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Baclofen honeymoon

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    Baclofen honeymoon

    Sorry for missing this. Thanks for staying in touch, Ne. :h

    I am on 350mg now. I was on it about a week and a half ago without side effects, then I was afraid of losing my Baclofen supply, so I went back down to 325mg. When I realised that my Baclofen supply would be fine, I went back up to 350mg and had three days of feeling messed up. I think it's mostly alcohol interacting with the Baclofen. In between all of that, I did have a day where I didn't forget to drink, but forgot how many drinks I had had. I thought that it could be the beginning of indifference, but no.

    I am now at 350mg with no indifference. The question is, how high should I go?


      Baclofen honeymoon

      I felt ok on 350mg for a couple of days, and then I felt messed up for a couple of days. Today though, something that might be significant happened. I kind of forgot to drink this morning. I bought my beer, told myself I would have some soon, and then forgot about it. A few hours later I started on my first beer, and now (five hours after that), I have only drunk three beers. I'm not going to build my hopes up, but I am pleased to at least see some change.


        Baclofen honeymoon


        hmmm. You forgot about it. After you bought it. hmmmm. Well, I'll hold off on the dancing emotis for the moment and give you a couple of days to waver back and forth. I did. Then I decided not to drink one night and I kept forgetting both about drinking and about the decision not to do it. Wash, rinse, repeat. Ta da!

        and yeah, not that this isn't a day late and a dollar short, but if 350 isn't it (it is)...Ya' got three options. Stay there, go up or go down. I know what I'd do. I know of 4 other people who went higher that aren't posting here anymore. beatle and Lowcountryman are two of them. 450 or 500, (beatle) we weren't sure and 400+ for Low. It takes what it takes. Time, and enough bac.

        Nice to hear the good news this morning. I just had a flashback to what Saturdays used to be like. I'd be on my first beer by now. (I tried to wait until noon on my days off.) UGH. Thank all that matters...Hang in there, Nut. It just gets easier.


          Baclofen honeymoon

          Thanks, Ne.

          When you speak about the people who went higher, do you mean that they don't come here anymore because they gave up and went back to drinking, or that they had stopped drinking and didn't need the forums anymore?


            Baclofen honeymoon

            I'm one of those who went higher than that, quite a bit higher. Needlessly, as it turned out. What I found had happened was that I was indifferent at a lower level, and didn't know it. So entrenched was the habit of drinking, that I carried on drinking long after the need had left.

            Try just not drinking, and see how it goes. It sounds to me like you may already just be following the course of habit here!

            Of course, if it turns out that that isn't an option yet, then continue going up.


              Baclofen honeymoon

              Next time, don't get a 12 pack/6 pack of regular beer.

              Try non-alcoholic beer. One 12-pack contains the equivalent of one regular beer.
              AA/SoberRecovery considers this drinking, I just disagree.


                Baclofen honeymoon

                bleep;1235997 wrote: I'm one of those who went higher than that, quite a bit higher. Needlessly, as it turned out. What I found had happened was that I was indifferent at a lower level, and didn't know it. So entrenched was the habit of drinking, that I carried on drinking long after the need had left.

                Try just not drinking, and see how it goes. It sounds to me like you may already just be following the course of habit here!

                Of course, if it turns out that that isn't an option yet, then continue going up.
                Thanks for your input - I will see how it goes.


                  Baclofen honeymoon

                  Pronoia2012;1236005 wrote: Nutshell,
                  Next time, don't get a 12 pack/6 pack of regular beer.

                  Try non-alcoholic beer. One 12-pack contains the equivalent of one regular beer.
                  AA/SoberRecovery considers this drinking, I just disagree.
                  I have had the non-alcoholic beers before. I wasn't really into them. My doctor even suggested mixing them with a regular beer, so that I have a large beer but it's only part acoholic.


                    Baclofen honeymoon

                    bleep;1235997 wrote: I'm one of those who went higher than that, quite a bit higher. Needlessly, as it turned out. What I found had happened was that I was indifferent at a lower level, and didn't know it. So entrenched was the habit of drinking, that I carried on drinking long after the need had left.

                    Try just not drinking, and see how it goes. It sounds to me like you may already just be following the course of habit here!

                    Of course, if it turns out that that isn't an option yet, then continue going up.
                    Thinking about this again...

