I am new to this site. I've been lurking about 2 weeks I guess. So be nice to me. I know what's up. Trying to figure out what medication might work for me. Today I went fully prepared to start on Topamax. (I think I secretly want to lose 10 lbs. without having to make the effort...) But alas... My psych (whom I have not seen in 4 years now... as I went off the mood stabilizers (Lamictal) a while ago) didn't think Topa was for me. She doesn't like what it does to the cognitive. So I just heard her out - she heard me out and we're trying Naltrexone. (She actually thinks I should return to Lamictal and sobriety but understands that AA is not for everyone. I've been in and out of AA for 13 years...)
Anyway, long story short, I'm an old school binge drinker. I can control drink most of the time, don't do the every day stuff and inevitably end up binge drinking my face off when I feel like it's safe to do so (like at home or close friend's) sometimes doing stupid things; most of the time I'm cool... but who the hell knows. Anyway... It's Friday night, I went out last night and had 2 whole beers in the course of 4 hours while watching the baseball games. See - I don't get stupid every time I put a drink of alcohol in my mouth as AA might suggest. Sorry AA but not true. Anyways.... here we are; I will report back on my experience with how Naltraxone does for this particular binger.
Thanks for reading. I keep up with a lot of you. Thanks for posting here and helping people out. It means a lot to us lurkers.
