing, indicates an INCREASE in blood alcohol from less drinks.

      From reading around in this forum I am going to start taking L glutamine as well and look into the hypnosis.

      What I would like to know is, has anyone else had negative side effects from Kudzu? And also what do you all think about Topamax? Is it so effective that I should consider taking that too? What are the side effects?

      Thanks so much, and I hope it is ok that I just jumped right into the forum asking questions. I apologize if there was some protocol I was supposed to follow and didn't realize it.

      Thanks for your responses in advance and thanks for being here! I feel hopeful and not so alone.



        Hi Babygirl, your input was perfect, keep posting, and welcome. All of this info is helpful.



          babygirl... how did your 8 weeks turn out? were you successful? would you recommend sobrexa? thank you in advance for replying. I really want to try this



            Hi Babygirl, welcome to the forum. Regarding your questions about Topa, I would suggest going to the thread entitled "New Here Starting Topamax and With a Question", it is in the same general discussion forum that you are on right now. There are not many people taking Topa right now but there is a ton of information that you can read to answer some of your questions. It is very helpful for some and not so helpful for others, you will find the thread very interesting and we would love to see you there, please join us.