                    What did you do? You stopped drinking, and then realised that you didn't want to drink anyway?


                      Baclofen honeymoon

                      If you want something with just a dash of AL: 32-ounce Bud/Miller with screw top (no malt liquor/"ice" beer) plus a half-gal of carbonated H20.
                      Or Kombacha tea. Nine bottles equals one Bud, sets you back $54, which makes just a taste of AL that much more expensive and less worth it.


                        Baclofen honeymoon

                        Nutshell;1236042 wrote: Thinking about this again...

                        What did you do? You stopped drinking, and then realised that you didn't want to drink anyway?
                        Not exactly. When I began baclofen, it was with the intention of moderating, so when I reached indifference, I carried on drinking. A couple of glasses of wine, mixed with water (don't ask why!) every night, and then the odd evening out in pubs. This carried on for a while, and on a couple of the pub nights, I ended up getting quite pissed. Various factors then made me question what I was doing, and I decided to try stopping entirely.

                        Not only was it easy, but I quickly realised that I had been drinking purely from my decision to moderate, and from habit. The taste wasn't as appealing anymore, and the effect not as pleasurable, yet I had carried on. It took stopping for me to realise this though, which is why I suggested trying it.

                        I realise that saying "just stop drinking" sounds a bit smug and self righteous, but the beauty of baclofen and indifference is that if you are at the correct level, it really is that simple.


                          Baclofen honeymoon

                          Did you miss it from any psychological/social aspect? I miss the pub that way.


                            Baclofen honeymoon

                            bleep;1236056 wrote: Not exactly. When I began baclofen, it was with the intention of moderating, so when I reached indifference, I carried on drinking. A couple of glasses of wine, mixed with water (don't ask why!) every night, and then the odd evening out in pubs. This carried on for a while, and on a couple of the pub nights, I ended up getting quite pissed. Various factors then made me question what I was doing, and I decided to try stopping entirely.

                            Not only was it easy, but I quickly realised that I had been drinking purely from my decision to moderate, and from habit. The taste wasn't as appealing anymore, and the effect not as pleasurable, yet I had carried on. It took stopping for me to realise this though, which is why I suggested trying it.

                            I realise that saying "just stop drinking" sounds a bit smug and self righteous, but the beauty of baclofen and indifference is that if you are at the correct level, it really is that simple.
                            Thanks, bleep. I don't think I am indifferent just yet, but I am going to keep your advice in mind for when it does happen.


                              Baclofen honeymoon

                              Pronoia2012;1236065 wrote: Bleep,
                              Did you miss it from any psychological/social aspect? I miss the pub that way.
                              A lot of my friends drink. Well, actually, all of my friends drink, and in the past, our entertainment was largely based on meeting in the pub, or at a house, and getting pissed. That's gone, and while I miss the social aspect of that, that's about it. I still see them, but not as much.

                              I've tried hanging out in the pub with people, but it becomes hard work after a couple of hours, when the drinks start flowing! Conversations get disjointed, and people start repeating themselves, only more loudly, so I head off. While I know that I'm leaving then to a good time, I'm actually enjoying tucking myself in to bed with a good book, or something like that.

                              So it's only the social side that I miss, I suppose.

                              It's still a big work in progress for me, so no answers here, yet. But it's fun, so far.


                                Baclofen honeymoon

                                bleep;1236359 wrote: A lot of my friends drink. Well, actually, all of my friends drink, and in the past, our entertainment was largely based on meeting in the pub, or at a house, and getting pissed. That's gone, and while I miss the social aspect of that, that's about it. I still see them, but not as much.

                                I've tried hanging out in the pub with people, but it becomes hard work after a couple of hours, when the drinks start flowing! Conversations get disjointed, and people start repeating themselves, only more loudly, so I head off. While I know that I'm leaving then to a good time, I'm actually enjoying tucking myself in to bed with a good book, or something like that.

                                So it's only the social side that I miss, I suppose.

                                It's still a big work in progress for me, so no answers here, yet. But it's fun, so far.
                                on that note bleep and any one else, has any one noticed that when we stop drinking are old drinking buddys dont like our new choice and dont know what to make of it, iam having problems and i know there talking shity about me its as if there dieing to see me start drinking again

